It's the little things that count...



  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    I do all that **** x 100 and get 0 gratitude. I am ready to pee on this fire.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    With holding sex for `little things` is saying the same as pay for sex?

    If you live in a relationship where you have to pay for sex then it isn`t healthy...just saying?

    I like to think of it as more of a dirty barter system. :wink:
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I love little gifts, flowers, chocolate, etc just as much as anyone else but I think the biggest little thing a guy can do is LISTEN... actually listen when you talk. Yes, I know that the story I'm telling isn't exactly exciting, but it happened to me, I want to tell you about it, just listen. That's special.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    The title of this thread is the exact same thing my girlfriend told me the first time I took my pants off.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    With holding sex for `little things` is saying the same as pay for sex?

    If you live in a relationship where you have to pay for sex then it isn`t healthy...just saying?

    I like to think of it as more of a dirty barter system. :wink:

    And this is why a lot of men rather live alone than be married. =)
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    What do you guys do to keep that fire burning? Ladies, what little things does/could he do?

    I've really been trying to improve myself in this area. Not just in my love relatinoship, but in all my relationships. For me I have found my deepest satisfaction in life has been when I give of myself. But I digress a bit.

    So, for the last several months I have made sure my wife always has fresh flowers according to the season. I make sure I text her and tell at least once a day (more like three or four times a day) how incredible, beautiful, strong, sexy, and generally amazing a women, mother, and wife she is. I try to set aside time that I just let her talk and I listen (I get up with her every morning at 4:40am to have coffee and do this. I make the coffee, get her meals ready for the day and send her out the door before getting the kids up and ready for school so we don't have any distractions).

    I write her love notes and leave them in her car sometimes.

    One of the last "dates" we went on I actually left the house for the day and told her I would be by to get her at 6pm. She had no idea where we were going, what I would look like, and I had no idea what she would look like. I actually rang the doorbell on our house and treated it just like a first date. It was pretty cool.

    Other little things.

    wow! That's wonderful! I'm sure your wife appreciates that so much!
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    With holding sex for `little things` is saying the same as pay for sex?

    If you live in a relationship where you have to pay for sex then it isn`t healthy...just saying?

    I like to think of it as more of a dirty barter system. :wink:

    And this is why a lot of men rather live alone than be married. =)

    You'd never hear my husband complain. When he tries new things, so do I. It's a win-win.
  • lovelyr06
    lovelyr06 Posts: 6
    Hes always doing some random little thing to bring a smile to my face. He does dishes, mowes, takes out the trash, etc..he even does laundry but it cracks me up bc he does laundry all the time! lol he works and goes to school and also is an amazing father and the best part about it is that i never have to ask him to do it. i've never asked anything from him like that and hes never asked it of me. we just do it.
    He randomly text me sweet little messages or we just act like kids playing or flirting. I leave him notes in the morning when i leave or i set his coffee up to brew so all he has to do is push a button when he gets up. making him lunch or best of all i buy him a new issue of flex magazine or some protein bars. he loves it and i love him.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Aside from the 5 million other things my husband does...he cleans all the toilets in the house daily. I know it's stupid but it's so cool to always have a sparkling clean toilet to sit on :bigsmile:
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    Aside from the 5 million other things my husband does...he cleans all the toilets in the house daily. I know it's stupid but it's so cool to always have a sparkling clean toilet to sit on :bigsmile:

    I pee on each toilet seat daily. That way it's like I'm always there with her <3
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Aside from the 5 million other things my husband does...he cleans all the toilets in the house daily. I know it's stupid but it's so cool to always have a sparkling clean toilet to sit on :bigsmile:

    I pee on each toilet seat daily. That way it's like I'm always there with her <3

    Nice!!!! :laugh:
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    Aside from bringing me beer home from his trip to Denver, my man scratches my back upon request. It's awesome.