Need help with excerise


I just joined this program. It was recommended by my sister. I found this is very useful to see how much I ate. At first I started to exercise Wii Fit then change to use DVD called Walk Away the Pounds for Abs. I picked 3 miles Super Fat Burning (45 min) Problem is that what kind of exercise is that. At first I thought that it is Aerobics, general which burned 469 calories. I think that it may be too much because I didnt loose any pound since I use this dvd. So I thought that it may be either brisk walk or very brisk walk. How do I know what to pick? Any advise will be appreciated. Thank you..


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    The easiest way to do it is to have a heart rate monitor that has a chest strap and measures your intensity level for the workout.

    Instead of that, I would recomend the walking brisk.

    Good Luck.
  • cw200
    cw200 Posts: 3
    my guess is that if it made u sweat and increased heart rate,then very brisk walk, if it just made ur heart rate go up then brisk. My advice is to find something that makes you sweat when working out, I do 10 mins on my bfs cross trainer a day and when I stop my heart s pumping away but I dont notice while doing it. But by just doing that and 60 mins every couple of days on my wii 'my fitness coach' (which has been a great investment as its low impact but still gets the body moving) I lost a inch from my waist in acouple of days and half a inch from my hips! I have tried workout DVD's in the past, but they have either been too much as once and left my achey for days after so I dont feel like doing it again, or just too low impact and not make a difference. Everyone is different but for me, the little progress charts on my fitnes coach keeps me going as its sometime hard to see if u have lost weight by just looking in the mirror. Good luck in everything :D
  • flyinghands
    I could lend you a heart rate monitor (HRM) that hubby is not using these days. We can calibrate it to you and let you see approx how many calories you burn in the DVD. Yes, if I know the workouts you are doing it is a Brisk Walk at least. If it has the man and he jogs you can increase your burn with him or follow the others and keep it low impact but still brisk walk.