For those who like to buy stuff online...



  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    im slightly confused with what youre asking. are you trying to sell stuff online?
    if so make the item more expensive and do free shipping
  • randoswife
    randoswife Posts: 32 Member
    Yeah, sorry, it's free shipping. Short of that, maybe a deal like $15 off orders over $50...basically making up for the shipping, so still kinda free shipping.
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    I go for New York and Company's $60 off for every $125. It's basically 50% off. Gets me every time.

    I also go for the cash coupons. NY & Co also does this but other companies have done it too like LivingSocial. Basically when you buy the first or second times, you get a cash coupon. NY does like $15 for every $30 you spend. So the other day I spent $70, and I got two $15 cash coupons (that I can only use during a certain time frame). So I go back during the time frame and spend the $30 (or more like $45 and only pay $15). I think Groupon does something similar, but has a points system.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    If Congress passes what they want to pass, we will all be paying taxes soon for online purchases. So online retailers will not enjoy their current low overhead, and increased sales.

    I like to buy items I can wait for. Meaning if I know I need a text book and have time I will buy it online. I will but items online that are significantly cheaper, antiques, that is all I can think about.
  • hendelk
    hendelk Posts: 22 Member
    The deciding factor for me is if I can get it cheaper online than in the store. If shipping costs make it more expensive than I can find it in the store, then I'll go buy it in the store.
  • kennedyamanda
    Free shipping is always a perk, but as you said that is not possible, there are other things that help too.

    User reviews available right on the website. This is one thing I love about sites like Amazon. You can see all the reviews right away, you don't have to search around to find out what people are saying about certain products. Also, their "One Click Buy" is fantastic (and a little dangerous)!

    Shipping to Canada is a big one for me, because I've ran into a few websites lately that I don't find that out until I am trying to pay for something. Or if it can't be shipped, say so right away instead of having to find out later.

    How easy is it to navigate the website and add things to my cart? I've been on websites where you try to add something to the cart, and it completely takes you away from the page you were looking at and you have to try to find where you were before. And don't make it impossible to remove things from the cart. If I changed my mind, let me remove something instead of making me redo the whole cart.

    Also, good shipment tracking. Providing the tracking number right away instead of me having to call and ask for it. And be honest with the time frame it will arrive in. Non of this 3-4 business days crap when it takes over a week to even get shipped.

    Also, I won't put my credit card info in until I know how secure the website is.

    Anyways, this is just some of the things I look for. Hope this helps! :)
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    if it helps - we sell chocolate and candy making supplies, so it's for making stuff yourself like molded chocolate, dipped fruits, even chocolate fountains. we also sell caramel and centers, molds, tools, etc.

    That's why it's expensive to ship though, especially during summer time with added insulated packs and stuff.

    I was just trying to give my bosses some ideas on things people are really into right now, and it looks like FREE anything is the general consensus lol
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...for free shipping.
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    You can say no free shipping, but honestly free shipping is what I always want. Even if it's a little more expensive, I'd rather do that than have to pay for freaking shipping. That or a % off everything that's 20% or more. Nothing irks me more than 12% off the overstock sends me all the time. That's insulting.

    Me too. If I have to pay for shipping, I'm most likely not going to buy it.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    Genuine price reductions on my favourite brands. Especially when buying presents for my family.
    Got my son a £65.00 hoody for £35.00, to me that's bargain. Always on the look out for voucher codes to bring the cost down.

    With regards to food purchases buy one get one free always works for me. :)
    I have seen buy one get 2 free on food items before now that is a bargain!

    BOGOF :laugh:
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    Free shipping here, too. I shop online a lot, but it is very difficult to compare service and prices with added shipping all over the board. Raise your prices slightly and offer free shipping, at least for when people spend $x.
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    thanks for all your input everyone!

    I'm still open to more ideas, i just wanted to thank you all for your suggestions
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    This is for my work actually, but i was basically wondering what YOUR favorite types of sales are for online shopping, or what entices you to buy?

    ***(SHIPPING Specials cannot be mentioned - we ship heavy packages and cannot afford to eat shipping costs)***

    Don't eat the shipping costs! They're calorically-dense and nutritionally-sparse! :laugh: Just stuff them deep inside the base price... kinda like a 'turducken'. Alternatively, publish a flat-rate shipping cost, whether it be per-item or per-order. People HATE to fill their cart first and then go through the hassle of plugging in info (e.g. zip code) to find out the shipping cost.
  • Firephoenix013
    Maybe for molds do a buy one get one half off. With this tea place I buy off of, he sells loose leaf tea and once in a while he'll throw in free bags to seep the tea in which is great! Or he'll create sample packs and offer them at a discount. He can't offer free shipping unless you do an order of 50.00 or more because he is in Canada and so costs to the US for shipping are up there, but if you spend a set amount it's free. Usually I spend over 50.00 to get it. Also if you buy a bigger bulk size of the tea, you get a free canister to store it in. Perhaps for some of the molds you could do a free center or caramel of their choice for larger purchases? Just kinda put birds of a feather together. I like getting any percent off that I can. Sales are good. I like sales. Also you can do like some stores do. During a certain time period for every 100.00 you spend you get a 25.00 certificate. When you get that 25.00 certificate it is to spend on 50.00 worth of merchandise. So you get half off your purchase. So let's say I've got 4 of them so that's 100.00. I have to buy 200.00 worth of items to use my certificates. Usually I end up going over, but it's a good program and you can only use it during set times. You can try that as well. Hope these ideas helped!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I mostly buy books...and the cheaper the better so I can afford the shipping. Free swag always seems so cheap and worthless. You could always give a gift certificate for the next purchase. I buy all my ear tunnels online, and I always get a 15% off card with my purchase.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Maybe for molds do a buy one get one half off. With this tea place I buy off of, he sells loose leaf tea and once in a while he'll throw in free bags to seep the tea in which is great! Or he'll create sample packs and offer them at a discount. He can't offer free shipping unless you do an order of 50.00 or more because he is in Canada and so costs to the US for shipping are up there, but if you spend a set amount it's free. Usually I spend over 50.00 to get it. Also if you buy a bigger bulk size of the tea, you get a free canister to store it in. Perhaps for some of the molds you could do a free center or caramel of their choice for larger purchases? Just kinda put birds of a feather together. I like getting any percent off that I can. Sales are good. I like sales. Also you can do like some stores do. During a certain time period for every 100.00 you spend you get a 25.00 certificate. When you get that 25.00 certificate it is to spend on 50.00 worth of merchandise. So you get half off your purchase. So let's say I've got 4 of them so that's 100.00. I have to buy 200.00 worth of items to use my certificates. Usually I end up going over, but it's a good program and you can only use it during set times. You can try that as well. Hope these ideas helped!

    DavidsTea...they're amazing!
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    BOGO or Buy 2 get one
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    i can not say what entices me aside from the obvious shipping but i can say 10% off just irks me. that doesn't even cover sales tax!

    eta - i do like buy one get one half off or some such thing.
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Look at your margin, increase your prices, add a bit of free on the side and offer free or discounted shipping.
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    If it is something I want I'll buy it, when deciding to purchase I will consider the postage and packing and only buy if I am happy with the total cost. As regards what I would buy, it really depends on what I want or need.