use to do low carb, now calorie counting doesn't work for me

Hello, I have had great success in the past cutting carbs. About 10 years ago, I lost over 20lbs and have kept off 10 of it since. Now I wanted to try losing it the "healthy" way by eating whole healthy foods and counting calories... but it just won't work for me!!! I have tried 3 times now in the past 2 years. I may lose 2-4 lbs, but I will have one weekend with birthday cake and a glass of wine and be right back up again! It is so frustrating. My question is, is it possible that my body does not respond to calorie cutting because I have done carb cutting in the past? What should I do? I need to lose those last 7-10lbs!
By the way, I have upped my workouts to 4-5 times a week.
Thanks in advance for any insight you all can give me :)


  • shaleyn
    shaleyn Posts: 125 Member
    How much are you set to lose a week? Are you weighing/measuring everything you eat? Do you eat back your exercise calories?
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    How's your eating? Are you getting enough calories? My weight can fluctuate 2-4 pounds on one day, it's not a reason to get frustrated. How long are you sticking with watching your calories? When I started with MFP I lost pounds the first month and then only one the second month (with some weekends up going up in weight by a pound or two). I just stuck with it and now I'm figuring out my maintenance. When you have only a little weight to lose, it can be difficult. Stick with it!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    calorie counting (if done properly) always works.
    Work with someone who can figure out how many calories you truly need per day, and it will work.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    calorie counting (if done properly) always works.
    Work with someone who can figure out how many calories you truly need per day, and it will work.

    This is good advice in my view.

    If you can afford to get your RMR professionally tested then do. I don't know how much it costs where you are but here in the UK it is in the region of £75-£100.

    If you think about how much time and money you waste on gym memberships / shakes / weight loss aids it is an incredibly good investment.
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    Remember that because you have so few pounds left to lose, that you should set your goals for .5 pounds a week. And don't weigh in the few days after birthday cake/wine/treats, as you may notice an upward movement on the scale. Many people do. It's okay. Its just water weight, especially if you do still spend the majority of your time eating lower (notice I didn't say low, just lower) carbs. Look at the overall trend of your weight after a few months of consistently eating your calories. Not after a few weeks, or after one weekend with treats. You need to give it enough time so that you can see the big picture. Additionally, you may want to try weighing in only once a month, instead of daily, weekly.
  • sarbhr2
    sarbhr2 Posts: 6
    I have been calorie counting for about a month now. My mfp is set for only 1200 and yes I eat back my calories because I am starving if I burn 400 cals and can only eat 1200! But I don't go over. I have only lost 1 lb, and my I know my weight fluctuates a lot, but not seeing results makes it very hard to stick with.
    I eat very healthy foods and I try to eat all organic...
    an average day might include: an egg, hummus and veggies, a low carb whole wheat turkey wrap, chicken broccoli, sweet potato. I drink tons of tea and never drink my calories except on the weekends when I have a glass or two of wine at a special occasion.
  • VonnieKicks97
    VonnieKicks97 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there: I feel your frustration. I had much success in the past with counting calories after the birth of my last two boys. As I started to approach my late 30's I noticed no matter what I ate or how much I worked out I would lose a few ounces and then gain it right back, if not more. I finally talked with my doctor about my digestive system. First he told me I was not going to the bathroom enough per week and that can really mess up you metabolism. He suggested taking a probiotic with drinking a lot of water and staying away from store bought juices. I just started doing this a few weeks ago and I lost 2 lbs. instantly. Not to mention I feel better. I'm looking forward to my next weigh in. Maybe try the probiotics! Good luck and don't give up!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    My guess is that you're not logging your intake correctly. If you're not measuring everything with a cup or a food scale you should be. Even professionals tend to mess up when they eyeball their intake, although not as much if they practice measuring. Here, read this:

    Ilovedeadlift is also right. You may want to try getting your macronutrient percentages and caloric intake realigned. Read these:
  • skinnyforcruise2013
    I did the low carb last yr and lost well, but I just couldn't do it anymore.

    I'm counting calories now and am losing. Slowly but losing as long as I behave myself.
  • paulbuxton
    paulbuxton Posts: 12 Member
    Weight change over the period of a weekend is basically the content of your stomach, it is not fat.= (see here for a good explanation). Weight changes due to fat gain/loss are very slight and can only really be seen as a trend which is why it is often recommended to only weigh yourself once a week.

    I think you probably need to increase your calories as if you are seriously restricting your calorie intake then your body is probably trying to hang onto those calories. Try 1400 for a couple of weeks and see how that goes.

    Good luck!
  • sarbhr2
    sarbhr2 Posts: 6
    Thanks everyone, I would love to find someone who can figure out my RMR and know exactly what I should be taking in! I should also mention that I used to be a dancer for 20 years and my body is very used to daily exercise. I do know that I need to push my self to work out as often as possible.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    I lost 1lb in April, 1lb! I've been consistently logging and measuring since February 1 and have a total loss of 9lbs. It takes a long time to lose weight if you have around 10lbs or less to lose. The important thing is to find a way to eat that you can maintain forever. Keep on going it takes a while to see results with not far to go!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    This might help you-- go to a random empty day on the calendar and log in what you would have eaten on a normal day when you were doing low carb and losing weight. I know, I know--maybe you weren't measuring and it won't be 100% accurate. I lost 15 lbs on Southbeach about 5 years ago and it took me 5 years to gain the weight back. I didn't feel like going that low carb again (although I do limit them to 30% of my calories) but I was losing a lot slower than when I did SB. I logged a few typical days to find out about how many calories I had eaten back then, and it turned out to be a couple hundred more than MFP had originally set for me. I haven't lost a whole lot, but my body composition has changed from lifting eating at a small deficit.
  • sarbhr2
    sarbhr2 Posts: 6
    Thanks cleotherio, I know I was definitely taking in more calories doing low carb esp cuz those are high cal foods. Like cheese and red meat. I am having a hard time letting myself eat grains because I did learn so much doing low carb. I know that my blood sugar feels a lot better when I limit my carbs.
  • snikwad007
    snikwad007 Posts: 3 Member
    Do you use Ketostix?