God help m!! And anyone of you who wants to lose 75+ pounds



  • ynvndn
    ynvndn Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me too. I Was 295 lbs when i was my heaviest, but started MFP when i was 275. My ultimate goal is to bring it down to 180, but we will see how far i will come. At least i want to make it to 200. We will see, weightloss isn't a sprint, but a marathon. So i'll be here for a while ;-). Good luck!
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    I stated at 188 and my goal is to be at 115 or 120 in close to 75 pounds to lose im 73 pounds to lose.lost 17 pounds already im now at 170.u can add me if u want
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    You can do this - commitment is the key! I can remember thinking that losing 10 pounds was going to take forever and might just be impossible. My doctor told me I could lose 10 pounds a month for the foreseeable future and I thought he was out of his mind - after six months he asked me when I thought I would stop losing 10 a month (LOL) because he had not expected me to actually do this for more than a month or two. The better you eat, the more you move, the easier it becomes to lose the weight. I tracked everything I put in my mouth and built my exercise up from sitting on the couch to 1 1/2 hours a day most days and sometimes more. Think positive, stay the course, don't quit when you have the every once in while bad day, and YOU WILL DO THIS!
  • Isagirl72
    Isagirl72 Posts: 44 Member
    I had over 240 pounds to lose as of 2/18/13 now I'm under 200 lbs to go!!! You can do this totally take control and surround yourself with encouraging words!!
  • You can def do it! At the risk of sound silly, Dr. Phil said something that was powerful (paraphrasing of course) –
    “<<Southern drawl>>> Next year you can either weigh less or weigh more but you will not weight the same. What do you choose?” That resonated with me because I, for one, want to weigh less…like 100 lbs less! Choose healthy options for food and beverages and move that body and you can do it!!! Congrats on your first step to a healthier you! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • jaybaack
    jaybaack Posts: 15
    It is doable. Just need commitment--not too much willpower. You need to think of it in positive terms, such as getting healthier, being able to do more, buying attractive clothes (even if they are from the thrift store and not brand new) and not being sick at a younger age than others who are more trim. When I am tempted to quit, then it is time to bring out the heavy artillery and I remind myself of the consequences of not staying committed: The fatter an individual is, the faster he/she will become debilitated. The crappier the diet, the faster someone will get sick with chronic or even lethal disease. That's what keeps me committed to my plan. :smile:

    +1 great post!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Commitment! I have read that word a couple of times on this post. It is the right word.

    Here is another important word...Goal...and I don't mean a number. What do you REALLY WANT? It isn't a number. You could be 75 pounds lighter, but what does it really mean to you?

    My first goal weight was 70 pounds lost, but the real goal was 'new knees' that my surgeon promised me if I lost that huge number of pounds. Was that really my goal? No. My real goal was getting my mobility back, being able to stand...to walk...to run, if I wanted. I want the right to live my life without a wheelchair or a walker. I want my life back.

    What do you really want? If it is something truly important...and not just a number...you will have the courage and motivation to turn away from any temptation that Satan throw at you.

    You said, "God help me!!!" He will, if you are ready to turn your back on all temptations thrown at you. Make your commitment to God first. Think about what is most important to you, and go for it.
  • I really have to agree with your statement "Here is another important word..Goal.. and I don't mean a number." I think we all have that in our heads. Mine is to see "oneder" land again. To just be in the 100's again is my dream. Once I get there I'll reset my goal. Until then Onederland here I come.
  • toojuicy057
    toojuicy057 Posts: 5 Member
    toojuicy057 ADD ME
  • dgljones
    dgljones Posts: 89
    My original goal was 144lbs and as of Yesterday I have lost 142lbs. That said I probably want to lose another 15 on top of that now. When I started at 343 I just wanted a weight that started with a 1, now I want to actual weigh what would be pretty much perfect for my height and build.
    The important thing is to understand this isn't about losing x lbs, this is about a total change to how you approach food and probably how you spend your free time, ie not passed out on the couch. Even when you lose weight you will need to keep losing, and add exercise to tone and try and stop yourself looking like a melted wax person from the weight loss.then you may have to adjust food and exercise when you hit plateaus. You will probably have several rethinks about your diet as you learn more and see what does and doesn't work for you.
    And when you finally get where you were going, you have to find a way to stay there. Take your eye of the prize for a few months and you will be back on here looking to start again.
  • EmLJay70
    EmLJay70 Posts: 5
    Trust, you are not alone! My weight loss goal is also in that 75+ range. As of 4/15/13, I took the first step, and I do mean in years, of trying to live a healthier lifestyle. You're here. I'm here. So, guess we're in this thing together. :happy:
  • 75lbs is exactly how much I'm looking to lose. I started at 250 and now I'm down to 235. A lot of losing weight is mental and knowing what it means to be healthy. We have a long road ahead of us so lets help each other stay motivated! Feel free to add me!
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I'm 45
    I started at 196 and I'm now 122.
    You can do this, you have to tell yourself everyday that you are worth it, because you are. Make no excuses.

    As another member just posted:
    Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those that get off there *kitten*!
  • Almost 30 pounds in to the about 100 a want to loose. Remember why your doing it everyday
  • Lala_White
    Lala_White Posts: 52 Member
    You can do it! Keep in mind, that as you exercise (move) you will lose fat but gain muscle (which weighs more)... but if you watch what you eat.. moderation... and what I do is eat my protein first, then I move on to vegetables, then to the starches...which I usually don't have room for. When I go out to restaurants to eat, when I order my food, I always ask for a box to take food home in. So far I've lost 85 pounds and I still have a long road ahead of me.. Take it day by day..

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • c_i_n_d_y_
    c_i_n_d_y_ Posts: 7 Member
    wow, that is amazing you are half way there. Amazing. It must feel so liberating. May I add you as a friend.
  • c_i_n_d_y_
    c_i_n_d_y_ Posts: 7 Member
    thank you for your response. I didn't realize I had posts from others. Good luck with you journey, and I love your faith in God. May I add you as a friend?
  • c_i_n_d_y_
    c_i_n_d_y_ Posts: 7 Member
    I had not realized that there were posts from others. Sorry for the delayed response. I can relate to not liking winter and feeling down. Today is May 1st and a beautiful day at that. Congratulations so far on your weight loss. May I add you as a friend?
  • c_i_n_d_y_
    c_i_n_d_y_ Posts: 7 Member
    Wow, that's amazing on your weightloss, keep up the great work. May I add you as a friend?