Can Binge Eating Disorder Turn Into Bulimia?

Warning, this post does contain some content that is TMI. I would prefer responses from people who understand eating disorders.

I've struggled with food my entire life, but I can recall intentionally controlling my food when I was in 6th grade. My senior year in high school is when I realized I had an eating disorder but I didn't know which one until after I graduated. I'm now 21. I thought I had it under control, but once I started trying to lose weight I realized I was terribly wrong. I gained 10 pounds since January because of my binging, and I haven't necessarily given up, but it has been frustrating.

From what I understand, bulimia is when someone forces themselves to vomit (which I have never done) but recently I've been noticing my body feels like it's trying to throw up, and last night, without any force I threw up twice. Maybe not so much threw up as much as spit up?

I'm only concerned because I'm already struggling with one eating disorder, and don't want to develop another one.

If you prefer to message me privately, that's ok.

Also, I have tried researching this online and couldn't find anything that answered my question.


  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Yes, I think it can. I have taken some psychology and counseling courses and knowing people who have eating disorders people often will struggle with both bulimia and anorexia so why not BED and bulimia. I have thrown up in the past to control food intake but never really became addicted to it so it was easy to stop. I gained weight even when I threw up as well so that stopped that behavior pretty quick. Remember that when you binge and throw up like 50% of the food you eat remains in your stomach and it is easy to gain even if you do those behaviors unless you starve yourself all day and throw up all day. Not encouraging that as it is very unhealthy and would make you feel terrible emotionally and physically. I am not into starving myself and throwing up all the time.

    It doesn't sound like you are addicted now just start logging your food and pursuing your goals with your health. It will make you feel really good to get healthy and not just change from one problem to another.
  • Thank you JDBLY11 :)
  • gigglinangel
    gigglinangel Posts: 8 Member
    Try the book Food the good girls drug by sunny seagold. It seriously changed my life. It helped me with my binge eating and I have been in recovery for a long time now. It goes into the emotional reasons of why we binge and things to do to help it. If you need any help or support at all I'm here for ya.