INSANITY! How are you doing? (TIPS EXCHANGE?)



  • suzesque70
    suzesque70 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm currently in my 2nd round -- Week 4, Day 3. I completed my first round a year ago. To answer your questions:

    1. Does everyone use a heart rate monitor? Yes -- a Timex -- along with my Fitbit. I didn't use a HRM during Round 1, and I discovered during this round that I was underestimating my calorie burn. By a LOT.

    2. Do you follow Shaun T's diet plan or stick to their own? I stick to my own plan, and I track everything between MFP and my Fitbit. I also discovered that I was undereating by a lot during Round 1. That probably explains why I didn't lose much weight and had no energy during Month 2!

    3. How do you protect / condition your muscles? Stretch, stretch, stretch, along with hydration, and I use the P90X Results & Recovery formula or Muscle Milk for my recovery drink.

    4. Do you still work out if your muscles are sore? Yes, unless it's something other than just sorness from the workouts.

    Please feel free to add me as well for support, motivation, and all that jazz. :)
  • On week two of Insanity. Already pretty fit but needed to change things up and had heard great things about Insanity. Been at current weight for the last 12 months through running, weight training and calorie counting.

    1 - no I don't use a heart rate monitor
    2 - don't follow nutrition plan but eat healthy 80% of the time
    3 - do the stretching and stop when I feel too tired to do the exercises properly
    4 - yes, but if I'm too sore I do some other form of exercise that isn't working the same muscles

    My biggest tip - quit with any excuses you may have not to work out and just do it. It's really not that much time out of your day and the rewards are completely worth it.
  • sycorreale
    sycorreale Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there! Today I completed Day 3 of week 1. When did you all start seeing results? I've read enough of the Message Boards to know not to worry about my weight on the scale but focus more on how I feel and how my clothes are fitting and I am good with that. Has this program paid off for you? Meaning, is it what you thought or hoped it would be??? Just curious since I'm just starting off with the program.

    1. Yes, I absolutely use a HRM - Garmin Forerunner
    2. No, I use MFP
    3. I stretch. I've also been walking and going on short runs to help stretch
    4. Yes! Work through the soreness. As long as it's not an injury, you will be fine.
  • rogersgale
    rogersgale Posts: 8 Member
    i use polar HRM and i do not follow his diet but i do try to eat at least 1500 cals a day. I am still in the process of learning the correct form of all his moves i sometime modify them like the push ups ,but i am a liitle better then when i started. As for working thur soreness i was at first very sore to the point of having to walking down my steps sideways but i kept going taking hot baths after and using icy hot to rub on sore muscle but now it not so bad as i progress.
  • Alison_93
    Alison_93 Posts: 16
    Thanks so much for all your posts, it's a big help :happy:
    I think I might invest in a heart rate monitor so I know my calorie burn and also up my calories a little bit after this week if my stamina is still low during the workouts. I am eating in around 1300 calories a day but my calculation was for 1700. If I have to up my calories for stamina I will probably just up it to 1500 because I have no idea how to eat that many calories healthily.

  • devariojay
    devariojay Posts: 87 Member
    I'm on day 2 :p

    1. Does everyone use a heart rate monitor? Yes, polar ft7

    2. Do you follow Shaun T's diet plan or stick to their own? No, but I am an athlete so I need something more custom for protein etc.

    3. How do you protect / condition your muscles? I don't.

    4. Do you still work out if your muscles are sore? Yes
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 720 Member
    I am on Day 9 of the Insanity Program.

    I was so reluctant to do it initially because I thought I could not keep up. I am at my initial 1st weight loss goal with 36 lbs off but, not so thrilled because of being "skinny fat." I did all cardio all the time & did not incorporate any strength or resistance workout. My new goals are body composition workout- doing Insanity plus working with a personal trainer with weights etc..

    I use a HRM all the time.

    I am not following his diet. I try to make sensible choices and on occasion still have some treats.

    I stretch, walk frequently, and love hot showers to ease all aches. Very mindful of keeping correct form & pacing myself.

    I still work even when I am sore. Doing this for 18 months, I am in tuned to my body in knowing my limitations.
  • Diamonds357
    Diamonds357 Posts: 8 Member
    im starting insanity tomorrow, i hope you great results if you've done
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    Can't decide if I want to do insanity in its entirety or do the p90x/insanity hybrid program. I'll keep checking back to this thread for advice.