Progress Pics - January to April

brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
Hello friends, Daniel here again.

For anyone who wants the full stories.. Here are my posts on reddit.

I have an issue where no matter what, whenever I look in the mirror with my shirt off - I see the old me. I can't seem to break through the mental barrier. This becomes very discouraging at times

I started working out at the gym in January. Recently, I felt like I had not been making much progress. I had lost about 20 pounds since January, but still, started to lose motivation because I didn't feel as if I saw a significant change for all the effort I was putting in.

I had always put my progress pics next to my starting point, when I was 240 (I am now 170)

I decided to look at my progress from January, when I started weightlifting... I was pretty shocked.

Here is me at my highest weight, 240 pounds (I'm only 5'7)
**NSFW, shirtless - very hairy man.**


Here are my January to April Progress Pictures
**NSFW, shirtless - muchos hairy man.**

I apologize for the stupid smirk :P

I hate cardio. I play hockey a few times a week, and also go on walks/runs with my dog... But other than that, I really can't stand running/cardio.

Weightlifting on the other hand has changed my life. I was never a morning person, and hated the idea of going to the gym to run on an elliptical for 30+ minutes.

Now, I am at the gym at 7am almost every day.. and I LOVE IT.

Weightlifting gives me a new feeling of confidence and self worth I have never had. I constantly see new muscles developing and notice changes in my body.

To anyone, men and women, who do not lift weights.. I sincerely urge you to give it a try. There are so many incredible benefits to it. There are a lot of great programs for beginners. I never lifted weights consistently in the past up until January.. and I can't imagine a scenario where I will stop any time soon. I am addicted.

I did compound muscle movements for 8 weeks (Stronglift 5x5, doing squats, chest press, deadlift, barbell rows and overhead press 3x a week). I started literally with the minimum weights or just the barbell (45 lbs), and progressively added weights (about 5 lbs per workout). Get the app, it's awesome.

Now, as of Monday, I started Kris Gethin's 12 week trainer. I love it already.

I can't wait to see my progression.

I don't want anyone to think my progression came simply from working out.

I eat incredibly clean and healthy, count my calories and weigh all my food. This has been an 8 month battle for me and I am currently winning the battle ;)

This is just a reminder that if you are feeling discouraged, progress pics are a great way to revitalize you and keep yourself going. I hate looking at my old pictures, but at the same time, it motivates me to never get back to how I was.

I know a lot of people here suffer with the issue of not being able to see changes themselves in the mirror, even with major weight loss. I do too. If it wasn't for progress pics, I probably would have fell back into my old ways multiple times by now.

I have ****ed up and had cheat meals, I have faltered, but I always continue with the healthy lifestyle. Remember, this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

I love you all



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Looking good pardner! That has to feel amazing!
  • bsutherland3681
    bsutherland3681 Posts: 44 Member
    Nice job! Looking good!!!
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    Go Leafs Go!!! Oh ya ... and way to go Daniel!!
  • rlinaresv
    rlinaresv Posts: 108
    Very motivating dude, thanks for sharing
    Cheers and Keep up the good work
  • lug12679
    lug12679 Posts: 3 Member
    WOW!! that is amazing you look fantastic. Keep up the great work.
  • lynnelynsey
    lynnelynsey Posts: 20
    brilliant.well done
  • suzmathew
    suzmathew Posts: 61
    Wow! Well done! That's a great achievement, keep at it
  • maryannelk
    maryannelk Posts: 707 Member
    Great job! I especially appreciate the lifestyle advice. It's so important!
  • Frenchiesfries
    good job dude!
  • moliva4
    moliva4 Posts: 29
    Awesome job! Go Leafs Go!
  • kaybristow01
    kaybristow01 Posts: 38 Member
    Amazing progress :)
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    Hard to believe there are any leaf fans showing their face after last night LOL

    Thank you for all the kind words everyone, i appreciate it more than words can explain.

    You're all sooo kind <3
  • Christinamarie77
    Christinamarie77 Posts: 50 Member
    I think I'm you in girl form ha hah I have the exact same thoughts/issues and give up.

    So I banned the scale (I do check it every week or so but it doesn't matter what it says to me anymore) BUT I do measure with a body tape, and that you can ALWAYS see the difference whether you gained or lost. A close friend struggles with an eating disorder and was all sorts of upset she gained 5 lbs sticking to it...well she lost all she could lose and started building muscle, thus gaining weight. I got her to start measuring instead and she is doing wonderful with it.

    It's all in the way you "look" at it.

    Great transformation!! Good for you!!
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    I am trying to focus more on body composition and less on the number on the scale. Hard though - was literally weighing myself every day.. Sometimes even multiple times a day. Bad obsession is bad.

    I definitely need to get into measuring myself though. Sounds like a great idea.

    Thanks for your input, and your kind words. Much appreciated.
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    Thank you for the motivation!:) You look great and have made amazing progress. Keep working hard!!
  • lindaschultz45
    lindaschultz45 Posts: 60 Member
    You look great! and yes! Lifting weights is great for both men and women. Weights will not bulk women up either. It actually helps you lose weight as lean muscles burn fat all day long. Our work is doing a wellness program but to get the 5 miles in a day, I have to do the cardio to get the steps in to get the points in so will have to go back in the p.m. to get the weight lifting in too. I get up at 3:00 a.m. to get my workouts in.....never thought I would do that in my life but it is addictive!! The best and healthy drug habit you can have. Your body and mind will thank you for it for many years to come. Again, WTG!! Hope to be there in the next year!! :smile:
  • stephenszymanski
    stephenszymanski Posts: 114 Member
    Great progress! Really shows the benefits of lifting instead of just doing cardio.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    You look great! Good for you!
  • purplecharm
    purplecharm Posts: 446 Member
    Amazing results. Keep up the good work.

    i am so jealous of the fact that men lose weight faster than women. :cry:
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Well Heyyyy Now..
    Much progress man.

    Have you ever thought of waxing???
    It can be painful.
    Or how bout a real close shave?
    Im being totally serious, not mean..Im just saying..I bet there's a lot of definition underneath all that Hair.
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