whats more important - calories or lowcarb???



  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    This whole carb thing is so 2008 or older. lol

    Calories..all the way for weight loss
  • dedicated2014
    dedicated2014 Posts: 36 Member
    I have had some quick weight loss with cutting carbs...but calories work better for the long-term IMO.
  • chesq77
    chesq77 Posts: 270 Member
    I'm trying out both. I'm aiming for 1.5g of protein per lb, around .5g fats, and low carbs and I'm planning to change my macros and carb up every few days. So far so good though. I feel leaner, but I'll have to wait longer for more results.

    yo bro! you dont need all that protein!!! you only need about 1g-.8g of protein per lb of body weight! the more you take itll either be stored as a little fat or youll just pee or poop it out!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    but I have my carbs set at about 20-25% I seem to do a little better on low carb..but that is just me...
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    so 2 things:

    -cut refined carbs (keeping healthy stuff like fruit/veg/sweet potatoes/quinoa/ryebread ETC)

    -reduce your calories to a certain limit (eg 1200 a day)

    GRANTED its better to do both (so please dont say both! because i knoww :P) but im just curious from people who have experienced it personally, which is more important for weight loss;

    Eating clean but being a bit lax on your calorie intake or staying at/under your calorie limit and eating things like bread???

    Didn't we have this exact same discussion last week? I could swear you got a hundred cut and dry answers then.

    Cutting carbs isn't relevant to fat loss for the vast majority of people. The only exceptions are people with blood sugar issues.
  • jnnfrch
    jnnfrch Posts: 65 Member
    "a hundred" is a pretty big overestimate for a few? but yes, i wanted to get more opinions :)
  • Bama56
    Bama56 Posts: 101 Member
    Your body will plateau to a low carb diet after a period of time. I think it is important to find a good macro ratio (carbs/protein/fat) within your calorie range and stick with it.