Hello, thyroid, can you hear me?



  • Hashimotos 24 years ago, no thyroid left now, on 200mcg synthoid daily.
    I've found losing weight difficult but not impossible. We just have to be committed to it.
  • mjanet22
    mjanet22 Posts: 19 Member
    I have hypothyroidism, (also PCOS) feel free to add me, we can always use the extra support from people in similar situations.:flowerforyou:

    I have the same as Jennibaby. A double wammie of hypo and PCOS which is makes it horribly difficult to lose any real weight. Feel free to add me. :happy:
  • GranDiB
    GranDiB Posts: 2
    I was hyperthyroid and unable to do much without my heart racing like crazy. Tried medication, but then finally last December had radiated iodine treatment. In April, my thyroid levels were finally normal. I have been able to start jogging and can go further than I ever have before (in my life ever!).
    Sorry, thyroid, but you were just out of control. :)
    Even though I can exercise regularly now (5 days a week for 30-60 minutes), I don't lose much weight. But I am going to keep going because exercise makes me feel energized now instead of wiped out.
  • HappyHungryHealthy
    HappyHungryHealthy Posts: 121 Member
    I have hypothyroidism. I'm on 100mg of Levothyroxine a day!! Feel free to add me! :)
  • Terri_terri
    Terri_terri Posts: 42 Member
    thyroid cancer here. We finally got my meds correct & the old me is just about back after 3 years of hell. I went from running everyday to gaining over 100 and something pound in less then a year. It was a crazy ride! Got my 3 set of labs back Tuesday....all WNL. YAY!!!!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Your thyroid is deaf? It's ok, I know Sign Language, I can talk to it for you!
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    Your thyroid is deaf? It's ok, I know Sign Language, I can talk to it for you!

    hahah that would be perfect!
  • I'm permanently hypothyroid. I had to have my thyroid completely removed because I had thyroid cancer.
  • moonshadows72
    moonshadows72 Posts: 180 Member
    <-- Hypothyroid, taking synthroid for it and it made a HUGE difference!
  • I'm Hypo and have no thyroid at all. Been that way since birth. I'm on 150mg Levothyroxine daily. Actually, does anyone know why it should be taken first thing in the morning? Ever since I was a baby I have taken it before bed but I noticed on the packaging the other month that it should be taken AM. Finding it very hard to break that habit!!!

    Add me!
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    This is the link to the group for hypothyroidism that is on MFP,
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I'm hypothyroid (after being hyperthyroid and doing the iodine radiation treatment). I take Armour thyroid (animal based) 1-Grain, not sure what that translates to in mgs. I used to be on Synthroid 100mg when Armour wasn't being sent to the US for a while. But because I was hyper before hypo, I have a hard time regulating on Synthroid. I'm still on the same dosage as I was for the many years I was on Armour.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Has anyone read up on the links between Cialic Disease and hypothyroidism? I came across an article the other day. It would seem that in people that are gluten sensitive, the gluten triggers an autoimmune response where the body attacks the thyroid. I read a little further and many sources suggested that if you are hypo it might be of benefit to go gluten free. Does anyone have an experience with this or have any thoughts they could share?

    Yes!!! I heard the same thing. I have been gluten free for about 2 years and started because of Hashimotos. From what I understand, gluten "looks like" thyroid, so when you eat it, your body attacks your thyroid.

    Not only that, but I feel 10x better being off gluten.

    Fellow Hashi here. i also have celiac sprue and diabetes, so I hit the metabolic trifecta. Gotta say that i feel MORE than 10X better since eliminating all grains (gluten for the celiac and hasi and all the rest for the diabetes)
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I'm Hypo and have no thyroid at all. Been that way since birth. I'm on 150mg Levothyroxine daily. Actually, does anyone know why it should be taken first thing in the morning? Ever since I was a baby I have taken it before bed but I noticed on the packaging the other month that it should be taken AM. Finding it very hard to break that habit!!!

    Add me!

    I take it in the morning, 30 minutes before food/coffee... not sure what the "correct" way is though!
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    This is the link to the group for hypothyroidism that is on MFP,

    thanks again :) i joined!
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    I'm Hypo and have no thyroid at all. Been that way since birth. I'm on 150mg Levothyroxine daily. Actually, does anyone know why it should be taken first thing in the morning? Ever since I was a baby I have taken it before bed but I noticed on the packaging the other month that it should be taken AM. Finding it very hard to break that habit!!!

    Add me!

    It's most important to take it at the same time every day - doesn't matter AM or PM. I take mine at 10pm every night.

    It took me 3 years to get my levels optimized. Once that happened, I've been pleasantly surprised how easy the weight has been coming off. Hope it stays that way!
  • bigbird1979
    bigbird1979 Posts: 17 Member
    My mom as Hashimoto's. I was doing research for her on weight loss and I found that a low carb diet is essential for weight loss in hypo thyroid sufferers. By eating too many carbs your body will store it due to the low metabolism. She went on a low carb diet about a month and a half now and has lost 8 pounds. She counted her carbs and tried to stay under 30-40 grams a day for the first 14 days. similar to atkins but they only allow 20. This is still really low. she would have head aches and withdraws but she finally started to feel better. The low carbs for 14 days will somewhat shock your system and then your body will start burning fat instead of your stored sugar. She was just prescribed t3. She takes synthyroid but the t4 was not being used properly. T3 is more active and the final form of the hormone but is less in quantity then t4. We also learned that some doctors will prescribe t3 to severely depressed patients. I hope you are getting your hormone levels checked frequently. or every 3 to 6 months. Some holistic practices are dangerous to mess with. Your thyroid is not a thing you want to have a wait and see attitude. There is really nothing you can do holistically to increase your thyroid hormones or their production. Kelp, Iodine, and other natural things are not easily absorbed when your thyroid is not functioning. See a doctor to see where your levels are at. Take amour which is pig thyroid if against medicine.
  • mary_susan
    mary_susan Posts: 2 Member
    I have Graves disease and hyperthyroidism. Gained 20 pounds in the MONTH of December from the medicine they put me on. I'm taking a holistic approach now. I cut soy milk from my diet and am trying to eat cleaner and more fruits and veggies. I'm a vegetarian, so I'm not a fast food addict, but I do love my sweets. I'm determined to come back from this better AND healthier than before! I recently started taking herbalife shakes, and so far so good :smile:
  • LauraB987
    LauraB987 Posts: 11 Member
    I am Hypo as well (Hashimotos) feel free to add me!
  • sailrunner
    sailrunner Posts: 41 Member
    My doc said I am hypo but I'm not really sure. Acupuncturist thinks not.

    I have some symptoms but not others.

    Just read Wheat Belly so I'm focusing on not eating wheat - hard 'cause I love good bread.
    I'm now minimizing grains but not eliminating them..
    I found the book interesting but I hope he's overstating.

    Anyone else have experience with it?