Tired of being tired.

Hello everyone,

I am 31 and exhausted all the time. I need to make a change in my life. I need all the help I can get because I am an emotional eater. I recently broke up with my boyfriend of 7 years and my finances are a mess so I am quite emotional. I work full time and go to school part-time. I have 3 children one of which is a teenager. My weight has spiraled out of control I cannot fit in any of my clothes and I surely can't afford to buy bigger ones. I need to lose about 100lbs just to be fat. If you have any advise or suggestions for me I am all ears.

I hope everyone has a great day!


  • JudeMac
    JudeMac Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Lizzie,

    Sounds like you are having a tough time. Joining a site like this is a good step in getting yourself back on track. You might find it useful to use the blog to vent your feelings. Just remember that everyone feels the same as you do at some time in their life. Finding a safe and healthy outlet for your emotions will help you reach your goals, and sometimes its easier to talk to non judgmental strangers than the people closest to you.

    Good luck for the future.
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    This is a good site for support. Changing eating habits and exercising has given me more energy than I hoped for. I know that being emotionally overwhelmed makes me tired. Last year was very rough: my mom was diagnosed with Parkinsons and dementia in March, my husband underwent 6 bypasses in April, my dad was diagnosed with Mesothelioma in May and died in August one day after a very close friend was murdered. I felt so tired for months afterwards. I realized my weight had spun out of control, and that was part of it. I was depressed, and had been going through the motions and didn't even realize it. You have so much to take care of, and are overwhelmed right now, but things will change. I hope you have good friends you can vent to, blogging was a great idea, and know there is support here.
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that things are so tough. Hang in there. I was feeling really exhausted alot too. My doctor told me that for a lot of people, B12 is really helpful. I take 1000 mcg a day. Give it a try! It is suppose to give you more energy.
  • sarwood1
    sarwood1 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey, Lizzie. I am an emotional eater also. It has taken me a long time to get into the habit of eating health. Now, that's what I crave. :smile: You'll get there. This site will help. Read the message board for ideas.... and you'll be losing weigh in no time. I need to lose about 75 pounds and I am 30 years old, have a three year old daughter, and two jobs. Its been hard to find time to excercise and log in my food for the day, but its been worth it. Do you have excerise ideas for yourself?
    Add me as a friend if you like. I would love for us to help each other on this journey.
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    Hello and welcome :)

    I am very new to this site as well, and have found people here to be very supportive and generous - you are in a good place!

    About the tiredness, it might be worthwhile to have your iron or hemoglobin levels checked. I was super tired for years and would beat myself up about it, calling myself lazy, etc. Turned out I had really low hemoglobin and needed a blood transfusion. Now I take iron supplements and feel quite a lot better.

    All the best to you!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Welcome! This is a great site - lots of helpful, supportive people. It's hard to know what advice you're looking for, since you didn't say much about your eating/exercise habits currently, but here's some general advice: Since things are so crazy for you right now (break-up, work, school, kids, etc.), I'd highly recommend taking things one step at a time. Don't try to change all your habits overnight...I've tried this a few times, and it never works, especially when my life is hectic. Pick a few things to work on for a week or two, then a few others, etc. For example, the first week you could commit to just logging everything you eat and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. The second week, you could work on staying within the calorie guidelines MFP sets for you, and so on. You'll find that as you slowly incorporate changes into your life, related changes will become easier because you become more and more in-tune to your body and what you are eating and what you need.

    If you have trouble finding time to exercise or don't know where to start, just start going on a 20 to 30 minute walk every day - after dinner or during lunch... whatever works. I know it's easy to say you don't have time (I did this ALLLL the time) but if you commit to giving yourself that time to walk, you'll find you learn to enjoy that time and crave more of it.

    The biggest other thing I'd say is don't be afraid to try new things... new ways to exercise, new fruits/veggies, healthier substitutes for food... you may be surprised at how many things you like that you never thought you would.

    Slow and steady wins the race - there will be setbacks, but if you're really committed then you can do anything you set your mind to!
  • Annieliles
    Good for you....you have identified your problems, so you know what you are up against. It sounds like you are on the right path - to invest in yourself and your health. As mothers, we tend to give so much to everyone else that our wants and needs come last. It sounds as tho you have quite a hectic schedule, so you need to be gentle with yourself. You didn't put the weight on over night, so it won't come off over night. Give yourself reasonable goals, and think only in small increments....sometimes, as they say in AA, just one day at a time is all you can worry about. Don't worry about tomorrow, next week or next year - don't set goals for yourself that are unrealistic. Start on small changes first.....then add another change in a week or so....then another one....it all adds up!! Keep coming back to MyFitnessPal - it is amazing when you see how well you are doing. It is also so fantastic to be able to talk with others who are trying to reach their own fitness goals and find out what works for others. By all means, vent as much as you like on the message boards - most people can identify with your problems or concerns and will be supportive, which is what we all need. Congratulations and good luck to you.