Anyone else do this on dating websites?



  • 5erious
    5erious Posts: 469
    Chloe, that's funny. Did you have a bad experience on that site? I've known at least one person who met her husband on there.
    I had a profile on there very briefly, years ago. They matched me up with my cousin.

    yes, people catfish on there

    strong profile to post content :)
  • Lizlicious2187
    Lizlicious2187 Posts: 178 Member
    My best friend actually met her husband on plenty of fish...and I almost hit on him..except I was on her screen name hahaha fail. @Jamiwren I like that I idea, but I honesly hate my smile..I have an ever so slight gap between my two front teeth..that i got from my momma (miss her)...I shall try though..promise! I'm trying to just go with the flow on okcupid..
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i'm on a dating site at the moment and find that the most common men that message me are those i've specifically said in my profile i'm not interested in. gah.

    is it really too much to ask that someone in my age bracket with a career approach me?
  • Lizlicious2187
    Lizlicious2187 Posts: 178 Member
    @jamiwren ..I can't really say I've enjoyed being single because I haven't gone on a whole lot of dates. I attribute it mainly to the fact that I don't really like doing something I've never done before...and that I still sometimes see myself as 35 lbs heavier than I really am (the weight I've lost)...even when I do see my actuall weight (like 154 lbs) I'm still seeing the flaws. I think of myself as "cute", but not sexy..ya know. I think a lot of it honestly lies within me..because I know I'm generally a down to earth person, but physically I just not there yet with having complete confidence in myself..Meh i guess I need to just grow a pair! :tongue:

    Just wanted to say I find you very attractive. If I got to know you, I would invite you over for a romantic dinner and as soon as you arrived, I would pull you close and whisper in your ear "I have a swanson tv dinner in the freezer with your name on it" and then I would proceed to fill a wine glass with welch's grape juice

    damm welch's.... you're underage huh...i guess I could settle..this time...... ;)

    i've had a crush on you for years.

    and you never messaged me...whyyyyyyyyy?!
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    I did that once, and never went back.

    I personally felt that the ratio of decent men to creeps really wasn't all that even!! But if you are committed to finding someone then I guess you make the effort to weed through the crap and find a good one. I was lucky enough to find a goodone accidentally through a friend. He is someone I would have passed up had I seen him on a dating website as he is 16 years older than me, has been divorced twice and has two kids, something at 26 I didn't think I would take on but the connection when we met was undeniable and now we're happy as anything.

    Do what you feel comfortable with, yeah push through your confidence barriers etc, but don't let any of them push you into meeting or communicating if you don't feel it. Go with your gut.

    Oh and good luck :-)
  • 5erious
    5erious Posts: 469
    @jamiwren ..I can't really say I've enjoyed being single because I haven't gone on a whole lot of dates. I attribute it mainly to the fact that I don't really like doing something I've never done before...and that I still sometimes see myself as 35 lbs heavier than I really am (the weight I've lost)...even when I do see my actuall weight (like 154 lbs) I'm still seeing the flaws. I think of myself as "cute", but not sexy..ya know. I think a lot of it honestly lies within me..because I know I'm generally a down to earth person, but physically I just not there yet with having complete confidence in myself..Meh i guess I need to just grow a pair! :tongue:

    Just wanted to say I find you very attractive. If I got to know you, I would invite you over for a romantic dinner and as soon as you arrived, I would pull you close and whisper in your ear "I have a swanson tv dinner in the freezer with your name on it" and then I would proceed to fill a wine glass with welch's grape juice

    damm welch's.... you're underage huh...i guess I could settle..this time...... ;)

    i've had a crush on you for years.

    and you never messaged me...whyyyyyyyyy?!

    i was afraid u'd reject me
  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    OP, 5erious is a shy guy, you have to dominate him.

    hes peppering his angus as we speak
  • jamiwren
    jamiwren Posts: 10
    trudijoy, I've had the same experience. It's annoying to have someone message you just based on your picture who didn't care enough to actually read your profile, isn't it? That's a guy shooting himself in the foot right off the bat.

    It's even more annoying when you answer the questionnaire for the website and fill out the information they request about what your highest priorities are in a match and have them then match you with someone outside your preferred age range, or someone who doesn't consider religion a priority when you do, or someone who wants a childless mate when you already have 3 kids. That's why I stopped using free sites.
  • danholden4006
    danholden4006 Posts: 66 Member
    I find that I am horrible at "selling" myself on online dating sites. I find that I can find more negatives about myself then positives, but I think everyone can do that.

    I also find that there are so many creepy guys out there that the decent guys get typecasted before they've even had a chance to say Hello.

    Also, there are many upon many upon many of fake female profiles out there. Just trying to get me to join another dating site or some porn site.

    Best day I ever had was on OKCupid when they did the "Blind Date" thing and everyone's pictures were disabled. I got countless messages from women on there. Some I even struck up a good conversation with. Down side is once the pictures were brought back, every one of them stopped talking to me.

    Oh... now I've made myself depressed.
  • 5erious
    5erious Posts: 469
    OP, 5erious is a shy guy, you have to dominate him.

    hes peppering his angus as we speak

    i can confirm, i am shy guy
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    Never done that. I'm still on MFP.....oh.......wait........this isn't a dating site??
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    The whole "meeting someone naturally" is so hard and complicated. I am 24 and newly single. I have never had to play the single game in 6 years. I have had 2 long relationships which were pretty back to back with no single time between. I don't know how to be single, as silly as it is. I have noticed that I have became a workaholic.... I actually had a moment earlier this week, where I thought a guy at work was totally into me and he was very cute and hard working. So something insane got into me (i am outgoing, but not to the point where i would ever ask anyone out...EVER)...well I did... Apparently, you have to be out and open with asking "do you have a girlfriend" before asking"want to go out sometime?" He looked at me confused and finally after three weeks of flirtation and me making a fool out of myself he tells me he is taken. As Charlie Brown would say.... "AAAARRRGGGGGHHH!!"

    The online sites scare me some, and the few times I have checked them out, I always seem to get the creepy ones. Plus, i don't know; still sounds odd meeting someone online and obviously its worked well for lots, but still feel with my family there is a large stigma around it.
  • 5erious
    5erious Posts: 469
    Never done that. I'm still on MFP.....oh.......wait........this isn't a dating site??

    wood smash DAT *kitten* for days
  • jamiwren
    jamiwren Posts: 10
    Liz, if you're game, I'm serious! And you can totally use this same pic...I understand about your teeth (though it is probably much more noticeable to you than it would be to someone else), and the pic you have on here is really pretty. Though you aren't really smiling (except in a Mona Lisa kind of way), you look pleasant, and it maybe makes you kind of mysterious and intriguing (like the Mona Lisa, I guess). Go for it!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Tried OkCupid for a little bit.. I find the bridge from internet to person is hard to overcome. However, I used to post on forums back in middleschool / highschool ... all those meet-ups were great!

    The whole online thing isn't for me anymore unless we're 100% on the same page.
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 821 Member
    I read somewhere that you should look for a partner in places that tell you good things about them. Ie if you meet a guy (or a girl) in a bar all that tells you is that he drinks. If you meet someone volunteering, that says that they care about the world (I know that is a generalization).

    I don't think I would be brave enough to join a dating website! I would be more comfortable volunteering, taking a class, or joining a club that revolved around exercise (tramping club ect). Even if you don't meet someone fantastic you will have meet a bunch of new people some of whom will know other people who are looking to date.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Pre-judging people before you meet them isn't the best way to meet quality partners. The best way to find a partner is not to look. /not even trolling.
  • jamiwren
    jamiwren Posts: 10
    danholden, that's a terrible story!
    You weren't by any chance making that same face in your profile pic on the site, were you?:happy:
  • jamiwren
    jamiwren Posts: 10
    Jessi, not to be too much of a cynic (and I know you were just generalizing), but meeting someone volunteering might also mean they got sentenced to community service for something. :smile:

    I actually agree with what you're saying; those are good suggestions for meeting people as an adult. It is so much different once you are out of school. One more way that kids don't know how good they have it!

    And Warchortle, I understand what you mean about "prejudging"...but to meet quality partners, you DO have to put yourself in situations where you'll be exposed to a variety of people. I think Jessi was talking about some of those situations/places maybe being better indicators of the type of people you'll meet than others. Once you're no longer in high school/college (and I can't tell how old you are, but you look youngish to me) if you fall into the rut many of us do as we get near forty of just going to work and then going home, with little other socialization, it is REALLY easy to go years without even an opportunity for dating. For some people, the workplace can fill that role, but for many of us it can't. I am nurse and, even if I were inclined to date a patient, there are ethical reasons I can't. With my particular set of priorities (and NOT because I judge or look down on people for going to bars), I would choose to meet someone at church or in an adult education class over a bar any day.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Never done that. I'm still on MFP.....oh.......wait........this isn't a dating site??
    I thought it was more like a casual encounters site?