I can't believe that....

TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
When I see my family next week, I will be 90 lbs less than the last time they saw me! Craziness!! (or even more hopefully....with Thursdays weigh in! I had a stinkin maintain last week! hehe)

I was home (In Oregon), last August.....RIGHT before I started my new lifestyle on September 6. In fact, the picture in my profile pics of me before was taken from that trip!

I am a BIT worried that I won't be able to do my normal workouts at the gym and focus a lot on this site...but the good thing about doing this as long as I have is that I have taught myself about portions and healthier foods...so I think I will do OK! Plus, I might be able to hop on my hubby's work laptop and check out foods here and there! (and say HI!!) The problem is that my dad likes to treat us to dinners out and buy McDonalds for breakfast!! And my grandpa makes the best homemade sausage and sausage gravy over biscuits!! :ohwell: :ohwell: Gonna have to resist!! hehe They all know I am living a different lifestyle though, so hopefully they won't be too insulted if I say no thank you and go buy my yogurt and fiber one!!

Good thing is my grandpa also has a great garden every year and also lives around farms that grow other produce....so I will get some great healthy meals that way!! Sometimes we have an entire dinner from the garden! Sliced fresh tomatoes (No poopie on them!! :laugh: ), cucumbers, zucchini, corn!! MMMMM!


  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    When I see my family next week, I will be 90 lbs less than the last time they saw me! Craziness!! (or even more hopefully....with Thursdays weigh in! I had a stinkin maintain last week! hehe)

    I was home (In Oregon), last August.....RIGHT before I started my new lifestyle on September 6. In fact, the picture in my profile pics of me before was taken from that trip!

    I am a BIT worried that I won't be able to do my normal workouts at the gym and focus a lot on this site...but the good thing about doing this as long as I have is that I have taught myself about portions and healthier foods...so I think I will do OK! Plus, I might be able to hop on my hubby's work laptop and check out foods here and there! (and say HI!!) The problem is that my dad likes to treat us to dinners out and buy McDonalds for breakfast!! And my grandpa makes the best homemade sausage and sausage gravy over biscuits!! :ohwell: :ohwell: Gonna have to resist!! hehe They all know I am living a different lifestyle though, so hopefully they won't be too insulted if I say no thank you and go buy my yogurt and fiber one!!

    Good thing is my grandpa also has a great garden every year and also lives around farms that grow other produce....so I will get some great healthy meals that way!! Sometimes we have an entire dinner from the garden! Sliced fresh tomatoes (No poopie on them!! :laugh: ), cucumbers, zucchini, corn!! MMMMM!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    It will be awesome, and they will freak out. (My mom walked past me in the airport without recognizing me. . .my own mom)

    I wonder how many calories are in a small serving of biscuits and gravy. . .and could you fed ex one up here?:tongue:

    Enjoy the trip and the complements!:flowerforyou:
  • cwilson715
    cwilson715 Posts: 130
    woohooo!!! Congrats I can't wait to hear the stories of their reactions.
  • zen68
    zen68 Posts: 138 Member
    You are amazing girl......I go home in Sept and will be 30lbs lighter...anyway YOU ROCK!!!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    Your family is going to be floored when they see you!!
    Have a great trip...!!!

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I'm excited for you Tam! It is so awesome to see your before and after pics! You look amazing! You are an inspiration to us all!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    They're gonna flip!!

    How fun for you! :drinker:
  • 2Shoes
    2Shoes Posts: 396
    OMG they are definitely going to FLIP!! Do they know that you've been losing??
  • LadyZen
    LadyZen Posts: 153 Member
    Does your family know about your weight loss? Here's another sticky question: will they support it or nonintentionally try to sabatoge it? My family is heavy on both sides. It seems like whenever I'm dieting or trying to be healthier, they will say "You don't have to do that. You look fine. Want some cake?" They just don't get it.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I went home on leave not too long ago..... I ate whatever I wanted but portion controlled i was able to get to the gym alittle bit I ended up coming back with alittle bit of a weight loss. Just enjoy yourself you deserve this!

  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member

    U know your portions well enough that U should trust yourself. It is vacation treat yourself. I bet you gain maybe 5lbs and when U come home U could have it gone in 2 weeks. Go on girl enjoy yourself , U have earned it.

    U will B missed though.
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Wow, the reaction from your family is going to be phenom!!!!! Maybe they (your dad and his cooking) will want to try to help you and not make as unhealthy foods as they normally do.

    Regardless, you need to enjoy yourself, maybe just be aware of the portions.

    You can do this, you've made it through all the major eating holidays and you have this wonderful loss!!!!

    Enjoy your family and their reactions/love for you:heart:

  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Tam you should show up dressed as a hooker! LOL that would be so funny.

    Sit them down and say "I have changed my lifestyle, I'm now a high priced call girl!"

    OK, ok I have a sick sense of humor. So sue me. You're talking to a guy that was
    richard simmons for halloween one year, and who's wife was a dirty old man flasher the year
    before (with a very realistic looking package by the way!).
  • Lifeisgood2008
    Lifeisgood2008 Posts: 66 Member
    I am so excited for you.. that will be great. :flowerforyou:
    Can't wait to hear how it all turned out.

    I had the opposite reaction last night.. I hadn't seen my brother in 4 years and I have gained about 80 pounds since I saw him last.. even though he didn't say a word, his face said it all. sigh.
    Next time I will probably see him will be at my daughter's wedding in the fall of 09. That certainly is a goal, but not only because of the wedding, but seeing my ex and his new teeny tiny on his arm.

  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Tam you should show up dressed as a hooker! LOL that would be so funny.

    Sit them down and say "I have changed my lifestyle, I'm now a high priced call girl!"

    OK, ok I have a sick sense of humor. So sue me. You're talking to a guy that was
    richard simmons for halloween one year, and who's wife was a dirty old man flasher the year
    before (with a very realistic looking package by the way!).

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Whewwww!!!! That'd get a reaction....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously though...that is going to feel so good. And you've worked hard. You deserve the vacation and a treat. Just trust yourself enough to know that you can treat yourself without over doing it. Congrats on all of your progress. This is the first I looked at the before pic. You are amazing!! Have a safe trip and stop in to say hello...We will definately miss ya...:flowerforyou: :wink: :happy:
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    omg hun they are gonna be blown away! You have always been beautiful, but I know they'll just be amazed at what you've accomplished. I can't wait to hear all about it! Have your camera ready for the look of shock on their faces lol :laugh:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    okay first....OMG BANKS....lmbo

    and second....

    girl I agree w/ everyone...you are amazing...and beautiful...inside and out....and now when they see the new and improved Tami Lou....OMG...jaws will hit the floor and you'll be the star you always were!!!

    hugs and we sooo miss you girlie....I'll be texting you soon....the stalking will never end!! you hear me...NEVER...bwah ha ha ha!....ah:ohwell: ...okay later diva!:flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    You guys are the best!!!! :heart: you all!!

    Banks, I will keep that in mind! HAHA! Though I am going to my grandparents (my grandfather is a retired Army Lt. Col too!!) immediately from the airport....not sure what they would think seeing me dressed as a hooker!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    I will miss all of you too!! I will think of you as I am enjoying the lovely (hopefully) Oregon weather and produce!! And then going down to Santa Barbara...*sigh*.....honestly, it is SO gorgeous there!! I think we might go to the botanical gardens again. We went there the last time we were in CA in 2006. I was 7 months pregnant and the SB botanical gardens are actually hiking trails!!! But I did it!!! Hahaha! Mmm the seafood!! The first night there, we went out on the wharf and had shrimp tacos! Talk about good!!!

    Ali, you keep telling me how amazing I am, and I won't be able to fit through the door! (not from weight, from my big head!!! :laugh: )....But, you know I feel the same about YOU!!!!! :wink: My buddy ol pal!! :heart:

    I leave a week from today...our flight takes off from JFK at 5:30 AM!! Ouch!! Will probably have to leave our place at like 2:45 or 3:00 to get to the long-term parking by 4:00....and then on to the terminal! It's going to be tiring for sure!!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Have a safe flight
    I didn't realize you were also hitting SB....LOVEEEEE it there...soooo beautiful!!!!

    Enjoy and can't wait to see pics when u get back