Advice Needed!!

Nothing is happening and I am getting really depressed - I am not too sure what else I can do.

I have:

1) Quit drinking
2) I cycle to work and back every day (around 8 miles in total)
3) I eat fruit for breakfast, a sandwich and fruit for lunch and always some meat and vegetables for dinner
4) I try and go swimming about 3 times a week

I am under my 1200 calories a day and with the cycling etc I always have about 700 left as it adds it back on ... but dont use them - I have the three set meals a day and if need to snack I wil have a banana or a pear etc I never skip a meal so I dont think I am being unhealthy.

I am just waiting for the body to start getting smaller ... if anything I have actually gained weight. My partner seems to think this will be muscle that I have gained and is convinced my waist is getting smaller and the fat will go but I am not seeing much difference. I also think maybe I am wanting too much too soon ... I have also just had my implant taken out as I fear that was stopping me lose weight, not sure if anyone else has experienced that?

Ho hum.

If there is anything else I can do


  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Have you measured yourself? You may find you've lost inches!

    Also, are you only eating 1200 cals a day? You're probably eating too little for the amount of exercise you're doing! Try eating more protein too ... I'm not an expert but these are the tips I always see on here from others! Lol

    It is frustrating when you don't see much happening but keep going, just think of the health benefits as well!!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Eat more than 1200 calories a day.

    You're under eating and over exercising and you're not gaining muscle. You're losing it which is slowing down your BMR and therefore stalling your weight loss.

    Eat back your exercise calories and slow it down.
  • shibby231086

  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    You aren't eating enough at all. Most of the people who have been using MFP for a while all agree that the calorie calculator and the macronutrient ratios are not optimal, which is completely understandable from a business perspective in my opinion but that's beyond the issue here! Anyway:

    First read
    Then read

    Problem solved and information learned :)

    Brilliant profile picture by the way haha

    EDIT: "My partner seems to think this will be muscle that I have gained "

    I'm afraid your partner is either just trying to cheer you up or he doesn't know anything about the human adaptation process. Don't worry though, it's normal to maintain your weight when your diet and/or training changes, so stick with it and best of luck!
  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    Eat more than 1200 calories a day.

    You're under eating and over exercising and you're not gaining muscle. You're losing it which is slowing down your BMR and therefore stalling your weight loss.

    Eat back your exercise calories and slow it down.


    Work out your TDEE and substract 10-20% (depending on how much weight you want to lose) to get your calorie goal.
    Please mind that when usind the TDEE method you are NOT meant to eat back your exercise calories, as they are already substracted.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    eat more
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    I am under my 1200 calories a day and with the cycling etc I always have about 700 left as it adds it back on ... but dont use them - I have the three set meals a day and if need to snack I wil have a banana or a pear etc I never skip a meal so I dont think I am being unhealthy.

    If you're eating 1200 a day and then you say, with your exercise, you have about 700 left over that you don't eat the result is:

    1200 eaten
    - 700 exercise
    = 500 net calories a day

    So your body is trying desperately to survive on approx 500 calories and nobody's BMR is that low. If you force your body to do that you *will* lose weight....but you'll lose it very slowly (because your metabolic rate will have slowed down to combat what your body thinks is a famine situation) and you'll probably get frustrated, run-down and almost inevitably give up. In short - it's not a healthy way to lose weight at all.

    What you want to do is either a) set MFP to lose 1lb a week, log your exercise and eat those extra calories exercise gives you or work out your TDEE, take 20% off that and eat that number of calories.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    if you are on 1200 a day you need to eat back the cals you earn from you exercise

    if you need more help message me

    anyone can add me
  • graciepecie
    graciepecie Posts: 135 Member
    Your are eating too few cals and excercise a lot.