Anyone ever try a fad diet before?



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Too many to count ..... and yes they were all highly successful (which is why I'm here) ..... NOT!

    1. Grapefruit diet
    2. Dolly Parton Diet
    3. Rotation Diet
    4. Sweet tooth diet
    5. Slim Fast
    6. Low carb diet ...... oops .... it's now a fashion (not a fad): :wink:
  • jwesterm
    jwesterm Posts: 6
    Currently on the Keto diet but it's not really a fad since it was designed in the 70's. The diet is simple, minimize carb intake to start ketosis.

    Not trying to gimmick anyone but this is an excerpt from another post I made;
    Carbohydrates in the diet cause an insulin (a "storage" hormone) output in the pancreas. It is used to store glycogen, amino acids into muscles, while causing excess calories to be stored as fat. So common sense asks me, "How can one try to break down fat, when your body is in a storage-type mode?" Difficult to do, indeed. That is why it makes perfect sense for step one to be cutting carbs.
    The next thing that happens in your body is the rise in catecholamines (a "fat mobilizing" hormone), cortisol (a "breakdown" hormone), and growth hormone. Now your body realizes there’s no more carbs to burn for energy, so it must find another energy source: fat.
    This usually happens during a metabolic condition called "ketosis." This is when your liver is out of glycogen and starts to produce ketones (by-products of fatty acids). You can check your status of whether or not you are in ketosis with urinalysis strips you can pick up at any local drug store called "Ketostix." Just urinate and see if it turns color. If so, you have ketones in the urine.
    When the body is fed fat and protein, it will use dietary fat along with bodyfat for energy with protein going towards repair.
    As a side note, there is another reason why this diet makes the most sense to use while keeping muscle. When one follows a high carbohydrate, low-fat, reduced-calorie diet, there’s a point when some bodyfat is burned, but when the body is still in a carbohydrate burning metabolism while trying to lose "weight," it will strip down precious body protein to convert to glucose for energy.

    I researched this diet a lot to be convinced as I am not big on nutrition since growing up my body has always had a high metabolism rate. But I am convinced and have been tracking weight lost and while not in huge moderation it is working well. I have read a lot of body builders will do Keto to keep definition without losing muscle mass.

    Diets work, people just give up or cannot keep a positive vibe about them.
  • oowyrakcaj
    I do Slimfast most days, but I only have it for breakfast if I'm in a bit of a rush, otherwise I'll have a smoothie instead. I won't have it for lunch though - I'll have some actual food. It seems to work for me.
  • toshi89
    toshi89 Posts: 101 Member
    The closest I did was weight watchers, but you can eat what you want, so I don't know if that counts. My mother has tried most of them. But diets don't work, b/c you're going to just go back to your old ways. It's a good jump-start, but you have to make a life choice to clean up your diet for the rest of your life. Yea, you can binge every often, We're only human, but those fad diets don't really, truly work for the long haul.
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    HGC - lost 35LB
    Continued with Atkins (modified) only lean meats and salads. Lost additional 30LB
    Now, on the plant-based diet with 10% of animal protein. Lost additional 30LBs
  • Jasmine_James
    Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
    I have tried quite a few over the years:

    1. Slim Fast (hated those "chocolate" drinks!"
    2. Abs Diet (this is healthy eating and I had good success with it)
    3. Juice Fast (vegetable and fruit juicing for 3 days -- did lose some weight, but it's a pretty miserable experience)
    4. Dukan Diet (did lose weight but then it came back on with a vengeance)
  • csnyder0007
    csnyder0007 Posts: 26 Member
    The only "fad" diet I ever tried was Atkins. I was an Over the Road trucker at the time. I had a microwave and a hot plate in the sleeper and my tractor always smelled like bacon and eggs.

    No, it didn't work and I was never comfortable with sending m bod into a constant state of Ketosis.

    MFP is b far the most useful tool in maintaining a healthy lifestyle that I have found.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Can you call anorexia a fad diet considering many people did it and suggested it when I was younger?

    I did that, I was rail thin and then when I would start eating again I would gain like nobodies business. I had an extremely unhealthy relationship with food because of that 'habit' or 'diet' and not only am I paying for it now with long term consequences I also paid for it back then by always yo-yoing and never finding happiness with my body.

    Never do a diet that you cannot maintain for the rest of your life, you'd be kidding yourself if you think it would be the best choice to do so.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    No, and I won't. I tried "eating healthier" and lost 4 lbs in the first four months that I was lifting. Then I started tracking everything and hitting my macros, lost 13 lbs and >4" off my waist in the next 3 months. In my opinion, fads don't work in the long run. Only changing your life works in the long run.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I did the Scarsdale diet which is basically just a VLCD. I lost about 30-40 pounds on it, then switched to more realistic plans like south beach, then switched to just eating healthy and working out.
  • MizAngie
    MizAngie Posts: 113 Member
    I have done Herbal Life and Dr. Bernstein...WW and Body for Life.

    I did enjoy Body for Life, I was able to eat and workout it was all balanced. It was just so much work. Ya I am a lazy slug. But I know whats good for me and will be going back to doing the same workouts.
  • LitaRose77
    LitaRose77 Posts: 124 Member
    Sure. Slimfast, Atikins, 6 Week Body Makeover & WW. Never fell in for the pills though & the Slimfast lasted a short time as the drinks were too chalky for me (this was at least 20 years ago) I had lost 30 lbs with the 6 Week one & an additional 30 with WW that same year (2006), but I plateued & gained it all back.
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    Atkins -lost 50lbs...gained a prescription for Crestor and Nexium

    MFP - so far have lost 85lbs and the meds listed above
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    There was one years ago that consisted of eating what was essentially a piece of fudge before meals. The idea was that having some glucose before a meal would make you eat less. Of course you had to buy the "special" fudge. I don't know why I tried it as I didn't need to lose weight anyway. It was just fashionable to diet at the time.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I've tried the 30 bananas a day diet. It was way too much raw food to start and I didn't digest most of it. I do eat more fruit every day because of it but I've gone back to a normal diet with lean proteins and vegetables.
  • Wantingtolose1
    Wantingtolose1 Posts: 139 Member
    I've done heaps- weight watchers, celebrity slim, 8 hour diet, Atkins, paleo, tried being vegan just to lose weight, gluten free just to lose weight, naturally thin, carbohydrate attics diet and probably a lot more that I can't think of. The only ones that I lasted on long enough to get to goal weight were weight watchers and celebrity slim after weight watchers I got pregnant so needless to say I stopped it and celebrity slim got me down to my goal weight after baby but their maintenance plan is very vague and contradictory as in parts of their book it says to follow low carb but in suggested foods at the back of the book it is all low go. So that's how I ended up here trying to find a way to maintain my weight loss without having to follow a strict diet.