
k I know I have a ton of cals left over for the day and i want to eat something but its like 1045 at night... is it a wise idea?


  • Precious_Nissa
    if its too late and i have alot of calories, I will eat a snack, but not heavy food.....
  • ldybugg
    ldybugg Posts: 134
    eveybody has their own opinion on this. me personally i just stay away from true carbs at nite. like i just had mixed berries a lil wheat germ and milk. sometimes ill snack on edemame things like that. i stay up late so as long as im within my cals im ok w it.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Vow to do better tomorrow and move on. Anticipate what exercise calories you will have and eat 3/4 of the in the morning and afternoon. It works! Take care!
  • moebe97
    moebe97 Posts: 2
    I would tend to agree - if you stick with natural foods that your body can break down and burn off quickly (like fruits, veggies, or super grains) then it shouldn't be a problem. I find berries to be a really satisfying snack because they have fiber - and of course, they're amazingly delicious.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    I have not seen any issues regarding what time of day or night that I eat. If I am within my calorie budget and I am hungry, I eat. I don't have a normal schedule, and rarely sleep all night, so I am up and down constantly. This odd eating schedule of mine has not affected my weight loss. If I am going to sleep, I do avoid anything loaded with carbs, but I don't eat a lot of carbs to begin with.

    So my thought if you are hungry.
    Good luck!!!!
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    I tend to stand by the adage of eating if you're hungry and not eating if you're not.

    I work very odd hours and sleep very odd hours and have lost weight at the rate I'm "supposed to" according to MFP and I sometimes eat whole meals at 1 or 2 in the morning before I go to bed. I don't sleep well if I eat TOO much at night but if I'm hungry for a whole meal at bedtime (which for me usually consists of some kind of protein and some veggies, plus a bit of dark chocolate or the like), I eat one! I have had no adverse effects, weight-loss wise. My eating super-late at night also often means I don't eat again til noon or 1 the next day. This works fine for me. Probably wouldn't be the best routine for someone who has a more normal work/sleep schedule, but I think it's proof that the whole "night-time eating makes you fat" thing is a myth. It does if you end up gorging at night. It doesn't if you stay within your calorie budget. :)

    Listen to your body, that's always the best way to go. It knows what's best for you way more than any of us do.
  • hawaiibound
    hawaiibound Posts: 158
    I tend to have the exact same problems...look at my was a usual day...i eat when i'm hungry...i don't get to do my Shred dvd until around 930 so that makes my calorie count really high by 10 at night. i don't want to add the excersize before i do it just in case i don't do it ya know. so when i do add it in i have over 1000 left...i usually have a protien shake or smoothie and maybe a wedge of laughing cow cheese.
  • Lilliesmom2010
    I'd grab fruits and veggies to snack on, maybe find or make your own low or non-fat dip to dip them in. Drink a smoothe made of yogurt, fresh berries and ice blended together. That would be cool and refreshing. Good Luck. :drinker: