ladies 5 feet 6 inches

Hey Ladies

How many calories do you allow yourself to have everyday??
And are you eating back a portion of your exercise calories you burn off?


  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    I'm not 5'6, only 5'3 3/4 @ 130 lbs. I believe the calories you eat daily is by how much you weigh and not necessarily how tall. I'm trying to lose some more fat so I eat 1200 a day and never eat back any workout calories BUT, I do go over on calories for special treat days. You're doing fantastic so keep rocking it! :smile:
  • super_J73
    super_J73 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm 5'6" lost over 50 pounds, the last ones are so hard for me to lose. I was eating 1200. I'm working out more and eating between 1400-1600.
  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
    I'm a little over 5'5" and I eat about 1300 calories (usually a bit more). And no, I don't eat back exercise calories.
  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    I am 5'6". I allow myself 1600 calories a day. I don't eat back the exercise calories. I was using the 1200 a day but my doctor told me that is not enough, plus if you hit a time when your weight levels out and you quit losing, you can then start subtracting calories. At 1200 you have no room to subtract any. I don't exercise like I should, so if your really exercising hard you may need to eat a few of the calories back.
    I have lost 42lbs since the first of the year. It seems to be working for me. I have only had one week where I stayed the same and one where I gained a pound. The weeks I exercised I was loosing big numbers. Since I have gotten lazy I have scaled back to 1 or 2lbs per week.
    Feel free to add me if you wish. I would be glad to share any other tips I might have. Best of luck, this is a great site - utilize every thing it has to offer. Make sure you log every day, don't cheat at the logging, read the message board - lots of great tips here, the success stories are really motivating.
  • sharon_moyer
    sharon_moyer Posts: 177
    I eat like 1200 calories a day and don't eat back the calories that I burn through exercise. The amount of calories that you are to eat in a day depends on your weight and your height has nothing to do with it. I'm a happy 5' 6" and weigh 171 pounds.
  • jofiestyone
    jofiestyone Posts: 11 Member
    Im 5'5.

    I try to eat back my exercise calories as the 1200 as your body need fuel, by not eating them back, I felt tired, and also weight loss stopped.
  • xprplstardust
    xprplstardust Posts: 105 Member
    I am 5'6", I go by the TDEE method & do NOT eat back my exercise calories. I allow myself 1700 calories a day. I am doing insanity 6 days a week and I walk at least 3 or 4 miles daily (weather permitting) plus i jump on my elliptical in the morning for 10 - 15 min sometimes. I also want to begin lifting weights too, but can only do 5 pound right now. not impressive but it's something. :) feel free to add me. :)
  • kdub67
    kdub67 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm 5'6" and I hit my goal weight in January. I used 1200 as a base and ate back around 1/2-3/4 of my exercise calories, losing on average a pound a week. My loss fluctuates between 22-24 pounds total lost now. I eat 1540 (MFP guided) as a base and do eat back almost all of my exercise calories. I keep a bit of a cushion in there (100-200 calories daily) to make up for miscounted calories in foods and days here and there when I go over.
  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 192 lbs right now. I started at 216 on 2/11/13

    I used this link to calculate my TDEE and then subtracted 20%:

    It's been SPOT ON for me. Right now I can eat 1650 per day - that is my TDEE minus 20%
    The other thing that I have to make sure I do is NET at LEAST 1200 calories for the day.

    Soo...if I eat around 1650 but workout 550 worth, I have to make sure I eat those other 50 calories somewhere so that I hit the 1200 net.

    It's been working beautifully. I'm down 24 lbs and my average loss is about 1.5 lbs per week. The last two weeks I've lost 3 and 2.8 even!
  • VickyO1977
    VickyO1977 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi I am 5'5.5 I eat between 1200- 1400 per day and do not eat back exercise cals, I work out everyday. At weekends I allow a little more for a treat and am steadily losing 12.5lbs in 8 weeks.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm 5ft5 and about 132lbs I am losing bodyfat eating 1800 cals plus exercise cals.
  • fitbugfreak
    fitbugfreak Posts: 86 Member
    With some help from someone on here I just started eating 1600 calories everyday whether I exercise or not. I do workout minimum 4-5 days /week usually more. this is week#1 so I can keep you posted. I am 5'5-1/2" -
  • Lind5ay90
    Lind5ay90 Posts: 376 Member
    I'm 5'4" but I allow myself about 1,500 calories a day. My BMR is 1,780 so I'm still creating a good deficit that way. I always eat back my exercise calories because I get too hungry if I don't. But even with eating them back, I usually wind up eating around 1,300 for my net total.
    I started about 1 month and a few days ago and I've lost 10 pounds.
  • slender20
    slender20 Posts: 33 Member
    I am 5'6 and I eat between 1200- 1500 a day and do not eat back exercise calories. I try to workout at least 30 minutes everyday. Once I am at my goal weight 1500 caloires will be my maintenance weight so I thought it would be good to get used to now! Currently I weight 156lbs (71kg).
  • Jami313
    Jami313 Posts: 13
    I was aiming for 1400 calories, but then I started working out pretty heavy. Now I shoot for around 1700, but some days I only get 1000. It depends on how much exercise you are doing!