why is it that i cant sleep??!!! grr like kitty!!

gingerra19800 Posts: 67
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
ive been working out at least 30 minz a day..whats driving me insane besides the basic..."i dont wana do this!" whining...lol! is i found lately i cant sleep very well..not cause im in any severe pain or anything..i truly toss and turn at night for hours at times..so what is going on..i thought exercising was suppose to make you relax and get a good night sleep..grrrr like kitty!! btw i dont exercise at night at all...i do it early mornin!! is this happening to anyone else??? :grumble: :yawn:


  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Are you eating/snacking late evening? Sometimes, I find that if I end up eating late (after 9pm) I find it difficult to sleep so I try to avoid eating after 9pm.
  • beautyqueen1979
    beautyqueen1979 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm not sure what is causing it - all I know is this week I have found I have not sleeped as well as I would normally. And this is the week I've started exercising more, cut down on coffee and fizzy drinks :huh: weird :huh:

    I'm hoping it's just my body changing and it will even out.
    If it helps, sometimes I find if I stress that I am not sleeping it puts me off even more. I find if I lie there and just think of it as having a relaxing time with my eyes closed it takes the pressue off to 'fall' asleep I will end up alseep faster and feel more refreshed in the morning, even if I haven't slept as long as I'd like.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    If you're exercising too close to bed time then that could be it. It varies for everyone, but exercising that late for some people doesn't make them tired/sleep better, but instead wakes them up and gives them that fresh boost of energy. This could be your problem. If it is, I suggest working out earlier in the afternoon or in the morning.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Hi, my name is Jessy and I can't sleep either. I hate it. Makes me want to cry that while I toss n turn my bf snores away in bliss. Jerk. haha

    Anyway, I've been trying to figure out what my deal is as well. I take Valerian root and melatonin (5mg) before I go to bed. I can totally pass out fine, but around 2am *BING* I'm up. One thought I had was that I had grabbed the wrong melatonin - that I need the extended release tablets. So...if you haven't tried melatonin, that's a nice natural and common sleep remedy. Valerian is an herb that's been used for millenia to help calm people.

    Next, what are you doing before bed? Try some relaxation before you hop into bed. Cut out action tv (I had to stop watch Operation Repo because of the adrenalin spikes it gave me haha) and other things that could hype you up. Chamomille tea is nice to help calm you. Oh, also you can try to systematically clench and relax your muscles starting at the extremeties. Another is a simple visualization - like slowly draw a box with each breath in your mind; I've also pictured a black screen and a red balloon that fills and deflates with each breath to relax me in the middle of the night.

    Someone told me my waking at 2am has to do with my body giving me a shot of adrenaline instead of melatonin to keep me asleep, ginseng was suggested. I've also seen some stuff about pressure points. But I'm going to go back to my extended release melatonin tabs when I buy a new bottle.

    Or...it's a plot by Folger's to get their stock up.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    If you have recently started working out and had not done so previously, it can just be endorphins. Your body has extra energy it is not used to and it keeps you from sleeping. It should get better as your body is gets adjusted to your new life style. A few things I have found to do:

    Actually do a small workout before bed( short walk to calm your mind and body)
    Eat sliced turkey: There is an indregient in Turkey that makes you sleepy and the extra protein will help your body heal while you sleep
    Sleep teas: I warm relaxing tea before bed (there are a number of bedtime teas out there) can help calm you.
    Read a book: Instead of watching TV before bed, try reading. The rapidly changing images can rev up our brains and make it harder to sleep.

    Hope it gets better soon. Good Luck.
  • bpesano
    bpesano Posts: 7
    I've been having trouble sleeping for years, and it has gotten worse instead of better. Often, I am able to get to sleep but don't stay that way for more than 2 or 3 hours, other times I can't fall asleep to begin with. A couple of things help: First, I can't read or watch TV longer than 10 minutes in bed. It doesn't seem to be a problem if I watch in the living room, but for some reason doing the same thing in the bedroom is a problem. I find it's best to go to bed only when I am totally ready to sleep. Next, I try to make sure I am as comfortable as possible. Often, if it is too warm or humid, that will totally throw me off of sleep. Something to keep in mind. If I continue to toss and turn, I grab a blanket and pillow and head for the couch. For some reason, the change of scenery seems to snap me out of whatever rut I was in, and I am able to fall asleep.
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