Insanity calories to net or just to eat

I have 2 questions.
1) I did the calculations in the Insanity nutrition guide. I am 16, 5"4, and 133 lbs. I got 1,459 as my BMR. Then I multiplied it by 1.7 (very active) and I got 2,480 calories to maintain my weight. BUT I want to lose weight so I subtracted 500 and I got 1980. Is this number what I should NET? or JUST WHAT I SHOULD EAT UP TO?

2) If I want to lose 2 lbs per week, I would subtract 1,000 instead of 500. That puts me at 1480 calories. Is this too low? Would you reccommend this? Or should I stay at just -500 calories?


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    1) 1980 is what you should net in order to lose 1 lb a week, if your calculations are correct. If you are logging exercise separately from your "very active" lifestyle, it may be a little high.
    2) 1480 should be ok, but you would probably feel better if you keep it closer to a 500 calorie deficit.

    Question--do you log your exercise separately, or do you keep it as part of your "very active" lifestyle? How much do you want to lose? 133 at your height is a very healthy weight.
  • mellymellyme
    mellymellyme Posts: 2 Member
    1) since you already included exercise, 1980 is what you need to be eating up too.
    2) I did insanity and trust me 1480 is not enough. you need to eat 1980 so you have enough energy to do things throughout the day or else you will be very exhausted.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I'm honestly hesitant to answer this because you are only 16. Your body isn't fully developed and doesn't function as an adults would.
  • I usually log it into MFP, so what should I put in as my net goal?
  • andriachelle1
    andriachelle1 Posts: 8 Member
    Okay, I *think* I'm struggling with my caloric intake. I've followed the formula from this... Nutrition Guide.pdf starting on page 10.

    I'm a female, 5'2, currently 134.4 and 33 years old. My goal is to lose and my final caloric intake (with moderate activity) shows 1633. Keep in mind, that's with the 500 calorie deficit intended to lose.

    My two questions are this....

    1. Why does that seem like so many calories? I adjusted my calorie intake to 1390 because I seem satisfied at the end of the day with that. I just don't want to do any harm to my body or have my body store fat because it thinks I'm in starvation mode.

    2. When using this formula, it's calculating your activity level. Do you think it's because it A - assists with the metabolic burn each day or B - it's assuming how many calories you will more thank likely burn during a workout.

    I'm asking because on MFP, I have 1390 listed as my goal. When I do exercise though, I add those calories burned. So, some days I'm under my goal of 1390 by 250 (because of exercise) and other days I'm right at my goal of 1390 because I'll eat that 250 I burned.

    I know, this is so confusing! I just want to be sure that it's okay to eat those calories back some days without ruining my goal of weight loss.

    I hope this makes sense!!