Reslts from Jamie Eason Live fit?

Does anyone have any befor and after pics after doing Jamie Easons Live Fit program? Any comments? Please post your pics! Thank you so much!


  • I'm in week 10 right now! I have REALLY enjoyed the program. It was just what I needed to get a change of pace. I have learned SO much about weight lifting- including the fact that I LOVE it so much more than I thought I would! The program has really challenged me to go outside my comfort zone. I haven't lost weight, but I haven't gained any either. What I have gained is a lot of muscle! I'm so much stronger already and I'm so proud of my arms! During these last few weeks she pushes your cardo way up, so I will take some pics when I'm all done. Let me know if you have any questions!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Thank you for responding. When did you start to see results? I can't believe noone else out there has tried this? Nobody at all? Just one person?

    I would love to see the end result after you've finished your cardio! Thank you again!
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I would love to hear more about this as well!
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I don't know how to post pics, but I ran through the whole program twice last year and LOVED my results. Last Summer was my first Summer to buy and actually wear a string bikini. I'm doing James Wilson's program now, but will probably go back to LiveFit when I'm done. I love the different phases, and how I was able to use them for maintenance as well. I finished up the second round at the end of July, then repeated phases 2 and 3 to prep for vacation. I then repeated phase 3 in October to prep for a little weekend getaway. I strongly, strongly recommend this to everyone, whether you're a beginner or an old pro just looking to change up your routine.
    Good luck!
  • I noticed muscle growth after the first 4 week phase, and after 8 weeks I am SUPER happy with my arms and shoulders. I also have a lot more endurance during cardio. I will tell you that I haven't done her diet plan. I have 3 little ones and I love to eat, so while I do prepare healthy meals and try to minimize carbs and sugars, rigid plans just don't work for my family. I'm betting that if I had stuck to hers I would have seen even better results. I realized that I'm actually in week 9, not 10, BTW. When I'm done, I will start back at phase 2 and repeat phases 2 and 3 to get ready for summer! Best of all, this plan is FUN. I have learned so much and I'm no longer afraid to go the "boy side" of our gym because I know what I'm doing!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Today I am on day 2 of week one on the Jamie Eason Live Fit program. My triceps are so sore from yesterday. Today is back and biceps ! My son is a great trainer, spotter and I love him so much for helping me do this! This week and 11 more weeks to go on the program. I can't wait to see results. I'm not following the diet plan but eat healthy and controlling my portions. Need to get some calcium though and a muti vitamin. Anyone else want to join me in doing this program if you haven't already started? I'm game for more people to do it with me! Add me if you like!
  • SeraFee
    SeraFee Posts: 52 Member
    I got up to week 10 of the LFT. I loved it but at that point I got really burned out and I didn't have time to be in the gym 1-2+ hours 6 days a week. I never really lost any weight but the changes in my body were quite noticeable. Lots of muscle gain. I also didn't follow the diet 100%. Currently I'm training for a 5k and incorporating the first couple weeks of the LFT into that. Good luck!
  • I am starting day 1 tomorrow. I'm really excited to start. I went out and got food for the plan so I can do the diet also. Seeing everyones results has solidified my decision to keep going and finish the program!
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I am currently on week 3 of the program and I am LOVING it! I can't wait until the sessions get harder. Anyone can friend me if they would like support :)

    Edit- I am following the diet plan about 90%, really really trying to eat clean during the week and hit my protein macros. Sometimes on the weekend I get off track, but for the most part I am trying my hardest to follow it. I also don't alter the workouts in any way, except I will start adding in cardio two weeks early, just because it's getting so nice here and I'd really love to get back into running 2-3 miles outside. Other than that I'm doing everything how it's laid out! I think diet is a lot of the progress you will see, so those of you who aren't following the recommended guidelines may not see the same results as if you were.
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    I am currently on my last week of Phase 3(Week 12)....I am bitter sweet because I really enjoy the program but for sure will be visiting it again...The pictures below...The First Day to Phase 1/Phase 2/Phase 3....Look for my updated picture next week...Good luck to those that are taking on this program.. It is great... I did not do the Diet Plan....

  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    thank you everyone, you guys look great! I really want to finish this program and stick to it. I want to last the 12 weeks even when it gets tough. thanks for all your support!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I'd like to see more results too cause of the ones I've seen, they are awesome but not results that I would compare to 30DS. Time is important to me.
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    I jumped into the plan in Phase 2, since I had already been doing something similar to Phase 1 for the same amount of time. I'm on my last week of Phase 2 right now and I've been consistently losing weight and body fat %, so I'm excited for the next phase. I haven't followed the diet plan much, although I take her recommendations, such as cutting carbs, eating within an hour of waking up, etc.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    Interested to see more opinions/pics as well! I planned on starting this program earlier this year, but then life got nuts, and I picked up another weights routine, that I'm liking pretty well. Maybe after our move I will do this. I was a bit intimidated by all the different moves, but think I could handle it now.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Im day 74!!!! Ill post next week, I haven't taken any photos since my first day ( January 28th I believe) so im really excited to see the results. This program works. Unfortunately I know I wont be seeing the proper results I wanted to see, only because I had to skip a few workouts because I was sick (and now sick again :( ) and did have an occasional cheat meal from time to time. Oh and because it was crazy winter here, I basically did all my workouts from home!!! Still, I see results. And I definitely will continue to do this as I find it easy to follow the meal plans.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    So I started at the end of January , today is my last day!!!



    I also wanted to share that I only workout from HOME. I stopped going to the gym due to moving and also weather conditions (lots of snow storms). I would have seen better results if I had been able to do every single exercise, and do carb cycling. I was not able to follow the meal to a T only because it would be expensive for me. I did follow what I needed though, starches, protein & veg. I also invested in protein shake. I got Dymatize ISO 100 in Chocolate Gourmet. ITS AMAZING. Add 1-2 tblsps of peanut butter, omg tastes like Reeses Pieces.

    I will continue to use Jamie Easons life fit program as a guideline as I feel it is very easy to follow and its do-able!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    So I started at the end of January , today is my last day!!!



    I also wanted to share that I only workout from HOME. I stopped going to the gym due to moving and also weather conditions (lots of snow storms). I would have seen better results if I had been able to do every single exercise, and do carb cycling. I was not able to follow the meal to a T only because it would be expensive for me. I did follow what I needed though, starches, protein & veg. I also invested in protein shake. I got Dymatize ISO 100 in Chocolate Gourmet. ITS AMAZING. Add 1-2 tblsps of peanut butter, omg tastes like Reeses Pieces.

    I will continue to use Jamie Easons life fit program as a guideline as I feel it is very easy to follow and its do-able!

    Wow, you look great! Awesome transformation! I haven't taken any before pics. I should have. Maybe I'll have my hubby take pics of me now and then at teh end of the 12 weeks. I'm on Phase 2 day 6 tomorrow. The cardio is killing me! Thank you so much for posting your results. Love it! Congrats!
  • sheltielover
    sheltielover Posts: 135 Member
    So I started at the end of January , today is my last day!!!



    I also wanted to share that I only workout from HOME. I stopped going to the gym due to moving and also weather conditions (lots of snow storms). I would have seen better results if I had been able to do every single exercise, and do carb cycling. I was not able to follow the meal to a T only because it would be expensive for me. I did follow what I needed though, starches, protein & veg. I also invested in protein shake. I got Dymatize ISO 100 in Chocolate Gourmet. ITS AMAZING. Add 1-2 tblsps of peanut butter, omg tastes like Reeses Pieces.

    I will continue to use Jamie Easons life fit program as a guideline as I feel it is very easy to follow and its do-able!

    you look absolutely fantastic. a girlfriend and i are on day 3 of phase 1 and really really enjoying it already! im so sore!

    thanks for posting these!
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    I'm on Day 2 of Phase 3... HOLY WOW, girl! You look AMAZING! I can only hope that my results are as wonderful!
  • wickednitsch
    wickednitsch Posts: 29 Member
    Pros: teaches you GREAT weight lifting exercises and is a good intro for anyone who is intimidated by "that side of the gym; the plan is clear and perfect for those of us who want a LOT of guidance; will tone and "cut" those who are at a healthy weight but unhappy with shape

    Cons: diet was too restrictive for me to be sustainable, there is minimal weight loss due to muscle replacing fat and this can be discouraging for beginners

    It's a great program for what it is intended to do but, IMO it's too restrictive for those of us who have a long journey ahead. This is NOT intended as a criticism. It's just an observation. For me, I'm at a point in my journey where eating less and moving more is going to do just plenty for me. Once I get closer to a goal weight I will probably revisit the program to help me with shaping and toning. Right now I need something I can stick to long term.
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    bump for later
  • amiaow
    amiaow Posts: 35 Member
    I did it last year and had good results- I have week by week photos on my bodybuilding profile with the same username as here. I wish I'd known then what I know now about diet though, her diet is pretty 'bro' for want of a better word.

    If I did it again I would also take a deload week between phases and probably ditch the cardio in P2, it's just not necessary. I had tendonitis in my knees by Week 10.
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    It's so great to see your guys' progress and opinions on this. I recently found this program and am starting my first day tonight.
  • Lian73
    Lian73 Posts: 1 Member
    Wow amazing to see your fantastic results, I did attempt jamie Easons challenge last year but not properly, where as this I will try to do better, if I was to work put from home as my gym is tough to get to with winter, would I stick to the push and pull day at home for 12 weeks straight?
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