Discourage and want to give up!!



  • My goal is to lose 2 lbs a week.

    I take my daughter to daycare at 8 am every day and head to the gym and i am usually there for about an hour and a half depending on how bad my foot is hurting. (My right foot is fractured near the pinky toe)
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    I feel the same way! I have been doing this for 45 days+ and the scale isnt moving. It is very upsetting, BUT i can tell you that I have continued on this journey because I figure EVENTUALLY SOMETHING HAS to happen. So, I say keep at it even though things aren't going our way. I am in the same boat as you. I even started insanity sunday so maybe that will help me.
  • I've actually just had my thyroide checked! Everything is normal!

  • A heavy exercise program like Insanity causes our bodies to flood the sore muscles with water to help them heal, which often masks any fat loss happening. Could be part of your problem.

    Truth! At least in the beginning. This should subside in short order.
  • sdowdell30
    sdowdell30 Posts: 3 Member
    Do not give up,the weight did not come over night and you will not lose it overnight.It is a lifestyle change,it will come off in due time.Just keep striving to become the healthier you :)
  • Making a salad? Add the dressing, often it is what turns a salad from a great option to a "might as well have went to McDonald's". Count every single little thing.

    This made me think of something. Are you actually measuring out everything you eat? I find myself getting my calories out of control on the oil I put on my salad (100+ calories per tablespoon) and nuts (I've probably ingested 1000+ calories as I sit in front of the TV eating a whole can of almonds).
  • I actually have a set of measuring cups and spoons just for measuring my food and I also have a food scale! Something weight watchers beat into my head!
  • latraviesa79
    latraviesa79 Posts: 3 Member
    You also need to take into consideration your sugar and soduim intake. You may be eating the right amount of calories but if your consuming more of the other stuff like sugars and sodium this can also lead to you not loosing the weight and to much soduim can lead to water retention.

    I have been on MFP for about 2-3 months and I lost and gain the first month until i realized I was doing good with the calories but was over doing it inthe sugar and sodium. Once i took that into account I started losing about 2-3 lbs a week.
  • As hard as it is to do, try to adjust your mindset to progress in months, not days or weeks. Take each day at a time, but realize that this will be long journey if it is to be done the right way. If you go a full month and haven't lost a pound, then think about adjusting your approach, but realize that weight loss is not linear. Focus on the process. Start Insanity and focus on how much stronger you are getting as a person!
  • I am definitely going to have to work on that! Thanks for all the advice! Its so hard for me to think in months when I have a trip to Mexico in 36 days and I don't want to be uncomfortable in a swim suit!
  • Batesey35
    Batesey35 Posts: 30 Member
    Don't give up, you seem to be in the right mindset to want to make a positive change and that is the hardest part of the journey. There has been some really good advice on this forum and I hope that making some of the changes suggested helps you out. Good luck, please don't give up. It'll be worth it x
  • Thank you!! I really need to stick to it this time around!
  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member
    Maybe you might want to think about this. How long did it take to put on the excess weight? Since you are fighting against at least 40,000 years of evolution to take the weight off I would plan on double that time that it took for you to put the weight on to take it off.

    The human body currently wants to get calories during times of excess and store them to sustain you through the lean times, but with our current level of technology the lean times never really come but our bodies do not know that.

    You also may be thinking of this as a diet in the modern definition but maybe you might want to think of it as a diet in the ancient Greek definition

    diet - Comes from Greek diaita, "a way of life, mode of living."
  • froats1
    froats1 Posts: 6
    Don't give up. I go up and down all time. I've not been here for about a year I think. I keep forgetting to come to this site. . I want to look great in a new bathing suit that I bought . It fits but I want to look great in it. We have rented a cottage in July and I want to look better in it when we company if we go swimming. I should not feel embarrassed in front of people. Good luck to you. I'm starting my weight loss journey all over again as of today. So don't feel bad about the 3 pounds at least it a loss and you are going in the right direction. Keep up the good work. KIM
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    I HEAR YOU! I have been on MFP for a few months and have actually gained weight! UGH! I workout 4 days week. You will get a lot of advice here and a lot of support, so don't give up. I found out that I'm not eating enough, and had to up my calories.....so I'm seeing if that makes a difference. I didn't gain wait until I stopped running due to an injury. I now do the recumbent bike and elliptical and to weights and also have the Total Gym at home. not sure if the fact that programs I do on those machine have more resistance/inclines so I'm burning more cals? SO, again just trying different things! Figuring your body out and how it works is so frustrating! Just keep at it!
  • punkisdead83
    punkisdead83 Posts: 69 Member
    I actually spoke to a personal trainer at the gym yesterday and I am going to meet with her on Friday. I have been doing cardio (treadmill, elliptical, bike) and I started weights yesterday. I also have been walking in the evenings and I have done a week of insanity and I just get really upset when I don't see any change! I will also increase my calories and see if that helps! Thank you!

    It's hard to say without actually looking at the data, but my money is with all that exercise your doing, you're not taking enough calories in.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    You are welcome to give up, but first, the standard setting for MFP is to lose 1 pound a week... which you have. Many people lose 5 lbs the first week from the body's glycogen stores, which are filled by eating above maintenance and quickly depleted by eating below maintenance. However, if you were already eating right and exercising beforehand, but just staying at a steady weight, that won't happen.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I am 5'10 223.6 24 years old and Not sure on the BMI!

    My calorie goal set by MFP is 1310 I believe.

    Sounds like you are not eating enough. I know it sounds counter-productive, but my BMR is 1370 and I'm 5'5 and 135lbs. You should not eat below your bmr, and you definitely have a higher bmr than I do. Whenever I lower my calories below my BMR I stall and don't lose anything. I suggest looking up your BMR and eating a little bit above that number at the very least and see what happens.
  • tmogs
    tmogs Posts: 287 Member
    I don't want to sound too harsh this is meant to be encouragement. Losing 3lbs in 3 weeks is AWESOME! You're not on the biggest loser and you don't look obese so this is exceptional. You are losing at a rate that you know it actual weight lost and should just pop back after you have eaten a bad meal. I've been on here since 2010. I haven't gotten to my goal weight but I'm not giving up and I log and track every day.

    Don't give up YOU ARE DOING GREAT!
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    A pound a week is great. Stay with it. You'll see results and you'll lose slowly enough that it will stay off. This way is the end to yoyo dieting and will train you to maintain, too.