Rest days

February 14th i started changing my life style (it was not because of valentines day- we had a work program start that day). In 10 weeks i have lost 17 pounds and 25 inches.
Until April 1st i was pretty sedentry 24/7. Then a started a circuit bootcamp for 1 hour once a week and would do home bootcamp 1-2 a week.
Now i want to kick it up.
With the classes i am interested in i would have bootcamp monday and wednesday weekly and a running class tuesday and thursday.
I still have over 100 pounds to loose. What my question is does it matter when your rest days are- should it be 2 on 1 off etc or would 4 days on 3 days off work the same.
I really want to do these classes and im just worried i may tire myself out and this is the only days these are offered.
Any advice?


  • ktsbell
    ktsbell Posts: 9 Member
    I really think it depends on what works for you. I have heard that 3 days on, 1 day off is a good mix and I believe that is what they teach at crossfit. That is the strategy I am trying right now and I like it. Gives my body time to recuperate. On the off day, I might do a little walking, but nothing really strenuous.

    I will say, though that I have done hard exercise as many as 6 days in a row and it was ok. I wouldn't want to do that every week.

    I don't think it would hurt to try both if that's what you want to do - just don't burn yourself out.
  • Chowder_17
    Chowder_17 Posts: 141 Member
    I work out 5X a week and I let my body tell me when the rest days are (or if my schedule won't permit). I typically take one in the middle of the week and another over the weekend.
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    I used to work out 6 days a week but I did alternated, a bit of cardio and strength one day, cardio next...muscles from lifting need repairing hence the day in between...

    As Chowder says also, let your body tell you when to rest...also, if you move more at home, sit less, do more housework or take more walks and play more with your daughter, that counts too...sometimes life happens too and you can't go out to workout...

    Tonight I went and spent an hour and a half cleaning my car in and out....I was

    Good luck!