5 miles per day. Any motivation tips out there?



  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    Assuming you already have decent mileage under your belt and you're not just starting off... the things that help me stay motivated and avoid boredom:
    Change view with various routes
    get in the car and drive to a new starting location
    Go in reverse as in if you leave the house and always start to the right, start by going to the left.
    Try temp runs
    try intervals to increase speed
    reward yourself with something for running 5xs a week for a month - could be as small as new music for running to something bigger
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    Well, I've been talking about doing this for a while now, but it just doesn't seem like I'm able to stick to it. So, I'm going to give it one last shot. I'm gunning for 180 pounds. That's a 25 pound drop, and I want to do it in 12 weeks.

    5 miles per day, 6 days a week for 12 weeks. I know I CAN do it. I'm just not sure HOW to motivate myself TO do it.

    Does anybody have tips on how to self motivate, and stick with it? 12 weeks is a long time.

    How many miles per day were you doing before the 5 mile goal? Typically most people require a conditioning period which primes there bodies to hit the 5 mile mark 6 days a week. Jogging isn't as brutal as running to beat your own PR every day but it is high impact cardio which can take a toll on your joints, ligaments, etc. in particularly when you're not ready for it.

    I'm curious though, is your real goal weight loss or do you want to focus on cardio vascular conditioning and you figure the weight loss will happen as a result? Also, what happens when injury, sickness, weather, etc. prevent the "almighty run"? I'd say... focus on the weight loss via diet and a variety of workouts if the true goal is dropping weight.
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    when i need motivation i just think of this day:

    so i have to do presentation for class
    -awkward as ****
    -start working out
    -not so awkward
    -zyzz is my inspiration
    Actually Zyzz died from a number of things but mostly stupidity. He loved party drugs, especially coke and Ecstasy, probably had an enlarged heart from the steroids and was known for taking diuretics and saunas to rid himself of excess water. He was found dead in a sauna. The sad part is that his physique was definitely attainable naturally. In fact there are many natural bodybuilders who look much better and did it the healthy, slow and consistent way.
    There is your problem
  • grannynickel
    grannynickel Posts: 48 Member
    It's really already been said, but I'm throwing my two cents worth in, anyway. I am a 67 year old woman who was 40 pounds over my goal weight when I started running and my PT at the time was steadfastly against my taking up running. He was concerned about injuries. I got a C25K program, started using it, then promptly ignored the built in rest days. I developed a very painful groin injury that took about two months out of my life. Lesson? If you are going to start running from scratch, start with a good plan and stick to the plan. If you are planning to run 30 miles a week out of the gate you can expect injuries. I like the lolo apps with Jeff Galloway because he uses a run/walk pattern which is very effective. Ignore the "you're not really running if you're walking" snobs. And then you have to be open to what speed and distance work for you in the moment. You know yourself better that any of us do, so don't be shy with what you motivate yourself with. It's all for a good cause. You may want to think about loosing that amount of weight in the length of time you selected; you will need a really good diet that you can with and some other kind of exercise because running doesn't do it all. Good luck. So you will know, I have been running 1 1/2 years using the C25K , the lolo 5K, lolo 10, and lollo half marathon apps. The most I have run without walking is 6.2 miles. My times are faster if I do increment running of 0.5 mi and 1-2 min walking. I find mixing it up keeps me interested and the running muscles recover more quickly and perform better. The trick is to not beat yourself up because you won't make it that way. And start with good fitted shoes and wick away dry socks. But you may be like me, love it so much that you do it in the morning just so you can do it again in the evening. Have fun and stay safe!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    30 miles a week to start is just asking to get injured. Try C25K to start and do something else on the other days. I didn't start running 6 days a week until I had been at it for about 4 years.

    This. Extra cardio is not the answer for losing weight and this is a recipe for injury.

    All of this. Also I wouldn't put a strict 12 week deadline for your weight loss, that is setting yourself up for disappointment and self-loathing and possibly giving up entirely if you happen to not reach it in time. Go slow. Eat at a moderate deficit and start lifting weights, as heavy as you can. The weight will melt off.
  • dogetta
    dogetta Posts: 61 Member
    Are you walking. jogging. or running? If walking Leslie sansone has a video you can see on ytube walk 5mile in 1hr and I think 8 min. I have done her 2 and 3 mile walk in the comfort of my home.good luck!
  • Casilibre
    Casilibre Posts: 21
    As stated above, I don't know if this is running or walking, but I'd think both are the same motivation wise. You just have to do it. I walk every day, seven days a week, 5 miles per day. i have been doing this for about 3 months now, and I like it, I don't love it. I just know if I take a day off, the next day I won't want to go. Unless I am puking sick, and that's only happened once, I go walk. Just do it, whether it be running or walking. It's great for you!
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    why not start out a little easier on yourself like a 2 or 3 miles and work up to 5+?

    use the couch to 5K program... it will help train you properly. most of all, if you hate running, you won't stick to it..find something you enjoy!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    It sounds like you're going to burn yourself out fast. Stop trying to lose more than 2 pounds a week.
  • melissaeasley
    Get a pedometer. You try to walk more during the day, not just "workout" time.
  • l3cupcake
    l3cupcake Posts: 11
    I'd been hearing that running in the morning is easier to make a habit than in the afternoon. That's what I've been trying for, and it's worked pretty well so far. Thanks for the laying out the running cloths idea; I've used it. It works.
  • l3cupcake
    l3cupcake Posts: 11
    There are games online that you can play to help you be motivated. No, seriously. They give you missions where you have to 'outrun' an enemy, pick up supplies then bring them to town to decide who gets them etc. They use real world miles that you track when you run, you can still make your own soundtrack etc. A friend of mine is into zombies so he does this one, though I imagine there are others. .


    Also, I can't remember the name of the site, but there is one that tracks your miles and donates to a charity of your choice based on how fast/far you run.

    Mind games for yourself, tell yourself you just have to do that first 1/2 mile, after that you can turn around and go home if you want - usually by the time that 1st 1/2 is up you'll want to keep going.

    Dear god this is brilliant
  • l3cupcake
    l3cupcake Posts: 11
    It sounds like you're going to burn yourself out fast. Stop trying to lose more than 2 pounds a week.

    The distance isn't actually an issue. I had 5 miles as a habit for about three months. I lost 35 pounds, then upped my distance to 8 per day...then I burned out.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Most training programs follow and easy, hard pattern. Doing the same run every day isn't the way to go about it. Alternate. Do 5 one day, then 9 the next, then maybe 6, then 8. etc.
  • laurasuzanne2006
    laurasuzanne2006 Posts: 103 Member
    Most training programs follow and easy, hard pattern. Doing the same run every day isn't the way to go about it. Alternate. Do 5 one day, then 9 the next, then maybe 6, then 8. etc.
    You may not see as much of a result as you think from running 5 miles for 6 days. you will get better results with speedwork, hills, and variation.