Managing calories

I don't really over eat on calories too much, but I still feel so guilty after eating. I know I need to eat a certain number of calories a day, but I stil feel like I'm over indulging when I meet that goal. This makes me feel sort of depressed... But when I don't eat I also feel sort of run down and depressed... Then I usually end up binging. Not sure what to do about this and how I'm feeling.


  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    Are you saying that you feel guilty about eating even if it's within your calorie range? If so, that's something you need to watch. That's eating disorder thinking. How long have you been counting calories? Have you been at it long enough to know that a few slips ups won't ruin your efforts? Because it won't. Be careful. If you find yourself obsessively thinking about calories and food, that's not good. You should Never let yourself get so deprived that you bungee to a binge. One suggestion: a book called Intuitive Eating. It'll help you understand the whole deprivation/binge cycle. It has lots of examples pulled from the nutritionists' clients that helped me see how messed up my relationship with food was.
  • lamp999
    lamp999 Posts: 10 Member
    I know that my relationship with food isn't healthy... I definitely obcesse. I already know it's bad. But I don't know how to have a healthier thought process when it comes to eating. I used to starve myself and only eat a couple hundred calories a day. I don't do that anymore but I still feel bad about eating :( not sure how to overcome this.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Yea I'm having issues myself trying to defeat my ED PLEASE don't bash me if nothing nice to say please! I eat completely healthy I never hungry and I am sincerely trying to eat more! The whole 1000 calories mark in my calories scare me I'm seeking help I've ought this my whole life!

    I know how you feel OP

    I hope everything looks up for you!
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    You could try something like the WW point system or "diabetic" exchange system - some other measurement scale that 's "not" calories - at least until you have a better sense of what you "should" be eating in a day. It kind of confuses the mind to change measurement systems - like figuring out how to dress when the temperature on the news is the "other " system from what you grew up with (no matter whether its "F" or "C")