Breast Lift? Share your experience!

I'm considering adding a breast lift to the abdominoplasty (extended tummy tuck) I have planned but I'm concerned about loss of sensation and if I will be happy with the shape after. Some before and after pics I've seen on-line aren't what I'm hoping for and if that were the result, I'd rather stay as I am. Just a lift, not implants. Thanks for sharing any insight! :)


  • lbdthornton
    My Best Friend had this done and is very happy with the results. She actually had a reduction and lift. Best of Luck to you!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I had an anchor lift and implants almost 9 years ago after breastfeeding 2 babies and being very deflated.

    The scars from the lift were reddish for a year or so, but have now faded into a light pink and they are only noticeable to someone who knows they are there. They are VERY light and you can only really see the line that goes down the middle.

    I don't regret a moment and would do it again in a heartbeat. Everyone says the lift with the implants is more painful, but I was pretty much recovered after a week. I had a very clingy 18-month old at the time that I started picking back up after a week with no pain. I was off the painkillers in 3 days.

    The only thing I would question is why not get an implant to fill it back up? You don't have to go big, I only did a C (which was what I had before kids). I know for me I lost a lot of breast tissue, so it would have just been a very sad A cup (if that). However I lost it all while breastfeeding, and I don't know your situation, maybe you have plenty of breast tissue left. :)

    Anyway good luck to you! It isn't bad at all, in my opinion. And my breasts look amazing now, if I don't say so myself. :wink:
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I lift them with my hands. Sometimes other people lift them with their hands for me. It's a game we play.
  • FightingMongeese
    FightingMongeese Posts: 17 Member
    I lift them with my hands. Sometimes other people lift them with their hands for me. It's a game we play.
  • LizHR
    LizHR Posts: 16 Member
    I had a reduction and lift at same time so not exactly the same but best thing I ever did. Yes scars were noticeable for about a year but now have faded so much you can barely see them. Some small loss of nipple sensation for about 6 months mainly on one side of one of them, but nothing major and that came back. However everyone is different and someone else I know had significant sensation loss for much longer and some of it never returned.

    Boobs were slightly swollen or firmer looking for quite a long time, not painfully and I liked the shape but they were a bit headlamp like for a while! In fact when they relaxed into a more 'normal' softer look eventually I had to get used to it as I'd preferred how they looked before. Overall I loved my new shape and even though I have since lost some weight again and they are a bit less perky due to volume loss, compared to what they were they still look good.

    It IS surgery - wilth all the associated risks - but if you have already been througha tummy tuck you will know all that and to be very careful choosing an expericend surgeon. IF you are having doubts then definitely take your time before going ahead & do your research. Al I can say is I am glad I did it.
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    I went from 240 to 180 in about 2 years, and had a saggy, floppy tummy. No matter how much weight I lost, the skin was not going anywhere. I had a tummy tuck and was immediatly thrilled, even before the stitches came out I could tell it was going to be great. My surgeon created a new belly button for me, which is actually hooked to the old one (it couldn't stay in the same place or it would have been too low). Some surgeons re-connect it, some don't, and just create a "vanity" naval for looks. I think reconnecting the belly button looks more natural, and gives you options for other laparoscopic surgeries down the road, or so I'm told. Make sure you know which way your doc is going to deal with your belly button, and see pictures of those he has created. I've seen some really bad ones, that look grusome and fake. What fun is showing off your flat tummy if your belly button is jacked? I would do it again in a heartbeat. I do sometimes have "phantom" itches where my old skin/tummy used to be :laugh:

    I'm interested in hearing about the breast lift. The scarring I've heard is horrible. (all around the aerola) It is also 3x the price of a tummy tuck (at least the research I did) so I have not persued it further. However if I get to my goal of 140 I may have to, since I'm shrinking like crazy (was a D, currently a C) and at my age there is tons of loose skin. Please let us know how it all works out!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    After I lost the majority of my weight, I was left with some miniscule little "32pancake" sized boobs (training bras were about the right size...)

    Last September I got augmentation and lift, and it was hands down the best decision I have made in a very long time. After the healing time was complete (about 6 weeks) I regained all sensation that had been lost after the surgery which is quite normal. I also have no visible scars, and it hasn't even been a year. At first I had redness around the nipple, but I was given a prescription scar cream and specific instructions as to how to help myself heal. Now, they look and feel like no surgery ever actually took place, and my self-esteem is through the roof. It's nice to have "normal" boobies, lol.

    I would just check into different surgeons in your area. Ask to see the before and afters, and also ask if you can contact former patients (many patients do allow this, and if you have questions, it's a great resource!)
  • OregonLaurel
    thanks, ladies! I like hearing what other people have been through... so much more helpful than before/after pics online.

    I have enough tissue to lift and have a full C/small D cup so I'm not really interested in the implants.

    As far as cost, the tummy tuck alone is $9,000-12,000 depending on the surgeon I've seen and including the lift would bring the price up to $15,000-18,000.

    So none of you had loss of sensation to the nipples? I have a friend who had a reduction and lost all feeling in one side and about 1/3 loss of feeling on the other side. I'd rather stay as I am than have that happen.
  • lizlovestrees
    lizlovestrees Posts: 47 Member
    I lift them with my hands. Sometimes other people lift them with their hands for me. It's a game we play.

    omg that's hilarious! anyway, everyone that I know loves them but do your research and talk to your doc about scarring etc.
  • roxy415
    roxy415 Posts: 29 Member
    In my youth I was always over weight and had a rather large set of jugs.... well at 18 y/o i chose to have a breast reduction and aside from a few minor complications, I loved the results.....I stayed over weight and fairly sedentary for a while but suddenly at the age of 25 i got a bug up my as$ and apparently found some motivation..... well after about 1.5 years i had lost over 100lbs....and THE REST OF MY BOOBS!!! Now i am a work out fanatic..... who really never has gotten past the intense lust for yummy yummy -- oh so bad for me junk food--- although i withhold (most of the time) --- who has never made it to my goal weight....and have been plateaued for over 2 years.... <<
    probably has to do with junk food that creeps -- maybe too much?? any who--- well I really do miss having boobs... not the gigandos.... but just maybe having shape--- with out having to yank all of the loose skin that collects on my side to fill up a bra cup......lame--- well --- heres my dilemma.... I just turned 31 ... got married a year ago (exact year on cinco de mayo)---- and neither one of us has kids yet and we really do want some..... that being said..... we tried constantly for the whole year that we have been hitched and..... NOTHING!!!! well....I just got accepted to a BSN program (nursing school) that will take at least 2 more years--probably get my masters so likely to be very long.... so we put baby making on hold for .... a while..... now..... I am considering having boobs put in and...... I really really want to have the excess skin on my tummy removed..... because... well damn I really would love to not wear a damn Spanks under garment under everything to prevent hangage all of the time--- at some point in my life...... I have decided to go forth with the procedure and have booked june 3rd for this to all for down..... but..... now because of the financial aspects....i am thinking about waiting on the boob part.... those things are pricey......I have until may 14th to tell my surgeon my definite decision..... what do you think?? ls this post jacking>>>?? sooooo sorry if it is!!!

    ps/// post breast reduction i had no loss of sensation of the nipples-- and at times now --years later--i have hypersensitivity of the nipples -- kind of painful when they get really cold or hard--- but not unbearable....
  • almarsala
    almarsala Posts: 168 Member
    my only question is how is everyone paying for these? I desperately need tummy work and a breast lift/implants but there's nooooo way to afford that.
  • roxy415
    roxy415 Posts: 29 Member
    my only question is how is everyone paying for these? I desperately need tummy work and a breast lift/implants but there's nooooo way to afford that.

    well...... if you are responsible with paying bills..... there is a care credit option--- which is available even if you have a semi-blemished credit history-- but these blemishes=lower credit line--- but with time and responsibility you can re-establish your credit worthiness--and eventually have enough of a limit to afford it!! I am a full time employee+ full time nursing student (with NO ASSISTANCE --just a bunch of student loans) -- i started care credit years ago for some ridiculously over priced dental work (ie route canal) ---- at 0% interest if you pay it within a certain amount of time-- which I did---- then i upped my limit and used for lasix (yay-- i can see)--- again 0% interest if you pay it off within a certain time
    which I did.... Then I consulted with plastic surgeons and found out how ridiculous the price was going to be.... and just for ****s and giggles -- I called care credit to see about an increase in my limit.... and much to my surprise I was!!! so I am just going to do it!! I have no problem paying my bills though--- ie-- we don't have kids yet---we are both too busy getting an education.....but i guess its not feasible for everyone.
  • LetsGetFitMama
    I had a breast reduction with a lift done a couple yrs ago. The size and the shape were great and what I expected. The scars weren't really that bad, they have def faded a lot in those couple yrs but I am one of the odd ones who lost a good chunk of sensation around the nipple. However, mine may be more so due to the fact I had so much taken off. Almost 6lbs of breast tissue gone. In a case like yours where it is simply a lift, you may not experience the same things people who have implants or reductions done.

    All in all, it was the best decision I have ever made! Thankfully, living in Ontario Canada and needing the reduction done to to pain and such, mine was covered under healthy care

    Best of luck in whatever you decide to do :smile:
  • OregonLaurel
    my only question is how is everyone paying for these? I desperately need tummy work and a breast lift/implants but there's nooooo way to afford that.

    In my case, I received a substantial "living inheritance" gift (like an early inheritance instead of after they die) to pay for about 75% otherwise, I wouldn't be able to pay for it until I was about 45!

    I don't know how many people visit profiles, but I'm not having a tummy tuck/lift after losing 5 pounds. :) I've lost a total of 125 and kept it off for a combined total of about 7 years (18 mo pre-last pregnancy and just over 5 years since my last baby).
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm also considering a lift. I'm 26 and feel really self-conscious about the sagginess I already have. I wouldn't get implants though, as I think the breast tissue I have is plenty! I'm a DD right now and would be happy with a C or D cup.
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