Run For Your Lives! (From zombies, of course.)

Sooo, I've completed C25K but I've yet to actually run in a 5K race. I really want to do something fun that I can dress up for, and I recently found out about the Run For Your Lives zombie races.

I'm really considering signing up for this one, it sounds pretty rad. The closest one for me would be in St. Louis, though Chicago would be fine as well, which take place is October and September respectively. So that gives me plenty of time to train!

Is anyone else taking part in this race? (Or have you done it before?) It'd be cool to meet up with someone from MFP on race day, too. I'd personally be a human rather than a zombie, but this race gives such an appropriate opportunity to dress as Thriller MJ, which is always a plus! XD


  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    Bump? :P
  • jenelizmin
    jenelizmin Posts: 47 Member
    I did the race in St. Louis last year. I was kind of disappointed, but it's all in what you're looking for. They sold it as a 5k obstacle run with Zombies, but the obstacles were almost non-existent and you could just walk around them. A lot of people in the "run" didn't run at all, they treated it as a haunted trail walk. (I'm not fast or competitive but it is hard to even jog when half the group you are released with are wearing jeans, flip flops, and walking while you're on a fairly narrow path). Also, the organization wasn't all that great. Nowhere did it state that you had to pay for parking but it was $10-15 when you get there and there was no option to park anywhere else. Even though I picked up my T-shirt/racing stuff earlier, they wouldn't let you pick up the "party pass" for anyone until you got there. (I bought the pass in advance when I registered for the race so that my husband could accompany me and it was still a minimum 1hour wait for him to get his "pass" so he could enter.) Getting my racing packet was a nightmare as well. The system wasn't working and it was a long tedious process that you had to repeat multiple times because their computer system wasn't working right. The idea of Zombies was good, the execution was poor. If they improve the registration/entrance situations it would be ok. If you decide to do it, then I would recommend that you add sprints into your training plan. I was up to running 5 miles when I did the race but was wore out quickly because you have to do a lot of quick sprints to avoid the zombies. There were some people wearing costumes and everyone was friendly and having an overall fun time. Just be aware of what you are getting into. Last year was the first year this group did it in St.louis, hopefully this year will be better.
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    Oh boy, THANK you for all that wonderful information! I'm so glad I haven't committed to it yet, lol. It's great to hear an insider's opinion. I may try finding a good Halloween run instead, hm.