Need motivating friends :)

bluebirds5 Posts: 92 Member
I am fairly new to MFP I joined last year but did not get serious until the end of Jan 2013 at which time I had gained more weight UGH :( . So from my highest I have lost 38lbs now :) I still want to loose about another 60lbs. I am 5'6, 39 years old, and done with where I was at :) I am looking to add active people who are looking for motivation also. I find so much inspiration here, thanks everyone!


  • benne070
    benne070 Posts: 51 Member
    I started getting serious in January as well. Please feel free to add me, I enjoy having people to inspire and motivate me, and enjoy doing that for other people as well! :)
  • 2bwed2014
    2bwed2014 Posts: 11
    I just started getting serious with it over the last week and need to get the weight off for a wedding next year. Feel free to add me. I am on here every day
  • I just started getting serious a few weeks ago. I'd love new friends too! Feel free to add me :)
  • auburnlady78
    auburnlady78 Posts: 93 Member
    I started getting serious in April. Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • dltp223
    dltp223 Posts: 28 Member
    Request sent!
  • rosyanas
    rosyanas Posts: 11
    I am startnig seriuosly 4 days ago
  • rosyanas
    rosyanas Posts: 11
    Feel free to add me all
  • jaja76
    jaja76 Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add
  • ktafr16
    ktafr16 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey all! I am all about motivating others and vice versa! I am 28 years old and trying to lose 50 more pounds! It's been a roller coaster! Anyone can add me! The more the merrier:-)
  • sbertagnole
    sbertagnole Posts: 15
    I finally got serious last month after a number of false month later I am down 5 pounds! My goal is to lose an additional 49 pounds. Feel free to add me as a friend-looking forward to working with you on this weight loss journey!
  • RCMPWannaBe
    RCMPWannaBe Posts: 84 Member
    I want to help ALL the people! Feel free to add me! There's strength in numbers!
  • KathreneW
    KathreneW Posts: 66 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I am on here every day! Lets encourage each other!
  • shellane01
    shellane01 Posts: 13
    Feel free to add me. I m here all the time.
  • swopen
    swopen Posts: 165 Member
    feel free to add me. you can never have too many friends!
  • kari0302
    kari0302 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me too!
  • bookstitch
    bookstitch Posts: 86 Member
    I started to get serious about a month ago. Just was tired of where I was at in my life. I think back to myself as a child and the future I saw for myself, and physically I'm not there. So it was time to change that, because I'm not going to wake up and overnight look fabulous. I'm on here pretty much daily. Feel free to add me. I like support and I like giving it =)
  • starartist
    starartist Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me too!

    I joined many many months ago and just feel as though half of my friends have become inactive or have given up even though I encourage them online and in person. I would like to know more people who are active on MFP.
  • I just lost my last 10 pounds from the pregnancy of my soon to be 2 year old. I still have 20lbs left from my soon to be 5 year old and 30lbs left since dating my husband about 9 years ago. I really need some support to keep me going because I can't handle being this big anymore.
  • mariejane40
    mariejane40 Posts: 1 Member
    im new to all this! lol...been struggling with my weight for few years after my 4th child and quiting smoking then being diognosed with underactive thyroid gland.I love excercise tho but struggle with the diet cuz i love i would love some pals so we can encourage eachother etc.This year i want it to be the last year i have to lose weight! lol
  • krlong6
    krlong6 Posts: 30
    Let's motivate one another!! I know how hard the struggle is.