

  • i am the point of being afraid to eat more, because it messed with head and I'm afraid i'll gain even more!
    Who knew that working out and eating right would cause weight GAIN?!!!!

    I am right there with you!!!! This is so frustrating and in the end I just get upset or mad!
  • hmkeith
    hmkeith Posts: 9
    I'm sorry I have to chime in here. I am 5'9" and my comfortable healthy weight is around 165-170. I am a pole fitness instructor and have great muscles. I don't give a **** that other girls WEIGH less than me because I know my body looks good an performs beautifully. Do NOT let those mind games mess you up. Stop weighing. Use measurements, take progress photos, love yourself. Eat real food. Focus on having fun and trying new things instead of how much you hate your scale. It will change your life.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    Thanks so much! I know I fall for the mind games and I so see muscle forming but I guess I'm frustrated because this weight gain seems so sudden to me! Like what changed? Does the stationary bike build more muscle? My pants ARE tighter in the waist and my legs too. My legs do feel firmer though. I just don't know!!
  • michellewong699
    michellewong699 Posts: 98 Member
    not eating after a certain time is RUBBISH! it makes no difference to your weight loss if you are in a caloric deficit.
    Oh this!!!!
    I have to say that my family made me believe in that bs while I was growing up. They would restrict any eating after 7pm because we would "all get super fat". I would lay in bed forever and have a hard time sleeping because I was so dang hungry!

    The one thing I learned is that PROTEIN is one of the best things you can have before bed. While you are sleeping, your body may burn away muscle because it is not being fed at night. Our bodies do not just reset at 12am every morning.

    I personally like to have several slices of turkey before bed. It tastes delicious, does not make me feel 'too full' for bed, and it is saving my muscle from being accidentally eaten away because I'm laying in bed hungry.

    And in regards to the rest of your post, I have to agree that you were not eating enough calories. I can see that many people have already pointed you in the right direction. Good luck with your weight loss and good luck with developing healthier eating habits as well!