How many carbs do you eat?

Just wondering how many carbs people eat and if it effects your weight-loss negatively or positively?


  • Code7526
    Code7526 Posts: 52
    If you want to loose weight, cut out sugar and anything with sugar in it and white flour(wheat).

    Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution book says in the weight loosing phase, 90% of every meal should be protein and the other 10% of your meal should be dark/light green vegetables.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I set my macros at the trusty old "generic" 40/40/20. That's 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat. Usually puts my carbs at 176g per day. If I workout that goes up of course.

    I like this, it seems to be working perfectly for me. I do have to add a protein shake most days to help increase my protein to meet my 176g goal. Most importantly, I'm NEVER hungry, and I get to eat a wide variety of foods. I just make sure to stay away from sugar and "white foods/refined foods".

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I eat usually no more than 15 carbs a day. Does it work for me? Yes. Does it work for everyone? No. This is the first time I've been able to lose weight with diet (and really it's more or less a life style change. I don't intend to ever go back to eating the way I used to. I don't miss sugary foods, breads and other starchy things.)

    I am always full, feel better, look better and I wouldn't trade that for all the pop tarts in the world - granted I've still got some weight to lose.

    I usually aim for 70% fat, 20-35 % protein and 2-5% carbs
  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
    low carb diets are just another way for you to cut calories, as is paleo, juicing, ect. Just eat clean and stay within your calorie goal and you should be fine. I eat 40/30/30 and some days my carbs are way over 200g and im not a balloon yet.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    If you want to loose weight, cut out sugar and anything with sugar in it and white flour(wheat).

    Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution book says in the weight loosing phase, 90% of every meal should be protein and the other 10% of your meal should be dark/light green vegetables.


    If you want to lose weight, eat less cals than you expend, that's all you need. If you eat really high protein low carb, a large % of your early loss will be water weight, as your glycogen stores in your muscles will be depleted, which in turn lowers the amount of water retained. As for fat, loss, as long as you get enough protein the amount of carbs wont matter much, if at all. I usually eat 200-250 carbs/day.
  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
    If you want to loose weight, cut out sugar and anything with sugar in it and white flour(wheat).

    Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution book says in the weight loosing phase, 90% of every meal should be protein and the other 10% of your meal should be dark/light green vegetables.


    If you want to lose weight, eat less cals than you expend, that's all you need. If you eat really high protein low carb, a large % of your early loss will be water weight, as your glycogen stores in your muscles will be depleted, which in turn lowers the amount of water retained. As for fat, loss, as long as you get enough protein the amount of carbs wont matter much, if at all. I usually eat 200-250 carbs/day.

  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    If you want to loose weight, cut out sugar and anything with sugar in it and white flour(wheat).

    Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution book says in the weight loosing phase, 90% of every meal should be protein and the other 10% of your meal should be dark/light green vegetables.


    Atkins is not the only way to lose weight. You can and will lose weight while including carbs.

    You don't have to cut out sugar to lose weight. If that were the case I would be 100lbs heavier considering the amount of sugar I consume each day due to fruit consumption.

    OP, please don't listen to the above.

    I consume over 200 carbs a day and am over my sugar by breakfast and still lose each and every week.

    It depends on the person however you don't have to cut out carbs or sugar to lose weight. Limit your calories.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Low carb seems to get a bad rap from people who can't stand the idea of giving up certain foods but at the same time gets too much hype as some sort of miracle by supporters which in turn just fuels the bad rap more. From my standpoint, as someone who actually lost weight both ways calorie counting initially (365 to 290) then low carbing without calorie counting (290 to 230), I'd say both methods are just a means to the same end and how successful a person is at either depends largely on how the person applies each method.

    For me low(er) carb fits me better. When I counted calories I generally seemed to always try to squeeze in high calorie junk foods by squeezing out meals. That said, with low carb I never really focused on the macros though but rather a general blueprint: meat around the size of your fist, veggies on the rest of the plate (watch the higher carb veggies though like carrots), 4oz or less of cheese a day, don't go bonkers with (but don't be afraid of) oils/butter/other sources of fats, no fruit, no pasta, no bread, no potatoes, no rice, no beans, and no sugar. Once you get the hang of that it's easy to start adding back in certain foods at certain times and still feel like you have control. That's how it worked for me at least. Just my two cents. YMMV.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If you really want to know about a ketogenic lifestyle, please post in the keto forum (or Primal or Paleo). I tire of being attacked when I try to help others by sharing what is working for me. The most amazing thing about my diet is the health improvements (and yes, they actually ARE miraculous considering that so many people, including doctors, haven't made the connection that diet determines health). I'm losing weight too, but that isn't my primary focus.

    There's a low carb forum too, but I removed myself because "low carb" doesn't always mean "healthy". That probably goes for keto as well, but all of my keto friends base their diet on a majority of healthy foods.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I am T2 diabetic, so per my doctor's advice, I keep my carbs to approximately 25-30% of my daily caloric intake and try to keep the sources of my carbs to fruits, vegetables and whole grains and skip the rice and pasta. I don't know how it affects my weight loss as that is what I have always done, but it sure helps my glucose levels!
  • scottbucc
    scottbucc Posts: 10 Member
    Cut carbs to go into ketosis? Atkins died fat and from cardiovascular disease. This is bad advice...
  • scottbucc
    scottbucc Posts: 10 Member
    I am T2 diabetic, so per my doctor's advice, I keep my carbs to approximately 25-30% of my daily caloric intake and try to keep the sources of my carbs to fruits, vegetables and whole grains and skip the rice and pasta. I don't know how it affects my weight loss as that is what I have always done, but it sure helps my glucose levels!

    NICE, that's the way to do it. Fruit for the win!!!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    If you want to loose weight, cut out sugar and anything with sugar in it and white flour(wheat).

    Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution book says in the weight loosing phase, 90% of every meal should be protein and the other 10% of your meal should be dark/light green vegetables.

  • scottbucc
    scottbucc Posts: 10 Member
    Don't limit calories at all...get them from the right sources. Fruits and vegetables.
    If you want to loose weight, cut out sugar and anything with sugar in it and white flour(wheat).

    Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution book says in the weight loosing phase, 90% of every meal should be protein and the other 10% of your meal should be dark/light green vegetables.


    Atkins is not the only way to lose weight. You can and will lose weight while including carbs.

    You don't have to cut out sugar to lose weight. If that were the case I would be 100lbs heavier considering the amount of sugar I consume each day due to fruit consumption.

    OP, please don't listen to the above.

    I consume over 200 carbs a day and am over my sugar by breakfast and still lose each and every week.

    It depends on the person however you don't have to cut out carbs or sugar to lose weight. Limit your calories.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Anywhere between 100-200 grams. Between 30-50% of my calories.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I think my goal is set at 220 grams a day. Some days I get there, some days I don't, but I don't worry about it too much.
  • maxdaum524
    maxdaum524 Posts: 3
    I have been doing atkins for 6 months under the guidance of Duke's Dr. Eric Westman, and I have lost 70 pounds in those 6 months, going from 220-150. Now most people think atkins is just a meatfest, but you are also required to eat a substantial amount of veggies as well. For 6 months i stayed in the induction phase (normally you only do induction for a month tops), honestly because I found what I was eating to be so very satisfying! Eggs and bacon in the morning, salads and steaks at night, no longer was I worrying about what I ate, it is a very liberating feeling trusting your body to let you know when to eat and how much, and to be able to trust your body's ketones to handle the fat you are eating. Induction is less than 20 TOTAL grams of carbs per day. That includes all carbs! Not net, so even fiber counts towards your daily 20. Most are concerned with that, especially the fiber, but honestly the only reason we are recommended so much fiber in a day is because most people expected to fill their bodies with gluten and other grains, which will only bully your metabolism. If anyone is trying to lose weight and turn their body into a fat burning machine, buy my doctor's book! It will change your life as it did mine!
    PS: Fruit is nature's candy, dont eat it! XD

    PSS: This is just one of many methods to lose weight. Do what works for you! :) I just decide to eat this way because I prefer fat to sugar any day! Granted I took it to the extreme, but I was honestly so depressed with my weight and wanted extreme results! Also all my vitals are great and cholesterol ratios are right where they should be! Your body can take care of itself if you get rid of the metabolic bullies! (sugar/carbs)
  • maxdaum524
    maxdaum524 Posts: 3
    accidental post
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    A maximum of 158 grams
  • maxdaum524
    maxdaum524 Posts: 3
    Cut carbs to go into ketosis? Atkins died fat and from cardiovascular disease. This is bad advice...

    That is because he decided to let carbs back into his high fat diet. He actually did the opposite of what he preached in his later years. Also, new atkins plans are much more well rounded. Please refer to my post for my story. Under the guidance of a dietitian, ketones can be your best friend! :)