Counting steps while running??!!??



  • Nonymou
    Nonymou Posts: 8
    Naw, I'm nuts. I count variations of 60, 30, 45, 90, and 120. I'm a beginner runner so I am working on basing my running on the steps I take. I usually run for between 15 and 30 minutes with short stops for breath -- my running is always between 1000 and 1800 steps (basically I count to between 15 and 30 sets of 60)
  • darcy1111
    darcy1111 Posts: 1
    Ha! I must be nuts too... unless I'm listening to music i find myself counting my steps, but I'll count up to the 2 or 3 hundreds before i start back at 1 again. It makes running more rhythmic and i think it helps me keep my pace and breathing consistent... or maybe just my mind off being tired!