Older, fat, nurse looking for friends for health journey



  • tealbubbles
    tealbubbles Posts: 21 Member
    Fellow nurses, feel free to add me too. I am a rural ER and community health nurse. Always looking for fellow nurses for support, as we have the somewhat unique schedule of shift work/lack of breaks/high stress.... which makes our journey even harder!
  • nursekern
    nursekern Posts: 132 Member
    I'm a 30 year old nurse anesthetist, had 2 babies in the past 2 years, moved, and have gotten 2 new jobs--whew! Trying to make a semblance of a schedule now, settling into job #2 at the end of this month! Add me, yay nurses! :)
  • sassyjh
    sassyjh Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm a 61 year old nurse who refused to have my picture taken with anyone. I prefer to remember myself as a tiny person years back. I am determined to become healthy and in good shape for my retirement in 2 years. I am staying motivated with MFP and the support of my husband. But it is hard when you only have 20 minutes for meals sometimes and you eat so fast you don't remember eating! Good luck everyone!
  • carlaphn
    carlaphn Posts: 8 Member
    Public Health Nurse here. No longer in the field but supervise he field nurses. One thing about Public Health you usually get your breaks and lunch!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    Just found this thread, and though it's a few months later I figured I'd pipe in. Perhaps there are other nurses out there who want MFP nurse friends!

    I'm 29 and have been a nurse for 8 years. I work full time days on a med-surg/oncology unit, and am going to school at night for my MSN in education. It's really hard to stay on track when I'm a stress eater and, let's face it, being a nurse is a STRESSFUL job! I have also done night shift for a while over the past few years, and that certainly helped me pack on an additional 5-10 lbs. :-P

    Any fellow nurses or healthcare workers feel free to add me :)
  • Tryinonemoretime
    Tryinonemoretime Posts: 86 Member
    I am not a nurse but I am in the same boat, or should I say :"train" as you. I am 55 and needing to lose another 90 pounds. Add me if you like. (Any and all)! Good Luck to you and the rest of us!
  • I am a wound care nurse in LTC. I am 29 and wanting to get in shape for my health but to also be able to set an example for my little girl who is four years old. I have lost 23 pounds so far my goal is 50 more. Hoping to be at my goal wt by my 30th birthday!
  • Hellie24
    Hellie24 Posts: 18 Member
    My name is Helen Just found this thread I can see it started sometime ago but this is my second visit here I had been doing really well at WW last year then I hit a plataux for about 10mths & went on a cruise in March 2012 since then Ive gained 8lb which I'd love to loose along with eventually another 22lb . Really need to get a grip .
    I'm based in the UK & yes I'm an "old fat nurse" - but stop there ... Thats very depressing I'm 56 a nurse but I dont feel old & I'm overweight...:smile: or perhaps the truth hurts ....lets become Fit & Fifty+.....please add me as a friend
  • lubbielou
    lubbielou Posts: 6 Member
    hi my name is clare and im 28 im a care worker in a care home.
    i really need to start loosing weight and been more active, but the times i work is 2pm till 10pm, i dont like eating late when i get home so i just seem to snack when im at work, i work 3 days on and 3 days off, the days i am off work i eat more healthier. i really need to be more motivated
    PLEASE HELP :flowerforyou:
  • 24 year old hca on a PICU .

    Anyone is free to add me x
  • 1chatham
    1chatham Posts: 4 Member
    It is an ever constant battle but perseverence does pay off
  • sabotai
    sabotai Posts: 25
    Nursing student here... 1 Year left to go! Working as an NA while in school so I am always busy, but add me and I will be happy to show some support!
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    Cardiac RN. I've got about 7 lbs left to go. I feel like I simply must be in shape if I'm going to educate my pts about healthy lifestyle choices.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    46 year old neonaral nurse, 54 lbs to go - and it has taken me since January to lose 2lbs - so I would love your friendship and encouragemetnt - and I'll give it back!!


    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • cinrn68
    cinrn68 Posts: 215 Member
    Hi! I'm a 44 y.o. NICU nurse. I work 12-hour shifts, day/night rotation. I would love to have some new nursing friends since we all seem to understand the obstacles in trying to lose weight. I've lost 23lbs so far and have about another 45 (or so) to go. For 2013 I finally decided that this would be the year that I start taking care of ME!! I have 2 young children (8 and 4) who, I'm sure, would love to have a mom that's in shape and healthy!! I'm doing it for them as well, but mostly for me for once! :)
  • Louella57Dawn
    Louella57Dawn Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! am 52 year old semi retired nurse from acute care now work in school setting. After working the long long hours feeling tired & exhausted most of the time all I wanted to do was sit and eat when I finally got home I was also not sleeping well at night because I ate to much accompanied with "Hot Flashes". I thought I dont like feeling this way as my blood pressure was rising...:sad:
    I decided time for "ME" I just started my journey end of March/13 and have been logging in my food & excercise daily the phone app it's so convenient to help me stay on track. And the full web site has been a great support.
    So far I've lost about 10lbs and feel much better started excercising and have been sleeping better. Support from fellow nurses will help staying on course.:flowerforyou:
    Count me in! :smile:
  • pennygtunstall
    pennygtunstall Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm a "new graduate" nursing student at age 44. I've always been heavy but not this bad the stress of the last two years are
    showing. I have been stressed for years now my mom died in Jan. of cancer all over her body in the mean time my marriage has gone south and we are seperated due to alcoholism and abuse. I finally made it thru school and now I can't wait to take the boards and find a job. I hope i'am not to old to be a new nurse.
  • tlewis06
    tlewis06 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am a 34 y/o School Nurse who has been been nursing 10 years. As you all know nursing is very stressful and when I am stressed I EAT!!!! I would like friends that are positive and motivated to not only loosing the weight but keeping it off. I needs some friends to keep me motivated. ;-)
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I'm a retired, 55 yr old nurse. Any of you nurses out there, feel free to add me! We do have a special kinship. What better people to support each other on our journey towards better health!
  • josarahm
    josarahm Posts: 48
    Its no surprise that so many of us Nurses have weight problems etc. Too much caring for others. I am a Director of Nursing and have always been overweight but have gained 10 pounds per year since taking this position!