Weight Loss On The Implanon?

Hi everyone, I have the infamous weight gaining contraceptive Implanon in my arm and I’m having a hard time losing weight. I’m exercising seven days a week, have cut out almost all treats and am staying under 2000 kcal’s every day to no avail. I’m 5”2 and have been a size 8/10 my whole life, I have recently shot up to a size 12 (9 stone 12) and I feel awful. Has anyone else had any experience with this and am I completely wasting my time trying to lose weight whilst on the implant? :-(


  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    Hey Hun,

    I was on Implanon for about 6 months and in that time I gained nearly 3 stone... combined with a B*tch of a temper lol, I had it taken out after 6 months because it just sent my hormones mental and I was acting like a total fruit loop

    It didn't work well with my body I guess but everyone is different. They take a good while to settle in, how long have you had it?
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    I have the implanon and do not have trouble losing weight. The progesterone in it can be an appetite stimulant, so if you are not very careful with your diet and activity level that that will cause you to retain the weight. It does not change your metabolism, therefore can not cause you to gain weight for no reason.

    If you are 5'2" have you tried to eat 1300-1500cals per day, 2000 may be too high for you.
  • lady_in_weighting
    lady_in_weighting Posts: 196 Member
    Hey, ive had the implanon for 3 years and I've lost nearly 3 stone! Everyone is different but if your implant is progesterone based you shouldnt be getting weight gain. X
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    I have been on Implanon for almost 2 years, and between July 2010 and November 2011, I gained about 40 pounds, going from about 120 to about 160. Then I started an antidepressant, and was on that for 6 months. In the first two months, (November to January) I gained 30 pounds.

    Girls - Drugs. Are. Bad.
  • NikkiCoug
    NikkiCoug Posts: 4
    Hey ladies I’ve been keeping my calories around 1200, I’m glad that it sounds like maybe I won’t have to have it removed. This is my second Implanon so I’ve had one in for about 4 years, and aside from the weight gain everything else has been fantastic with it so I’d rather not have it removed if I don’t have to. I’m going on a sun holiday in August and I’m a tad worried about not being able to shift 2lb’s a week for then :-/ xx
  • I am getting my First Implanon out tomorrow morning at ten. I am ****ting it! I am getting another one put straight back in, I hope everything goes okay. I cant remember if I lost or gained weight from my implanon. I am 5ft6 and weight 112lbs. I originally thought I had lost weight while on the Implanon, but I was on the pill beforehand so now I confused whether I have gained or not. I was thinking about taking a break for maybe 3 months to see how my body reacts. :/
    Does anyone else think they have lost weight?
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I hate this thing! I've had it over a year and a half and pretty much bleed nonstop. As far gaining weight I didn't notice, but it does feel a little harder to lose.
  • people react differently to different hormones depending on the make up of your own body. for some people progesterone causes them to gain weight, other people it causes them to lose weight - the same thing with estrogen. you can't say hormones don't affect your metabolism when your metabolism is controlled by nothing more than hormones.
  • skankamaggot
    skankamaggot Posts: 146 Member
    I've had my implanon for about a year, and I don't think it affects my weight loss at all.
  • Xenophonica
    Xenophonica Posts: 79 Member
    It hasn't affected my weight loss :) Although I'm getting the little hell-rod removed asap.
  • Hi girls,

    I have had implanon in for 8 months now, had 10 days bleed at time of insertion and then nothing for 8 months.
    In the last 8 weeks i have lost 8kgs in weight which im so happy over.
    PROBLEM- I have just started in the last couple days, spotting quiet heavy, dark brown n clotty (bit gross, sorry)
    Is this because of the weightloss????
    I'm going to my doctor on Tuesday so hopefully i can get sum answers.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    It hasn't affected my weight loss :) Although I'm getting the little hell-rod removed asap.

    Lol! I called mine a devil stick so this made me laugh. I got mine out two Mondays ago and I'm so glad I finally did. No spontaneous bleeding since. I'm on the pill now and my weight loss has stalled.. hoping things smooth out soon. As for the spotting that sounds to be very old blood which makes sense given no period in 8 months. If you're not in pain I guess I wouldn't worry. Implanon is famous for that.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    To update, it's been two months post implanon, and I have a regular, predictable cycle again, hooray! Downside is I'm having a hard time losing any weight now. Quite frustrating to put in all that work and get no results.
  • karimah_jamila
    karimah_jamila Posts: 16 Member
    I've never associated my weight gain with my Implanon. I hope that doesn't become an issue for me, it's only been five months.
  • helyla
    helyla Posts: 162 Member
    I'm definitely having a harder time losing the weight this time around now that I have the Implanon. I'm not sure if my weight gain was from it but I seemed to balloon up pretty shortly after I got it in and didn't really change my eating habits. IDK. In any case I've lost weight pretty easily in the past and now it's extremely difficult. Glad to know I'm not alone in this.
  • caburkhardt
    caburkhardt Posts: 5 Member
    My body generally LOVES to stay exactly the same weight (no yo-yo-ing here!), which is nice since it takes a bit for me to gain weight, but makes it almost impossible to lose. I had plateaued about 10 pounds heavier than my goal weight for the past year. I got the Implanon put in three weeks ago and have already lost 3.8 pounds (which, to put it in perspective, it took me almost a YEAR to use 5 pounds). I have not changed my exercise or eating habits, but feel have experienced less bloating and less muscle aches than with oral contraceptives or even without any form of hormone contraception at all. From what I've read, it really just depends on how YOUR body responds to the thing! Good luck!
  • I am also on the Implanon and find it EXTREMLEY difficult to lose weight, ive given up a few times but am really really gona try this time. Ive been on it for 2.5 years and have put on about 40 pounds. I dont want to stop using this but I need something to change! never thought about implanon being an issue until a co worker brought it up! I am 5'6 about 220lbs :( and eat about 1100 calories a day. I go to the gym about 4-5 times a week.
  • I have had my implanon in for about a year and a half. The first 6-8 months I didn't notice anything besides a much lighther and practically nonexistant period. Once I hit the one year mark after having it put in I noticed my clothes were either shrinking or I was getting bigger. We didn't own a scale up until this point but sure enough I had gained 30lbs since the last time I weighed in at the doctor back in the fall. My doctor ran some tests to see if it was something else but I go back in a few weeks to get the results before she decides if its the implant. My bets are that it is because I have been on a mostly plant based diet since finding out the amount of weight gain and haven't left 180 for longer than a day. My weight prior to this was very steady and never really went up or down. I hope this helps!
  • amiaow
    amiaow Posts: 35 Member
    I had Implanon for 11 years and it never affected my ability to gain or lose weight. I'd look to other reasons before you blame Implanon.
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    I had Implanon for 11 years and it never affected my ability to gain or lose weight. I'd look to other reasons before you blame Implanon.

    I agree. I had it for 20 months and in that time I lost 93lbs (6st 9lbs). I'd make sure you are calculating food and exercise calories accurately and recalculate your TDEE.
  • I've been on Implanon for 3 years & 4 months. I am a little late in having it removed. I actually lost 70 lbs. while I was on it. Dieted and excercised some for some of the weight loss. But about 30 lbs. in I started a new job and couldn't diet and workout the same. I still continued to drop another 40 lbs. That was after about the 1st year in. Since October I have gained approx. 30 lbs back. And I have done nothing different. So I actually think the Implanon made me lose. And now I think it being in over 3 years is throwing my body off. Hopefully when I have it removed this Tuesday w/ a little excercise and diet it will come off!!!
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    I had one put in 7 weeks ago. In the last 7 weeks I have lost 6.7kg. In the 7 weeks before I had it put in I lost 7.8kg, so not too much of a difference there really- except I suppose in the last 7 weeks I have done a lot more excercise (30 DS), so I guess you might expect better weight loss.
  • sara_joyce
    sara_joyce Posts: 1
    i hate this thing i gained about 40-50lbs on it. ive had it for a lil over a year now and im stuck with it cause my insurance was dropped. i can get it taken out for $225, but i dont have insurance and cant get on something else after and im not tryna risk gettin pregnant. its driving me insane. my hormones are absolutely insane and i feel sick and bleed nonstop ALL THE TIME!!! i HATE IT!!! i watch my food and workout but nothing happens. i hate hate hate it!!!! its the tube of horror and can go efff itself. worst mistake of my life!! EVER!!
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I think this is common with the long-term doses of hormones. My wife experienced the same thing with Depoprovera. Horrid temper, and weight gain.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Implanon (Or Nexaplanon in my case) hasn't made me gain weight, but it's made me an on and off again psychopath. I'd lost five pounds, got the thing in and my moods went out of whack like I can't even explain. I was crying, screaming, cursing, and generally out of control for the first month. Only raw cookie dough could sooth my moods and I couldn't get motivated to leave my apartment, let alone work out. I put the weight back on, but I don't blame the implant. I could have tried harder to return to sanity, and instead contented myself to be lump on my couch.

    I've since mellowed out and gotten back on track. I don't mind the implant too much, though I sometimes notice I feel restless and am prone to emotional explosions not at all in proportion to the events taking place.
  • I have had implanon for over 5 years now (this is my second insert), and I too have problems losing weight. Within 2 years I gained about 40 pounds. But for the past 1 1/2 I have been at a steady weight. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week and I eat about 1500 calories a day. Recently went to my OBGYN for a checkup and explained that I have not been able to lose weight. She explained that it was the implanon, and that everyone reacts differently to it. She recommend that after I finish up my last year on this, to try the Mirena. I just can't shed these last 20 pounds!! Uughgh!! :-(
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    My problems with losing / gaining wieght started after I had it taken out :/

    I loved it.
  • Reynafmedina
    Reynafmedina Posts: 1 Member
    i really think everyone reacts to it diffrently , ahaha im glad im not going crazy neither , but man i have gained so much weight in these 4 months i have gained 20 pounds when i was 120 none of my clothes fit it really sucks and my hormones are going crazy ; i cant wait till i get this out ! i still have to wait till next but man im so glad ill get it out im tired of gaining weight even after watching my calories intake and working out this birth control is crazy im going back to the pill
  • Implanon RUINED my life for 3 years. My doctor denied the fact that any symptoms were due to the Implanon. WRONG!!! I had it removed 2 days ago and I am already starting to feel better. Please avoid this or research it thoroughly before you get it!!! Weight gain,headaches, depression, anxiety, and constant bleeding for months on end!!!
  • flj87
    flj87 Posts: 1
    This Implanon has been the bane of my life for 5 years now! It has been so difficult for me to find a contraceptive method which works for me. I had tried all other methods and when they failed I tried the implant. I had weight loss for the first 9 months and lost roughly a stone without really trying to, however after that I had periods that would last for 3/4 months and my weight just seemed to go up and up. So onto Slimming World I went and I joined the gym and went 4 times a week. It was around this time I was getting married so I was hitting the gym hard and had lost 24lbs over the course of a year so I was pleased at that point. However they then put me on cerazette because I had constant spotting and I've now gained 8lbs over 3 months!! I haven't changed my eating habits, I haven't changed my drinking habits, I'm at the gym 3/4 times a week and am watching what I eat but it still keeps going up and up! Yesterday I had the implant out and stopped taking the cerezette so fingers crossed it will all settle down and drop off again. It has been a never ending nightmare, please choose carefully when the doctors try and push the implant to you!