Hello, thyroid, can you hear me?



  • roseyposey2
    roseyposey2 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I have Graves disease, i have been very hyper went on meds n levels looked good so went off meds n leaned towards hypo..now i am going hyper again and back on meds ugh Makes it hard to know how to eat! I was almost at goal but i guess now i know is because i was very hyper..i have since gained most back and starting again! I need help to know if i am on the right track! feel free to add me :)Thanks!!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Hey! I have Hashimotos as well...found out by accident. I'm on levothyroxine 40mg daily to keep me "steady" but other docs are saying some other issues I have may be caused by my thyroid. How bout you?

    Ah! I'm on a natural thyroid.... sooo thankful I started taking it!!

    Ooh, by your Endo or someone/something else? I would be interested to know about it...would be nice to get off the med:smile:

    I am seeing a naturopath for hashimotos! I'm not sure how the synthetic compares to the natural thyroid, but I have no complaints! Before I started taking it, I was soooo fatigued and sluggish, and couldn't lose any weight :/

    Severely hypo here - always fatigued and have had a heck of a time my whole life losing weight. Are you on Armor? I got up to 30 grains/day before I switched from the natural doc to the Western one. now I'm on 100mcg of Tironsint, which isn't nearly as good.
  • clchris811
    clchris811 Posts: 2
    I am hypo also. And I went to a specialist to inquire about Armor Thyroid - and she freaked out on me!! So I am on the syn meds - but the "people's pharmacy" had a great article about the benefits of the Armor thyroid - maybe i should try a natural dr? Just not happy with this at all. Very slow metab too.
  • nicolie88
    nicolie88 Posts: 35
    Please add me! Going through issues with my thyroid and need to stay encouraged!!! :)
  • yogagirl320
    yogagirl320 Posts: 1 Member
    Also hypo ..just started Armour 8 days ago .energy already back..changed my diet to gluten free dairy free
  • TBoom915
    TBoom915 Posts: 115 Member
    I have hyper but had hypo. Mine has played a game with me.

    Same here ^^^. I'm on Tapizole
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Fellow Hashi head over here - gluten and dairy free since beginning of march and have had a vast improvement in many areas affected by AI thyroid disease. :)

    Edit: had issues since 2001, Dx with hypo in 2006, Dx Hashi in 2009 - talk about a lag in help from the medical community!!! -_- I'm currently on 2 grains of Westhroid but my most recent appt with the endo yesterday suggests I need to lower my dose and I'm thrilled!! With my weight loss and better diet my BP is getting too high on this dose so blood results in a few days should confirm all this.

    People with issues: I myself had NO help on Synthroid or levo at all. The only thing those did for me was bring my TSH to "normal" but didn't resolve ANY symptoms or allow me to lose weight. I tried a combo with Cytomel and it made me literally crazy. Switched to Armour and it took 8 months for my body to accept it and start to feel better. I switched to Westhroid about 3 1/2 weeks ago by accident when I asked my endo for the new Wethroid-P that just came out which has only 3 ingredients in it and I want the thyroid hormone option with the least amount of fillers and I was given regular Westhroid instead because my pharmacy is incompetant. But I am going to keep trying to get what I want!
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    I know I have a thyroid problem runs heavily in my family but I have no insurance and the clinic won't take me serious they did a t3 t4 test but wouldn't tell me my lvls. So irritated i tried a natural thyriod called Thytrophin PMG and it helped with my fatigue and being overly cold but don't want to screw myself up more with wrong dosage.

    Any suggestions?
  • grumpster72
    grumpster72 Posts: 43 Member
    I feel very lucky...I didn't have a problem with my thyroid, but they found a huge nodule on the left side. After consultations concerning the nodule and the sheer amount of nodules on the other half of my thyroid, I decided to go ahead with having the whole thing removed. My biggest fear was that I was going to have issues and end up gaining even more weight. A year later, I'm still doing well, I never ran into any issues and have in fact lost weight. I wish you all the best with your issue.
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    I have no thyroid due to cancer, trying to get my meds regulated. Add me if you would like!

    Same here.
  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    I had a a total thyroidectomy due to cancer in 2006. I take lexothyroxine 100 MCG every day!
  • kaiser44
    kaiser44 Posts: 9 Member
    I was hyper and then drank radioactive iodine. Now on levothyroixin. They keep telling me my dosage is correct, but i can't seem to lose weight very easy no matter what i try. Maybe a natural perscription would work. I am going to look into that.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I have hashimotos as well
  • Thyroid problems since age 11 here. Not fun!
  • kaiser44
    kaiser44 Posts: 9 Member
    I had to switch doctors to get anywhere. I went for 7 years to the same doctors telling him about my shakes, tiredness, could eat everything under the sun and not gain a pound (ohhh i want those days back..lol) and my heart feeling like it was pounding out of my chest. As soon as I switched doctors he did the test and moved quickly to get me on the proper track. I don't know where you are from or how easy it is to see another doctor, but if that isn't an option I would just keep going in and telling them your issues. They hopefully will get tired of seeing you and get you the results you need.
  • I have Hashimotos. I lost 1/2 of my thyroid from it, and I do have a hard time losing weight. Dr says meds are at a correct level but I don't feel they are.
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    I'm hypothyroid (after being hyperthyroid and doing the iodine radiation treatment). I take Armour thyroid (animal based) 1-Grain, not sure what that translates to in mgs. I used to be on Synthroid 100mg when Armour wasn't being sent to the US for a while. But because I was hyper before hypo, I have a hard time regulating on Synthroid. I'm still on the same dosage as I was for the many years I was on Armour.

    1 grain is approximately 135 micrograms of synthroid.
  • LegzyK
    LegzyK Posts: 172 Member
    I have no thyroid due to cancer, trying to get my meds regulated. Add me if you would like!

    same here, 2 surgeries later ...on 137MCG Levothyroxin
  • pammee44
    pammee44 Posts: 49 Member
    I am hypo also. I am on 120 mg of Armour, feel free to add me as a friend also.
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    So glad for this thread. My gyno did a total prenatal blood workup on me. My TSH came back at a 5.1, and according to her it's supposed to be 3.7. She used the term "sluggish thyroid". I have an appt with my PCP next week. I did some googling and found a site called Stop the Thyroid Madness where the author claims that "TSH LAB TEST: Supposedly measures the actual TSH in your body, called the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, a pituitary hormone messenger. Yup, they are using a pituitary hormone to tell you if you have a thyroid issue."

    So I guess I am wondering if anyone knows if my doctor will just monitor it, or if they will put me on meds? Is there a way to regulate it without meds? This is all so new to me, and honestly makes me a little nervous...

    Having your thyroid levels monitored during pregnancy is really important. It's difficult to get pregnant if you are too low, and difficult to stay pregnant as well.

    During my pregnancy, I saw my endo as often as my OB.