

  • Dannypuck
    Dannypuck Posts: 1,067 Member
    My wife was diagnosed with PCOS after four doctors misread her. We've been trying for almost two years to have a baby. She has one with an ex, but wants one with me. We miscarried in Oct. 2011 and haven't had regular periods since. She is on metformin and lost nearly 30 pounds. I hope her hard work can be rewarded with a child.
  • Delicate3
    Delicate3 Posts: 5
    BC pills and come back in two months to recheck ovaries sounds familiar to me
    I've PCOS
    I think it is very common to have irregular period but it is not a necessary symptom (I'm no doctor so I don't really know ^_^ )
    all what i know is the symptoms differ from one girl to another
    both my sister and I have PCOS
    but different symptoms

    good luck
  • Delicate3
    Delicate3 Posts: 5
    and i forgot to tell you I don't have excess hair problem either although it is a common problem
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    Can it be cured or only treated?
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    I have PCOS and endometriosis. I was never on metformin, only BC. I was told I couldn't have children. I wad taking my pills regularly, hasn't had a period in years, and got pregnant. It happens. I now have 2 children.
  • Firephoenix013
    I have had both PCOS and endometriosis. PCOS cannot be cured unless you have a full hysterectomy. Same with Endometriosis. Birth Control is a form of treatment for both because of the estrogen levels in the body. The birth control helps regulate that which in turn helps control the PCOS and endometrosis. You do have PCOS Polycystic and PCOS are the SAME. Also you do not have to be on metoformin unless your symptoms are really bad.

    There are no sure fire tests for Endometriosis. Just watch for any cysts that form outside the ovaries, such as in the uterues etc. If you start noticing sharp pain in your pelvic area, call your doctor. I won't tell you what all I've been through but I've had a hysterectomy but left my ovaries in due to all of this.

    If you are wanting to have a child, yes it will be harder. You will have to work very closely with your OBGYN on this but it is possible. My mom had me and she had PCOS. Just take it one step at a time.

    Just remember, there's always several ways to go about treating things so if birth control pills don't work, try another route. If you are wanting to have a child though you need to tell your doctor so he can work out with you how to go about your treatment as you have to be off birth control for so long etc.

    I would suggest if you don't have one already, getting an OBGYN who CARES and will LISTEN to you. Those are the best doctors EVER.
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    I have PCOS and endometriosis. I was never on metformin, only BC. I was told I couldn't have children. I wad taking my pills regularly, hasn't had a period in years, and got pregnant. It happens. I now have 2 children.
    Wow that's great! That's my biggest fear not being able to have children. I haven't been diagnosed yet but I think I may have it.