Barefoot/minimalist footwear

I've got friends and family who are fanatical about them. Is this a fad, or are they really that great. Discuss.


  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    I've had my pair of Vibram Fivefingers for about a month now and I LOVE them! My feet and joints feel much better after wearing them than with traditional shoes!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I think like many things it depends on the person. I have flat feet so I can't wear them without doing more damage to my joints. In reality, flat/minimalist footwear have been popular for some time with weight lifting, the classic and most popular being Converse Chuck Taylors.

    These have become so popular I've actually been criticized for wearing running sneakers to lift. Show me some minimalist footwear that can accomodate orthotic insoles and I'll be in.
  • sheleen302
    sheleen302 Posts: 266 Member
    I think like many things it depends on the person. I have flat feet so I can't wear them without doing more damage to my joints. In reality, flat/minimalist footwear have been popular for some time with weight lifting, the classic and most popular being Converse Chuck Taylors.

    These have become so popular I've actually been criticized for wearing running sneakers to lift. Show me some minimalist footwear that can accomodate orthotic insoles and I'll be in.
    ^^This--right there with you! Now make them in a size 5.
  • san0322
    san0322 Posts: 58 Member
    I really like the idea. I have two pair of Vibram Five Fingers and everytime I wear them my calves seize up and I can't walk for a week.
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    I've been wearing Merrell's Barefoot Trail Glove for two years, and they are my most favorite pair of shoes. I wear them to run, hike, lift, walk, or just to exist in. They did take some getting used to at first, but also keep in mind I'm someone who walks around barefoot on the norm. I do pronate inward and could use some inner support to keep my ankle from rolling, but I found that I actually correct this pronation in my barefoot shoes while I run.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm not into the five fingers, but I do like a minimalist shoe. I just bought a pair of New Balance Minimus, I've been going for a lower and lower profile shoe and was really excited to see these at TJ Maxx so I could try them for cheap. They felt good on Tuesday, but I need to hit a couple more miles with them before I really make a decision (my shin splints will tell me). I have to say, however, even if I can't wear them on the road they are heaven in the weight room.
  • ShaunaMcMac
    ShaunaMcMac Posts: 160 Member
    I'm not into the five fingers, but I do like a minimalist shoe. I just bought a pair of New Balance Minimus, I've been going for a lower and lower profile shoe and was really excited to see these at TJ Maxx so I could try them for cheap. They felt good on Tuesday, but I need to hit a couple more miles with them before I really make a decision (my shin splints will tell me). I have to say, however, even if I can't wear them on the road they are heaven in the weight room.

    It would be great to know how they hold up on the road. I do most of my running on the side of the highway.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Can't wear the Five Fingers because they refuse to make them for long toes, but I do have a pair of Merrell Dash Gloves with Vibram soles. I'm transitioning into them from Saucony Kinvaras (4mm drop and some cushioning), and am up to runs of 4-5 miles in the Merrells. So far no real problems, although for the first mile or so they feel rather jarring. Then I get used to it and don't notice. But I've been in the low-drop running shoes for a year now, and almost always wear flat shoes (Converse, usually) for daily wear, outside, anyway--always barefoot in the house. Someone who wears a lot of heels and/or higher-drop running shoes would probably have a worse time switching.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I've got friends and family who are fanatical about them. Is this a fad, or are they really that great. Discuss.

    I made the conversion to minimalism over the winter. It is no fad as evidence by ALL the big shoe brand making minimalist shoes in addition to the new brands that have come out. Minimalist footwear helps you maintain proper running form. Proper running form is the key to preventing injuries and getting faster. I run in Altra Samsons and love them.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I think like many things it depends on the person. I have flat feet so I can't wear them without doing more damage to my joints. In reality, flat/minimalist footwear have been popular for some time with weight lifting, the classic and most popular being Converse Chuck Taylors.

    These have become so popular I've actually been criticized for wearing running sneakers to lift. Show me some minimalist footwear that can accomodate orthotic insoles and I'll be in.

    My feet are dead pan flat and there are a great many excellent runners with flat feet. This should not stop you from running barefoot or minimalist. Unless you have a specific injury/deformation then probably your form is the problem.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I think like many things it depends on the person. I have flat feet so I can't wear them without doing more damage to my joints. In reality, flat/minimalist footwear have been popular for some time with weight lifting, the classic and most popular being Converse Chuck Taylors.

    These have become so popular I've actually been criticized for wearing running sneakers to lift. Show me some minimalist footwear that can accomodate orthotic insoles and I'll be in.

    My feet are dead pan flat and there are a great many excellent runners with flat feet. This should not stop you from running barefoot or minimalist. Unless you have a specific injury/deformation then proper your form is off.

    I was thinking the same thing. I have collapsed arches from doing jumping events in track in high school, and almost 15 years later I'm wearing Vibram Five Fingers for running half marathons. And for lifting. Just sayin'.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Like others have said, it depends on the person. I love mine for shorter runs. If I run any longer than 5K in them then my calves tense up. I had this conversation recently with my chiropractor who is also a running coach. He also said it depends on the person - I have a good foot (I have a good arch and my foot doesn't roll), so he said for me, it's fine for short distances. He also mentioned that using them will help strengthen my calves, but he doesn't suggest using them more often than my regular running shoes or for longer distances.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I use vibrams to lift. Best advice I can give if you want to try them out: wear socks.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I think it depends.

    I think they are definitely better for our bodies than some of the heels I see women wearing these days!

    For me? I've been minimal for about 1.5 years now. I can run minimal or barefoot. I haven't gone this long injury free as a runner since my teens.
    I think minimal/barefoot just works with my feet. ALL my treadmill runs are barefoot (socks). My outdoor runs are a mix of minimal and barefoot (on a synthetic track). 5-10K without any issues.
    If I decide to do a half marathon at some point, I'll have to do some research.

    My daily walk to work/wear at work casual shoes are New Balance Minimus.
    My regular running shoes are Brooks Pure Connect.
    My slightly dressier work shoes are the Merrell "mary janes".
    My treadmill runners, as I said, are my socks.

    I don't wear or own heels.
    It just works for me.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Love my minimalist footwear. Depending on the person it can take a VERY long time to adapt your feet/muscles to that kind of stimulus. People try too much too soon, get injured and say it wasn't for them when 99.9% of the time, they just did too much too fast.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I have a pair of the vibram 5 finger shoes and while I love them there's limited places where I can wear them when I run. Not all the surfaces I run on are asphalt and believe me it HURTS when you hit gravel!
  • DennyHodge
    DennyHodge Posts: 56 Member
    You have to ease into them. Get used to wearing them just walking around for a month or so. I have Vibram 5 fingers and love running in them. They will lock up your calves if you don't slowly work your way up to running in them. They make you run more natural, and almost completely reduce heel strike which cushioned shoes cause. The school of thought is all the cushioning causes injury instead of prevents it. The vibrams really help with running form though. They have helped me eliminate my heel striking a ton, and I land midfoot-balls of my feet much easier and naturally now. My times in my runs have went waaayyyy down and I've been injury free.
  • msb803
    msb803 Posts: 31 Member
    I started wearing minimalist shoes two years ago and I love them! I have vivobarefoot mary janes that i wear to work almost everyday, then I have several pairs of minimalist shoes I wear for Crossfit, running, etcetera. That being said, it is important to transition slowly. Now that I'm actually running(finished C25K earlier this year), I did get some Merrell Arc - they're a transitional shoe, and provide more support(which I need while running) since I'm still overweight. My back and knee pain disappeared when I started wearing this style of shoe more often. I love them!
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    I'm a big fan of 0-4mm drop shoes, but I run on gravel a lot so I like a slightly thicker sole. I'm not really sure what the functional difference is between, say, my Saucony Virattas (zero drop) and my Saucony Kinvaras (4mm drop) but they're both lightweight with a decent amount of cushion for longer runs.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    I'm not into the five fingers, but I do like a minimalist shoe. I just bought a pair of New Balance Minimus,

    Me too, just got mine but so far I LOVE them.