insanity nutrition advice

2sweet84 Posts: 26 Member
Hello everybody,
I'm sure there are loads of posts similar to this but i need some advice if possible.
i'm just about through with month one and i am slowly seeing changes in the mirror the lbs aren't dropping, i am not so concerned as my bmi is fine and i am a uk size 10.
However, i want to maximise my results in month 2 and hopefully gain some definition especially on my tum.
I am 5ft 7 and weigh between 137 - 140lbs, i've avoided the scales for the last week!
Currently my intake is around 1600 calories, I am following the plan to some degree, an example of my food intake would be plain porridge or peanut butter on wholemeal bread for breakfast, A quorn sandwich on wholemeal for lunch, 0% natural yoghurt or a nak'd bar, a boiled egg for snacks or oatcakes or ricecakes with peanut butter, For dinner i would have quorn chicken pieces with veg or quorn with scrambled eggs, mushrooms, pepper, red onions and a low fat yoghurt with no added sugar. i also have a protein shake after my work out.
On MFP my fat consumption is fine, my sugar is sometimes a little bit over, my protein is always over and carbs are under. Is it worth me readjusting the levels MFP sets. What percentage would i need for protein? Any advice would be greatly received.


  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    Just about everyone that has done Insanity will tell you that they lost very little weight in the first month, myself included. The changes you see will be in the mirror instead of on the scale. It's not until the second month that you'll see the number on the scale start to drop. It sounds like you're eating plenty of protein, which is necessary, and eating the right amount and kind of calories, so I'd say stick with what you're doing.
    Glad to hear you are seeing the results. Keep up the great work and DIG DEEPER! :glasses:
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Hello everybody,
    I'm sure there are loads of posts similar to this but i need some advice if possible.
    i'm just about through with month one and i am slowly seeing changes in the mirror the lbs aren't dropping, i am not so concerned as my bmi is fine and i am a uk size 10.
    However, i want to maximise my results in month 2 and hopefully gain some definition especially on my tum.
    I am 5ft 7 and weigh between 137 - 140lbs, i've avoided the scales for the last week!
    Currently my intake is around 1600 calories, I am following the plan to some degree, an example of my food intake would be plain porridge or peanut butter on wholemeal bread for breakfast, A quorn sandwich on wholemeal for lunch, 0% natural yoghurt or a nak'd bar, a boiled egg for snacks or oatcakes or ricecakes with peanut butter, For dinner i would have quorn chicken pieces with veg or quorn with scrambled eggs, mushrooms, pepper, red onions and a low fat yoghurt with no added sugar. i also have a protein shake after my work out.
    On MFP my fat consumption is fine, my sugar is sometimes a little bit over, my protein is always over and carbs are under. Is it worth me readjusting the levels MFP sets. What percentage would i need for protein? Any advice would be greatly received.

    At 5'7" and 140 lbs in month 2 of Insanity, you should be eating at least 1900 cals a day (that's your TDEE-20%) with a 40%/40%/20% macro split. That's 40 protein / 40 carb and 20 fat and you should have been following this throughout the program, you would have seen results by now.
  • 2sweet84
    2sweet84 Posts: 26 Member
    Hiya Tonybaloney,
    Many thanks for responding. i'm actually a little scared of month 2, but i will keep pushing and am excited for the results in this month. Have you completed month 2 and how are you finding it?
    My calorie intake seems to be about right but i'm concerned about the macros mfp automatically sets and should change those.
    Thank you for your advice too Josee, will try with the 1900 but the 1600 is a push sonme days but will look at the macro settings and adjust them accordingly. I've been trying to eat carbs in the earlier part of the day wherever possible.
    i do a desk job so am not very active but do my work out and cycle 6 miles on a week day.
    Thanks again people for your advice
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I am the same height and weight as you and a beach body coach advised me to set my macros to 40-40-20 and eat 1850 calories per day. I had a hard time meeting the protein and carbs percentages so recently changed my diary to 40-30-30 (if you should look at my food diary). I find that I am hungrier than normal while doing Insanity so I was happy to increase my cals. I have two weeks left in the program and have a total gain of 2 pounds, but have lost .5 inch on my belly button waist line and .5 inch on my thighs. I was at a good weight and measurements, just trying to lose the last bit of fat on my belly and tone overall.
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Per the Insanity nutrition guide -

    Step 1 - Harris Benedict Equation for caloric needs:
    655 + (4.35*137) + (4.7*67) - (4.7*28) = 1434.25
    Step 2 - If you are doing Insanity then your activity level should be moderately active (1.55) to very active (1.7)
    1434.25*1.55 = 2223.0875 (moderately active)
    1434.25*1.7 = 2438.225 (very active)
    Step 3 - For weight loss you'll need to subtract 500, weight maintenance do nothing, weight gain add 250-300.
    2223.0875 - 500 = 1723.0875
    2438.225 - 500 = 1938.225

    So calories should be at least 1723/day if you are trying to lose weight. 2223-2438 calories per day if you are not wanting to lose. You could do a little higher than 1723/day if you'd like but not above the 1938/day for what you stated your goal is.

    Macros should be 40/40/20 (protein/carb/fat), unless there is a medical condition that is not stated in your post this macro level will be great.

    MFP's "default" calorie/macro setup is not ideal for anyone doing a program like Insanity.
  • 2sweet84
    2sweet84 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi there,
    Thank you both for your advice, staceypunk that sounds great & it's good to hear from somebody who is around the same height and build as me. Bradhall so informative thank you. I did get the nutrition guide with the insanity pack but i fell into the trap of thinking it was too much for me.
    Have adjusted my macros to reflect 40/40/20, but some things i'm finded that have the protein - natural yoghurt have too much sugar.
    i've just about finished week 4 and am excited and nervous for month 2 but most people say this is where the results show. It was a little bit trial & error with the nutrition side of things but thanks to the help and advice i've been getting i think i may be on the right track now.
    Good luck with the last stretch staceypunk and i hope you get the results you want & thank you again Bradhall fitness & have a great weekend too
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    I hope you dont mind me bumping this for later. Im thinking of starting insanity and im sure this will help at some point.

  • 2sweet84
    2sweet84 Posts: 26 Member
    Nope course not, i love Insanity. It's kinda addictive once you get into it & It's changed my diet perspective also because once i've had that work out i don't want to eat rubish and defeat the hard work i have put in. It's a challenge but a rewarding one, go for it!
  • 2sweet84
    2sweet84 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi there, any ideas for low fat low sugar meals & should i be concerned about going over sugar if it is fruit and vegetables that i am eating? thank you in advance people
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Just wanted to re-iterate what a PP said, I didn't lose much in month one but I'm losing more in month two. Trust the mirro and progress pics, not the scales.
  • 2sweet84
    2sweet84 Posts: 26 Member
    thank you so much for that, i am hoping this is the case. I'm struggling to get my protein in without going over the fat allowance also. I will try not to look at the scales until i'm on month 2 & have a lovely weekend :-)
  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    When you are pretty much at your goal weight you are not going to see the weight loss as fast. Watch the muscle definition take place in Insanity, I know I have. In the first two weeks I lost 5lbs, but I am much larger and have plenty of body fat to still lose. You could finish Insanity at the same weight, but be ripped everywhere. Stop looking at the scale and look at the mirror.
  • 2sweet84
    2sweet84 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey thank you for that,
    i guess us ladies obsess too much with the weight on the scales. I know i can see small changes in the mirror, more defined shoulders, tighter tum but i have only just recently changed my macros to 40/40/20. so i'm hoping this will help,
    How do you pack the protein in with going over the fat?
    Sorry i know i'm all questions, are you still on insanity at the moment- i do love that feeling when you've just finished a work out.
    Thank you & have a lovely weekend
  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    Yes, today is my rest day after week two. I drink a whey protein shake after I workout just to help add in extra. Then after the shake I eat dinner with veggies and chicken or fish. My diary is open if you want to look, I should still be getting about 30-40 more grams of protein which I am working on.

    Lean meat is the easiest to get protein without the fat. I live in Florida on the beach so seafood isn't hard to acquire here. :smile: