How do you stay full or satisfied?



  • MrsBling
    MrsBling Posts: 28
    If you feel hungry i recommend adding a bowl of a healthy cereal no matter what time of day! Really filling and not a lot of cals;)
  • Tammysjourney
    For me, I have found the more white carbs I eat, the hungrier I am. Your body turns them into sugar, which just makes you crave more sugar. I have found by eating protein veggies and fruit for lunch, it really sustains me more than when I eat that plus a big carb, like putting the protein on bread. If you feel you have to eat the carb, just eat half (like 1/2 sandwich instead of whole) and make it whole wheat, along with the veggies and fruit. Some eat many small meals, and for me, I have tried that, but never get the totally full satisfying feeling in my stomach, so I prefer to eat the bigger meals 3 times a day. If I get hungry in between I'll drink water. Sometimes I might have a fiber one bar, or 1 piece of 35 calorie whole wheat bread toasted with 1/2 teas peanut butter to curb the appetite. Or I'll get up and do a load of laundry or vacuum to try and take my mind off of it. You just need to keep telling yourself it gets better, you can do it, in just 3 or 4 days it wont be so bad. You are eating more now than you were because you are mentally afraid of going hungry. Try not to think about how "little" you are eating, and just keep telling yourself you can do it, its not that bad.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Bump, I have the same question. Thanks for the post.
  • Tashry
    Tashry Posts: 151 Member
    I know a lot of people have been posting that they cannot eat all their 1200 calories... I have the opposite problem! I find myself constantly hungry or thinking about food during the day. I am having trouble staying around 1200 calories per day... usually end up at 1500 or more (which is less than I used to eat before MFP).

    Does anyone have any tips on moving towards a lower-calorie diet and less food intake while still staying safisfied?


    I have found that if I have eggs for breakfast (omelette or scrambled) it sort of sets me up for the day, must be the protein in them. I can last four or five hours until lunch that way and I do not feel very hungry if I include some sort of protein in lunch and dinner either.

    I have found this to be true as well. Nearly every morning I start my day with egg white omlette full of fat-free ham, onion, mushrooms and low-fat cheese. It is super tasty and fills me up for hours.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    This is a tough one for me too. When I am at work I tend to do fine (but ok I am absolutely starving when I get back to the office from the wards) but at home I find it really hard to stick to my meals.

    In general - I feel more satisfied if I have had more 'bits' at my meal. E.g. for lunch - ryvita crackers, slice of reduced fat cheese, some cherry tomatoes and a low fat yoghurt. Not many cals but keeps me eating for longer which seems to satisfy me more.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    The other day I had two packages of weight control oatmeal for breakfast. It was a little higher on the calorie side than I liked but it was full of fiber and I ate less for the whole day because I was so full from breakfast. I either eat oatmeal or an egg, cheese, turkey bacon sandwich on a sandwich thin. Both of those are good breakfasts that fill me up and keep me from starving all day.
    Drinking lots of water helps too.
  • lemzip
    lemzip Posts: 12
    few things i do:
    drink lots of water, i always have 500ml water with each meal.
    eat my meals slower
    eat every 2-3 hours, high protein meals
    also 'liquid' foods keep you alot fuller for longer (like soups)

    but this website told me to eat 1200calories a day, im dead against eating atleast 1900 calories on none excersize days and more on training days (i even find i should be eating way more than this, but i've got a big run coming up next month and need to lose some weight fast)
  • DianneMoreno
    i completely agree with the omlettw for breakfast. i started this week doing that, and i am amazed at how full i stay until noon or even 1pm. my new favorite trick:) and i have it worked out to 417 calorie meal
  • sheyna1983
    sheyna1983 Posts: 137
    I follow this rule at each meal:

    1/4 protien
    1/4 whole grain
    1/2 vegetables, at least one green

    I don't even have hunger tickles.

    I agree with this portioning...actually I'm a pharmacist and in some of the pharmacies I work in we have a plate that is split up half veggies, quarter grains and quarter protein that we show to people to explain how to eat healthy....did u see that plate?? lol

    I have been well below 1000calories per day all week and feeling super full because I've been eating tons of celery and cucumber and also ending each meal with 5-10 almonds...and of course 10+ glasses of water per day. As long as you have time to pee alot this combo works super well! :glasses:
  • DianneMoreno
    i completely agree with the omlettw for breakfast. i started this week doing that, and i am amazed at how full i stay until noon or even 1pm. my new favorite trick:) and i have it worked out to 417 calorie meal