Do squats really work the butt?



  • cstahnke
    cstahnke Posts: 6
    It's about form. Knees must be over the ankles, not the toes or farther. Your weight should, in general, be more on the heels, too. It's going to feel really weird at first :wink: But if you can basically pull your toes off the ground without losing the pose, you're doing it right (there are a few, like Yoga's chair pose, that has you balancing on your toes instead, but that is much harder and works more of the front of the leg). Try Ripped in 30 or No More Trouble Zones, I think they give you a better butt-thigh workout. She also has one just for the tooshie area, but I don't remember what it's called.

    Great post! I can't do proper squats without my trainer standing in front of me constantly telling m I am leaning too far forward. They feel very strange when doing them with correct form. Perhaps better form will help your knees from hurting?
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Do a heavy set of *kitten* to grass squats one day instead of those sissy sets of 50 non-weighted ones and get back to us the next day LOL. See how those glutes feel then. #wheelchair

    I've been doing them with 5 lbs hand weights! It counts!

    A gallon of milk weighs 8 pounds.

    5lbs doesn't count.

    this..I am squatting 110 pounds 3x5 after 2 warm up sets...i am 41, and had knee issues in the past..start with the 45 pound bar like i did...concentrate on good form going at least parallel or a little more...your knees will improve, and your legs and behind will thank you....deadlift too!
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Can't wait to check out some of the exercises listed here! Great responses!
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I can confirm squats work the butt.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Heavy squats do work the butt, however, it doesn't hurt to add some of the accessory lifts listed for additional glute training.
  • Proyecto_AN
    Proyecto_AN Posts: 387
    Done with good form and enough weight, you can feel the tension in your butt.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    Do a heavy set of *kitten* to grass squats one day instead of those sissy sets of 50 non-weighted ones and get back to us the next day LOL. See how those glutes feel then. #wheelchair

    I've been doing them with 5 lbs hand weights! It counts!

    A gallon of milk weighs 8 pounds.

    5lbs doesn't count.

    this..I am squatting 110 pounds 3x5 after 2 warm up sets...i am 41, and had knee issues in the past..start with the 45 pound bar like i did...concentrate on good form going at least parallel or a little more...your knees will improve, and your legs and behind will thank you....deadlift too!

    need a spot?
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I was totally buttless before doing Brazil Butt Lift program. Loved it and have had awesome results. It's squats and lunges in every direction as well as floor work, resistance bands. and weights.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Do a heavy set of *kitten* to grass squats one day instead of those sissy sets of 50 non-weighted ones and get back to us the next day LOL. See how those glutes feel then. #wheelchair

    I've been doing them with 5 lbs hand weights! It counts!

    A gallon of milk weighs 8 pounds.

    5lbs doesn't count.

    this..I am squatting 110 pounds 3x5 after 2 warm up sets...i am 41, and had knee issues in the past..start with the 45 pound bar like i did...concentrate on good form going at least parallel or a little more...your knees will improve, and your legs and behind will thank you....deadlift too!

    need a spot?

    from you? of course:heart:
  • wow29
    wow29 Posts: 283 Member
  • mzteebell
    mzteebell Posts: 44 Member
    Add some real weight to these squats and lunges and get back to me if you don't both feel it and start seeing results in your butt. Right now you're essentially doing bodyweight exercises and wondering why you aren't getting the results you want. If you want your body to change, you have to force it to adapt. And the way to do that is by giving it a challenging weight to handle.

    Bump! Will try this.
  • samlankford
    samlankford Posts: 334
    yup they do, and lunges as well... just make sure you have proper form and if it becomes too easy for you hold onto some dumbells...
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    add weights to y our squats... it makes all the difference!!! I promise it will work. also, make sure you're squatting to depth... hip crease below the crease of your knees. @$$ to GRASS!! :) Lunges are great too!!
  • noKTdidnt
    noKTdidnt Posts: 61 Member
    I do a whole slew of glute kickbacks. And I FEEEEL it.
  • tufbutrfly
    tufbutrfly Posts: 1
    Easy to do with no strain on your knees.

    Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing outward just a bit. Stand on the balls of your feet, lifting you heels off the ground. Squeeze your butt while keeping your heels off the ground and pushing your shoulders back a bit. Hold until the burn is too much. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

    Best part is you can do this anywhere. In an elevator, while you do dishes, while you wait in line...if you are standing, you can be squeezing. =)
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    do curtsey lunges, I feel them EVERY time
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Only looked at the first page but these:
    Add some real weight to these squats and lunges and get back to me if you don't both feel it and start seeing results in your butt. Right now you're essentially doing bodyweight exercises and wondering why you aren't getting the results you want. If you want your body to change, you have to force it to adapt. And the way to do that is by giving it a challenging weight to handle.
    Heavy squats, Bulgarian split squats(ouch), deadlifts, and more deadlifts.
    Do a heavy set of *kitten* to grass squats one day instead of those sissy sets of 50 non-weighted ones and get back to us the next day LOL. See how those glutes feel then. #wheelchair
    I also have really bad knees. Doing bodyweight squats "until it burns" causes me a lot more pain than doing heavy squats. And building your leg muscles will help your knees.

    I recommend taking the advice of the above posts...Also as for your comment...
    I should have also thrown in the that I have rheumatoid arthritis in my knees. So I can only go so low, and I can only do so heavy, but I do them to the point it burns.

    Basically wanna know what are other things I can do that aren't so hard on the knees.

    Great replies so far!
    I have arthritis also. Plus I'm unusually flexible which doesn't help (weak points). Do not do squats to the point it burns. That can cause problems, expecially with repetitive movements + arthritis. I still suggest squats, but weighted ones (yep, even with arthritis). The point of weight training is progressing in weight. What feels 'so heavy' now isn't going to feel heavy later if you do it right. The point isn't to go in and hef around something that can break your back. It's to work up the strength so you can hef around that amount of weight :p

    Also weight training HELPS rheumatoid arthritis, the Arthritis Foundation even says so:
  • CarriLu123
    CarriLu123 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm pretty sure they do help. My 15 year old had knee surgery and after a year of no activity the butt cheek on the side she had the surgery was visibly saggy. After doing 30 ds with extra lunges on that side they are almost the same.

    (I took pics to show her but obviously not posting it here)
  • april1445
    april1445 Posts: 334
    You need to LEAN BACK when you're doing a squat, or you'll work the anterior muscles. Stand in front of a full length mirror, and make sure you're leaning back; weight into your heels, your toes almost come off the floor. You might need to hold onto something to get the feel of it at first.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    If you are using 5 lb hand weights, you are not going to be providing the neccessary progressive overload needed to get the development you are looking for.