Why drinking water is important--Drink up!

I saw this on Yahoo and thought I would share. There are always questions about why drinking water is important to weight loss.

Surprising side effects of dehydration

(From Reluctantly Healthy)
In this episode "Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition" trainers and life coaches Chris and Heidi Powell educate host Judy Greer on the importance of staying hydrated. A huge plus for hydration, Judy says, is that it helps prevent wrinkles. But another unflattering side effect of dehydration is weight gain, Chris and Heidi caution. Even mild dehydration can slow down your metabolism by as much as 3%. Ninety percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated, and the body often misinterprets thirst for hunger. The effects are far from skin-deep: Lack of water is the #1 trigger for daytime fatigue and headaches. What's the best temperature for your water? It depends, Chris says. If you want to hydrate yourself quickly drink it cold. But if you want to fill up and suppress your appetite, choose warm because it stays in your system longer and expands the stomach, sending a signal to your brain that you're "full."

Just thought I would share.


  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    See, I knew there was a reason I drink so much water!!!