not sure if i am eating enough



  • FussBucket
    FussBucket Posts: 29
    If you were doing Atkins and restricting your carb intake your body is going to gain a little "weight" (not necessarily fat) as your body adjusts and absorbs some water. It's one reason why pro bodybuilders can bloat up after a competition when they increase their carbs. (they go really low carb to cut that last bit of weight/water before a comp). If you keep your *net* calories at say, 1300 and you burn 4-500 a day through exercise you should be eating a *total* of 1800 calories a day. These numbers may not exactly reflect your needs, it's just an example. Fwiw, if your clothes are looser and you're losing inches yet you've gained a little total body weight, I'd say you are doing alright :D

    With the above quote in mind. I did a little math for you. In the last 5 logged days you have eaten 1,179 calories in FOOD per day. For your activity level this is less then your BMR. In addition to your FOOD calories you are also averaging an additional 415 calories in wine per day. You are not eating enough FOOD each day for your activity level.

    A bottle of wine is about 750 ml each. 750 ml is = 25 ounces. Each bottle has FOUR 6 oz glasses of wine in it. Today you had 20 oz (3 glasses), Yesterday, 10 oz (1.75 glasses), Monday 15 oz (2.5 glasses), Sun 15 oz (2.5 glasses), & Sat 20 oz (3 glasses). Take a measuring cup with you and have only 6 oz of wine with dinner and eat more good food. :) You will notice a change in your body if you curb the empty wine calories. I am a wine lover too. Kudos for logging it all and kudos for having the courage to show it to a bunch of strangers and ask for feed back.

    Good Luck!
  • ArubaJane
    ArubaJane Posts: 62 Member
    Yep thank you. Today will be an active day walking 7 miles and then golfing. Cant promise about the wine but I do measure it.
  • ArubaJane
    ArubaJane Posts: 62 Member
    My hope is to get to 128. My pants and shorts are a size 8. Yes atkins is brutal, it works but only for a short time. I had to get past the point when eating cereal and bread and even fruit I felt guilty. Still really not understanding how they came up with 1200 calories but I gave myself 1300. Doesn't take long to get to 1300 when adding everything.