Can't get soda outa my diet!

willis84 Posts: 86 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I can't seem to get rid of soda. I get those cravings for that dark, carbination taste. If I'm going to have one, is it better to drink regular pepsi or one of those calorie free sodas like Pepsi Zero? Or any tips of how I can totally cut soda outa my day? Thank you!


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I got rid of pop five years ago, but i just decided one day that I would have water instead. All I can say is if you can't cut it completely, just make it a goal to consume less. Over time you should be able to wean yourself off completely, if you so desire.

    As far as calories are concerned, I'm sure the diet drinks have a better caloric value, but as to whether they are actually better for you...
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Have you tried flavored seltzer water? I love it and it has the fizz. Sodas really are so B A D for you, even diet sodas. I don't have a solution, other than to cut back to 1 a day, then 1/2 a day (pour out half before you EVEN begin to drink it), and hopefully your craving for it will end. I haven' t had a soda in over a year, and my 19 year old gave sodas up for Lent 4 years ago and has never gone back. It really can make a difference in your weight loss! Hope you find something that works for you!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's okay to have soda in your diet! Just go for Diet sodas and or "Zero" sodas. Perfectly fine.
  • i always had a regular soda in the morning and again at lunch....i put it in as one of my food items and OMG!!!....that was incentive enough for me to switch to diet soda if i needed one!! i still have my morning caffiene soda and lunch...but it is the evening i have been drinking water.
  • I will never be able to completely cut out soda all together. I got rid of regular soda a few years ago. I love diet pepsi (it is my favorite drink over even a regular soda). What I didn't cut out was sweet tea and that I did drink like water. I'm hoping cutting that out will help a lot. While diet soda isn't great for you, if you are craving one just once a day or so, I would just go with it. It doesn't have any nutrients, but also no calories. I still drink a ton of that though, so I'm working to move to just water. I love flavored water too, so you could try that to still be able to mix it up.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    the zero ones are pretty good, they now have zero sprite, which makes me super happy cause i love sprite

    just remember,everything in moderation

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I was drinking 1-2 TWO liter bottles a day, then found out it was leaching the calcium out of my bones and quit "cold turkey" now I drink tea different types, and occasionally drink tonic water for the quinine...
    oh yea, had a monster headache for about 4 days...:sick:
  • I have been addicted to diet coke since high school and my mom (I'm 25 but she still nags me about it) always warns me that it bloats me and causes water retention. I have tried cutting it out of my diet on many occasions and maintained for a few weeks but I always relapsed. I am always shocked as I quit cigarettes cold turkey 2 years ago and yet diet coke is a challenge. I need a soda's anonymous meeting and I am not exaggerating!
    If you must have soda (and I must) make it diet, it might take a few tries to find one you like. I only like diet coke and I can stand diet pepsi at restaurants. I hate diet sprite...
    Needless to say, I feel your pain.
    One way I have done it was only to allow one soda a day, at lunch, to make sure I got my caffeine. Downsizing is a good plan. You limit yourself and stick to it, when you succeed, it makes you feel good about yourself and pushes you to drink even more responsibly.
    Good luck!
  • flannan
    flannan Posts: 45 Member
    I'm a Coke junkie too. Before I started here i tried quitting. I was miserable. I've quit a lot of things in my life but can't seem to get past this. Even after the headaches,etc stopped I was still miserable. The lack of Coke seemed to make my craving for all sugary snacks ( my other addiction) worse. I tried the Coke Zero and it's tasty but it really made my stomach upset for some reason.

    So now instead of 2-3 full size cans of Coke a day I buy the new 90 calorie mini cans which I first saw in England last fall.
    I have 1-2 of these a day but now I don't even drink it all. I drink 1/2 or less, so if I open 1 at both lunch & dinner Im still only getting 90 calories.

    I find that at this point it is enough to avoid the withdrawal and still satisfy me. maybe eventually I will cut it out altogether but I am not stressing over it. Since I went back to this I find I am able to control my other sugar snack cravings muuuuch better.
    Plus I have upped my water.
    Good luck!
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