Hello, thyroid, can you hear me?



  • bjune5
    bjune5 Posts: 70 Member
    Had my thyroid removed in 2004 due to cancer. It's been a hpyp roller coster ever since. I take 250 mcg Levothyroxine every morning when I wake up. I take my mutli-vitamin and other supplements at lunch. To lose weight I have to stick to a low carb diet and exercise at least 3 to 4 days a week.
  • abenardini
    abenardini Posts: 43 Member
    I was born without a thyroid, so I have been hypothyroid my entire life. It has always been as struggle to keep my levels right, especially when I would hit a growth spurt or gain/lose weight. I am currently on 150mcg of levothyroxine and 5mcg of cytomel 3xDay. Now that I have that added T3, I have seen a HUGE improvement on how I feel and finally don't have the hypo symptoms anymore. Since the thyroid produces both T3 and T4 it makes sense that I need to replace both hormones that my absent thyroid SHOULD be producing.
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    So glad for this thread. My gyno did a total prenatal blood workup on me. My TSH came back at a 5.1, and according to her it's supposed to be 3.7. She used the term "sluggish thyroid". I have an appt with my PCP next week. I did some googling and found a site called Stop the Thyroid Madness where the author claims that "TSH LAB TEST: Supposedly measures the actual TSH in your body, called the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, a pituitary hormone messenger. Yup, they are using a pituitary hormone to tell you if you have a thyroid issue."

    So I guess I am wondering if anyone knows if my doctor will just monitor it, or if they will put me on meds? Is there a way to regulate it without meds? This is all so new to me, and honestly makes me a little nervous...
  • 100mcg synthroid here.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    me toooo
  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member
    I have hypo! I was diagnosed with postpartum thyroiditis 1.5 years ago. Im on 100mcg of levothyroxine :) Feel free to add me!
  • aricbramlett
    aricbramlett Posts: 16 Member
    I'm Hypo and have no thyroid at all. Been that way since birth. I'm on 150mg Levothyroxine daily. Actually, does anyone know why it should be taken first thing in the morning? Ever since I was a baby I have taken it before bed but I noticed on the packaging the other month that it should be taken AM. Finding it very hard to break that habit!!!

    Add me!

    From what I was told by several Drs was that almost everything we eat or drink will affect the way it is absorbed. I was told to take it with water at least 30 minutes before ingesting anything else in the morning. I was even given an example that a woman had been on the same dose for years, but when she started taking it with OJ her level plummeted (or raised based on which hormone they were looking at). I had Thyroid cancer and had a thyroidectomy. I will be cancer free for 5 years on the 8th of May. I am on synthroid.
  • IngloriousBastard
    IngloriousBastard Posts: 1 Member
    I had Follicular carcinoma thyroid cancer 12 years ago. I take 250 µg, daily, every morning.

    At least you have a thyroid to speak too ;-)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I, fortunately, do not have thyroid issues, but several family members do. My cousin recently passed away at the age of 38 with an enlarged heart. Though the autopsy didn't show it, we believe her enlarged heart was due to her hypothyroidism. Please... if you do have hypothyroidism, be sure to have your hearts checked regularly. An enlarged heart is easily treatable, but it has to be caught early. My cousin's condition was completely undiagnosed in spite of monthly visits to the doctor.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Quick question, since this is a summit of thyroid sufferers: does weight loss affect the dosage of Synthroid? I've lost some weight and was wondering if maybe that's why the brain fog has returned.

    Don't worry, I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for Wednesday, I was just wondering if anyone knew off the top of their head.

    ***I understand that any response shouldn't be taken as medical advice, so don't worry***
  • jsd6078
    jsd6078 Posts: 26 Member
    I am hypo due to total removal. I played russian roulette for years on Synthroid, I do really well on a split dose of Armour (45 in am 30 in pm).

    The biggest issue I have now is when I am working out I have to be very careful not to overheat.
  • 44by44th
    44by44th Posts: 289 Member
    Hypo. Diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 3 1/2 years ago during a routine blood test with my regular doc. She sent me to an endocrinologist at first, just to make sure there wasn't something more going on. All was clear with the specialist, so my regular doc is managing it now via blood tests every six months, but both told me I'll be on daily meds going forward.

    Before, I had no idea what the symptoms even were, so *if* I was suffering from the effects, I was blissfully unaware. That diagnosis turned out to be a blessing in disguise, though. Now that I know the symptoms, I'm WAY more in tune with and committed to my health than ever before. The only annoying symptom I have is loss of some facial hair here and there, but I've always been a pretty clean-cut guy so that's not a big deal to me.

    I've lost 40+ pounds since February of 2012. It wasn't exactly easy, but it wasn't really that difficult, either. I walk an average of 20 miles a week, and I try to eat smaller portions at mealtime. And it may seem like a chore to some, but I love the MFP food diary - I fill it out every day, whether I'm under or over. My bigger goal is better overall health, and the diary reminds me of that every time I add to it.
  • ltriggi
    ltriggi Posts: 1
    Hypo/Hyper it's different every other month. They just can't get the synthroid dose right these last few month. It makes losing weight a nightmare!!
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    i aswell have hashimoto and i take 50mg of levoxyl 6 times a week ... i have had NO side effects... and im grateful i LOVE my medicine.... it made me feel better.... because before i took it.... all i could say... is that..... i was.. Crazy.. lol... emotional wreck...
  • STC189
    STC189 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm hypo. Most likely hashimoto's but I don't have an answer back yet. Taking Armour. Feel free to add me.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    So glad for this thread. My gyno did a total prenatal blood workup on me. My TSH came back at a 5.1, and according to her it's supposed to be 3.7. She used the term "sluggish thyroid". I have an appt with my PCP next week. I did some googling and found a site called Stop the Thyroid Madness where the author claims that "TSH LAB TEST: Supposedly measures the actual TSH in your body, called the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, a pituitary hormone messenger. Yup, they are using a pituitary hormone to tell you if you have a thyroid issue."

    So I guess I am wondering if anyone knows if my doctor will just monitor it, or if they will put me on meds? Is there a way to regulate it without meds? This is all so new to me, and honestly makes me a little nervous...
    many medicines that the doctors put you on do NOT cause side effects because it is a natural hormone... but yes medicine will help.. they will probably refer you to an endo doctor and they will do blood work and give you the pills... in my case i have to take it for life... but i am grateful about it because before i found out my side effects were horrid...!! i was emotional/moody/ cold ALL THE TIME/ sleepy/ and i had anxiety about many things... now i feel MUCH better.... its sad because im only 22 but its better that i found out because my hashimoto did ruin my relationship with my babies father so.... im glad i am emotionally stable now with no side effects! YAY! :) you will be fine.. do not worry...
  • alexis49er
    alexis49er Posts: 16 Member
    Hashimoto's since 2010 here! It moved in with a 60 lb. weight gain that doesn't want to come off!

    75 mcg of Tirosint (gel cap version of levothyroxine without the side effects) and 5 mcg of Cytomel.

    Feel free to add me, always like new friends!!
  • elana87
    elana87 Posts: 5
    Hashimoto's and PCOS here. I'm not on any meds for thyroid as of now, but that's mostly because my endo hasn't seen consistently high TSH levels to put me on anything (also considering I'm not trying to get pregnant yet). Supposedly this will happen in the next 5-10 years.

    I find my metabolism is super slow, and I'm pretty much always ready for a nap. While I'm good about maintaining my weight, it's a huge effort to lose any. And because my energy is low, I'm super unmotivated to work out. Also, I have inflammatory arthritis, so I'm trying to preserve my joints and not do too many high impact workouts. I just joined MFP and I would love to have some buddies to motivate me to get up and moving!
  • dkgoetz
    dkgoetz Posts: 65 Member
    I have Graves' Disease, I just recently got off of methimazole, and hoping my thyroid will regulate itself now (fingers crossed!)
  • Lmc_32
    Lmc_32 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm hypo too, also hashimotos diease, & pof. I lost 2stone a couple of yr ago, but it is slowly creeping back on, I went to see endio dr today & he is upping my levothyroxine to 100mg one day & 75mg the next day. I have been at the same weight for a while, hope the weight comes of easily.
    Please feel free to add me