How much do you execise in a day?



  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    30 minute walk at lunch.
    60 minutes lifting & 30 minutes cardio, 3-4 times a week.
    Walk 9 holes of golf twice a week.
    30-60 minutes elliptical at home once or twice a week.
    I just have to do something daily, or I feel like a slug.
  • YolieCreator
    YolieCreator Posts: 173 Member
    About 1 to 2 hours 4 to 6 times a week. Warm up on the tredmill or ellpitical or tredmill. Light weight machines for my legs and abs then 30 to 45 min on the stationary bike and sometimes the ellpitical again if I'm really feeling good
  • WBish3
    WBish3 Posts: 35 Member
    As an ER nurse I work 12hr shifts three days a week so on my work days I just do one workout (currently Hip Hop Abs, just finished Insanity). On my days off I am doing my regularly scheduled workout from above plus Couch to 5k, and the hundred push-ups program. We also usually go for a walk after dinner if the weather is nice.
    So on my work day it is anywhere between 30 and 60 mins plus evening walk.
    On my off days it is usually 60 to 90 mins plus evening walk.
  • lharper01
    lharper01 Posts: 29
    About 30 mins 5-6 days a week. Gonna bump it up to about 45 mins in a week or so. Doing JM 30 Day Shred and 30 day Squat challenge right now, and probably gonna start JM 30 Day Slim Down next.
  • JethroXP
    JethroXP Posts: 49 Member
    Monday - Friday is typically 60 - 90 minutes per day, I take Saturday off, but then go long on Sunday, usually 2 - 2 1/2 hours.

    I alternate my days between Cardio and Strength, so a typical Cardio day would be 60 minutes on the Elliptical, and some push ups.

    A typical Strength day would be 20 minutes on the Elliptical (for warm up) followed by weighted pull-ups, weighted dips, weighted crunches, barbell squats, and a variety of exercises on smaller muscle groups.

    It is not uncommon for me to burn 600-800 calories on a strength day, and 1200-1500 on a cardio day. Keep in mind though that I'm no longer in weight loss mode. I'm in maintain and get stronger mode.

    When I was actively losing weight I was only doing about half of this. The weight loss came from calorie control, the exercise was just to earn back calories to eat each day so that I wasn't grumpy and hungry all the time.
  • ascsimon
    ascsimon Posts: 3 Member
    I run in the mornings before work, usually about 4 miles with some wrist weights added (8 lbs in total), 4 to 5 days a week. The runs usually take 35 to 45 minutes depending on pace, weather conditions, raccoons etc... Have to be mindful of the wildlife at 5 am you know ). I also watch my nutrition and use the fitness pal app to track my food/ calories etc..
  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111
    At minimum I am in the pool for 90 minutes a day, and just recently added an hour of gym time on top of it for a total of 2 1/2 hours exercising. I feel great. The pool I use is maintained at 85-92 degrees for therapy, so that time in the pool melts away all of my soreness from doing other things.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I try to do a minimum of 30 minutes 5 days a week of something. I just finished day 5 of C25K today. I did 10 days of 30DS, but I wanted to focus more on running. I love to ride my bike, but I just had a baby in March, so no bike rides until I can take my baby with me. She has to be able to hold her head up for the seat or the trailer. I think one more month and I can get back to riding!
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I try to get in at least 5-6 days per week....I aim for the 1000 calorie burn! Doesn't always happen, but I try! being busy in life gets in my way...
  • lagouh
    lagouh Posts: 2
    How do you get motivated to work out or hit the gym on a regular basis. Im struggling in this area. I do good for a week then I slack. I get bored walking indoors. I also am not a morning person so getting up early hasnt really been an option (unless you have tricks to get me out of bed and to the gym)

    Any help, motivation or suggestions would be GREAT!!
  • JenniferDomas
    JenniferDomas Posts: 16 Member
    I workout everyday usually on the Elliptical for 65 minutes. In addition, I lift weights twice a week for 40 minutes. I have lost 29 pounds since January and I believe what you eat is very crucial to weight loss as well.
  • JenniferDomas
    JenniferDomas Posts: 16 Member
    Try something new, even if you don't think you will like it. I was'nt so sure about the Elliptical, ended up loving it and can't wait to exercise everyday on it. If or when I get bored with that, I am going to try something new again. Also, I have everything ready to go the night before my early morning workouts, water bottle, workout clothes etc... so no excuses or looking for things, just get up and get ready to go like a routine.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    I walk a lot - around 200 miles/month. How much each day varies depending on weather and mood.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    40-45 minutes, every single day.

    Dumbbell and kettlebell exercises.
  • AndreaL0918
    AndreaL0918 Posts: 47 Member
    BUMP, read for later
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    How do you get motivated to work out or hit the gym on a regular basis. Im struggling in this area. I do good for a week then I slack. I get bored walking indoors. I also am not a morning person so getting up early hasnt really been an option (unless you have tricks to get me out of bed and to the gym)

    Any help, motivation or suggestions would be GREAT!!

    I find that you have to make working out a habit.That's the only way to stay consistent.Personally that works for me.I only take a break if I'm really sick.I'm a morning person,but I do my workouts at night.It was tough finishing my first round of Insanity and still take care of my family.

    Good luck!!
  • OhioSioux
    OhioSioux Posts: 5
    I've been doing the eliptical machine for 30-35 minutes every day for a month and a half. I've been increasing resistance and incline programs to get my calorie burn respectable. Definite progress in my cardio fitness in the past two weeks especially. Have started to add in some weight training both at home and at the YMCA. I've had positive results so far which keeps me motivated!
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Depends on how I'm feeling I guess...I begin with 45m to an hour of Zumba 5-6 days and do some sort of strength (either weights or a pilates core workout) a few times a week too.
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    2 hours in the morning a mix of cardio, and strength ( sometimes Crossfit or H.I.I.T )
    1-2 hours in the evening total body/cardio

    5 days a weeks

    weekends rest ( sometimes go for a run )
  • iceandfires
    iceandfires Posts: 16
    I walk 3.5 on the treadmill with a 1 incline for 45 minutes every day. I don't count walking to the grocery store, lifting bags, etc. during errands. At the end of the day I do calisthenics, roughly 20-40 minutes total.
    Tricep dips, push ups, bicep curls, lunges, inner and outer leg lifts, v sits, crunches, russian twists, planks.