The truth is ugly

I didn't want to finish my food journal tonight. I knew how bad it would look. The truth is ugly. But I finished it anyways and got to see it in black and white (and red) the numbers are red if they are too high. It made it easier finishing the journal knowing no one else can see it, it's bad enough to have to look at it myself but to have others look at it would be just too much. But I guess that is one of the things that will make this weight loss process successful and different from the ones in the past. I am facing the truth, no matter how ugly it is.

I'm not going to beat myself up too much. I know the first week of this for me is just getting an accurate picture at my eating habits. The first week is not necessarily about changes but more about knowledge, recognition and accountability. The change will come later.

By noon time today I had 400 calories left for the day, when my son asked me why I admitted to the few mountain dews I had this morning. Mountain Dew is my biggest vice, my children call it the green monster.
Of course I know Mountain Dew is bad for me in more ways then one, but I always justified it by saying at least it is not drinking, drugs or smoking (the vices my parents had when I was growing up).

But the thing that really struck me today, when looking over my food diary for the day, my recommended calorie intake for the day is 1600, those calories are beginning to look kind of valuable to me. I easily drink a meals worth of calories everyday. Do I really want to waste my precious calories on a drink?

Although I am disappointed by the totals on my food diary today, I am also recognizing that my mentality is beginning to shift and that makes me happy because in the end that is what will help me maintain any weight loss I acheieve.

The truth today is ugly but it is not permenant, tomorrow I have the amazing opportunity to redefine my truth. I am looking forward to it.


  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    a little start you can do is change from regular mt dew to diet.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Thank you for sharing! Great insight into how our minds change as we go through the process. You're a great writer :)
  • leakewh
    leakewh Posts: 91 Member
    I agree...that would be a HUGE help....why would you want to waste that many calories on liquids anyway...going diet would open up calories for good food....
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    a little start you can do is change from regular mt dew to diet.

    I'd rather have a single regular pop than as many diet ones as I could choose. The artificial sugars are not processed by your body and can be stored as toxins in your fats. Studies have suggested that aspartame can actually trick your body into gaining weight, rather than helping you lose it by reducing calories.

    Enjoy a regular pop now and then. Buy mini cans so it stays fresh and carbonated. And remember, calories from whole foods make you feel full a lot longer than fluid ones.

    Good luck! Here are a few sites to look at, there are hundreds out there!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I agree...that would be a HUGE help....why would you want to waste that many calories on liquids anyway...going diet would open up calories for good food....

    The REAL trick is to quit all together...i limit myself to 3 cans of diet dr pepper a day, trying to ween myself off lol. I know that sounds like a lot, but i used to drink a whole liter to myself a day, if not more.
  • camaris
    camaris Posts: 36 Member
    Excellent post. I was shocked to see how many calories the foods I love are worth. For example, Coke. I always looked down on Coke Zero etc but now I am drinking it. Why? Because now calories are like money to me and I want to get my money's worth.

    That is the best thing about keeping a food diary (and I have to admit I am obsessive about it). I can see what I am "spending" and "budget". Now I try and get the most bang for my buck and eat foods that have low calorie to how much they filll my stomach ratio.

    A can of real Coke is a poor investment when a can of Coke Zero is 1 calorie. It sucks, but it will be worth it one day I am sure.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    a little start you can do is change from regular mt dew to diet.

    I'd rather have a single regular pop than as many diet ones as I could choose. The artificial sugars are not processed by your body and can be stored as toxins in your fats. Studies have suggested that aspartame can actually trick your body into gaining weight, rather than helping you lose it by reducing calories.

    Enjoy a regular pop now and then. Buy mini cans so it stays fresh and carbonated. And remember, calories from whole foods make you feel full a lot longer than fluid ones.

    Good luck!

    I'm not even kidding if you open me up and took out a fat cell, i'm sure 80% of it would have been aspartame lol...i think soda all together should be a no no, anything that hasn't came from what god made should be a no no, but in the real world we all have our hangups on certain things.
  • jasonweinberg
    quitting soda was easy for me. i never much liked it anyway. lemonade was my vice, and i can live without it.
  • jasonweinberg
    oh, and beer even more so. that has been hard for me to quit, especially when people around me are drinking it. but i have been loving all the water i drink and yes, all the money i save.
  • techiedude811
    A little over a month and a half ago I dropped soda completely. No diet mt dew, no jones cream soda, no coca cola. The only coke I have had was with some Jack (my favorite alcoholic drink which I don't have very often either) at a comedy club while on vacation last weekend. I only drink water and a little juice now and then or some almond milk. I found that I was just wasteing too many calories on an empty drink that did nothing for me. It was an easy decision for me just to STOP. I know for others it is harder to do. I wish you luck with the green monster, you can kick him to the side. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • txladybug41
    txladybug41 Posts: 105 Member
    I am making many adjustments to the food I eat and buy to eat, based on what I learn from the food diary. It is a real eye opener. I'm trying out better low calorie/low fat/low carb foods. Some take getting use to eating it. Some taste awful. Experiment the different options out there and incorporate that into your diet. For instance, I love eggs and bacon, but until I started jotting it into my food diary and seeing how much fat and calories it was putting into me, I started experimenting with "Real eggs" substitutes and turkey bacon.. and you know what? It isn't bad at all and it's better for me. I hate wheat bread but have found a white-wheat bread that comes close to the real thing. Key is substitution.

    I think if you're compensating your eating part of your diet with better choices and excercising, than having just one real can/bottle of mountain dew can be ok.. but make it just one can/bottle per week!! I love ice cream too, but I know I can't have that every day. And when I splurge on it , I usually buy the low cal,unsweetened versions that I have found to taste just fine.

    Hope this helps. Best of luck. You can add me as a friend for moral support if you wish. :)
  • debhue75
    debhue75 Posts: 21
    Cheers to you for being so honest and open. :flowerforyou: I too have been in the red lately :sad: but if we aren't honest with ourselfs and omit items from our journals how can we expect a difference when it comes time to weigh in, Thats how I see it anyway. Plus we need to hold ourselves accountable for what we put in our mouths.

    Good luck

  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    a little start you can do is change from regular mt dew to diet.

    I'd rather have a single regular pop than as many diet ones as I could choose. The artificial sugars are not processed by your body and can be stored as toxins in your fats. Studies have suggested that aspartame can actually trick your body into gaining weight, rather than helping you lose it by reducing calories.

    Enjoy a regular pop now and then. Buy mini cans so it stays fresh and carbonated. And remember, calories from whole foods make you feel full a lot longer than fluid ones.

    Good luck! Here are a few sites to look at, there are hundreds out there!

    Thank your for sharing all of this! This has been a point I have tried arguing for so long now...and people just don't get. Or more like, don't want to. It is poison...straight up! I would so much rather count the calories, carbs and sugar!!!
  • Precious_Nissa
    No do not beat yourself up....we all have those days and moment...NEVER be afraid to include your foods and all in your diary....accountability is your best friend and a true supporter will life you up and not make you feel bad about the mess me, we've all had them....
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    OK - you admitted to a public audience so now be done with it. Move on and realize we all make mistakes. Vow to do better tomorrow - and you will. Regarding the Mt Dew - I know it is the WORST soda (on many charts). I was a HUGE coke drinker - like 2 six packs a DAY! I now don't drink it AT ALL and I have not for YEARS. Propel is what I found to take it's place. For my sister it is a carbonated, flavored water. So - go to the grocery store EVERY DAY and try one new one! Try all the flavors as we all have or favorites (I HATE grape Propel). You too will find something to take the place of Mt Dew. Best of luck!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    a little start you can do is change from regular mt dew to diet.

    I'd rather have a single regular pop than as many diet ones as I could choose. The artificial sugars are not processed by your body and can be stored as toxins in your fats. Studies have suggested that aspartame can actually trick your body into gaining weight, rather than helping you lose it by reducing calories.

    Enjoy a regular pop now and then. Buy mini cans so it stays fresh and carbonated. And remember, calories from whole foods make you feel full a lot longer than fluid ones.

    Good luck! Here are a few sites to look at, there are hundreds out there!

    agree 100 %

    i started eating "clean" last fall.....however, have not been a pop drinker for a few yrs. but if I do have a pop, maybe once a month or can bet it is gonna be a REAL pop....and maybe even only 1/4 - 1/2 can..the sugar about chokes me!
  • natspoiledbrat
    a little start you can do is change from regular mt dew to diet.

    I'd rather have a single regular pop than as many diet ones as I could choose. The artificial sugars are not processed by your body and can be stored as toxins in your fats. Studies have suggested that aspartame can actually trick your body into gaining weight, rather than helping you lose it by reducing calories.

    Enjoy a regular pop now and then. Buy mini cans so it stays fresh and carbonated. And remember, calories from whole foods make you feel full a lot longer than fluid ones.

    Good luck! Here are a few sites to look at, there are hundreds out there!

    I totally agree. I started drinking Diet Dr. Pepper back around 1999. I drank it everyday for about 3 years. I didn't realize until I had stopped drinking it that I actually gained weight, and more importantly that it was the cause of the migraine headaches that I suffered from for those 3 years. As soon as I stopped drinking Diet DP, I stopped getting headaches.

    I know exactly how you feel. I am totally addicted to Coke. I would rather skip a meal and be able to drink a coke. I have cut back from 7-10 cokes a day to only 1. This has been a huge change for me, and it has been difficult, but I know that if I could do it, you can too! Good luck and way to have such a positive attitude on what is to come!
  • bree5291
    bree5291 Posts: 50
    It's so great you're realizing what will benefit you. Nothing but luck and love to you.
  • lisacarole
    lisacarole Posts: 11
    Water, water, water . . . make it inviting by buying yourself a PUR or BRITA pitcher, and then a cool (BPA free) water jug.
    I can't believe it, but in less than two weeks, I no longer crave the Coke Zero and Diet Coke that I used to have every morning.
    Good Luck!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    :drinker: Cheers to you for admitting your bad habits!!! That is the first step :smile: I wish you the best of luck in breaking the habit...remind yourself that you are wasting precious calories, maybe that will help. I wish I got as many as you...I only get 1200 a day :sad: