Some of us are just fun!!!!!

walldancer Posts: 910
I don't drink, smoke or do recreational drugs. I have nothing against those things (ok..I have the occasional glass of wine or beer, about 2-3 times a year, but never more than 2). I am outgoing and active, and I find "letting my hair down" with substances is not worth the time/money/hangover they cost me. Besides, I am the life of the party sober...and my friends always have a designated driver. I outdance, outlast and am often more outrageous than my friends who drink or smoke up.

But.....I can't tell you how much pressure I get to drink!!! Or worse, people who stare at you with gaping mouths...saying "don't you EVER have fun and let loose?". My reply.."Yes...all the time!!! Just don't require social lubricant substances to do it!!!".

I am not religious (quite the opposite), I am not a prude. Quite the opposite. I just don't like to poison my body!

Am I the only one?????


  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    lol. I got drunk one time when I was 13. Yepp, 13. Like, holding-on-to-the-grass-to-keep-from-falling-off-the-Earth drunk. Since then, I am not really interested in drinking. I used to smoke pot now and then but I grew out of that. Now I'm just a bad *kitten* on my own :smokin:
  • coal_chamber
    I love poisoning my body... But I don't really give a *kitten* if others don't.. I won't stand there with a gaping mouth, I'd more than likely say, "Eh, it's cool", and continue chugging my alcohol or sucking down my doobies. :smokin:
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hell naw! I hate drinking!

    If its not the waste of calories, it's the fact that I always end up making an *kitten* of myself somehow!

    It's also so so much cheaper to drive everywhere in Sydney, because public transport in my area sucks, and cabs are expensive.

    But yeah, it really is a huge issue when I don't drink and go out with friends. Like, who cares? Some people treat me like a mythical creature coz I don't need alcohol to have fun.

    At least my good friends now understand! And plus, Im sure they don't mind scoring a designated driver most nights! ;)
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I have a friend who doesn't drink but still goes out with us. She's the best DD ever and always seems to be having just as much fun as the rest of us. When she's not around, the rest of us take turns being DD since none of us "need" to drink to have fun. It's just something we enjoy doing.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    "social lubricant" tee-hee
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    My husband has never had a drink in his life (he has his reasons). I did not have a single drink for 10 years (for a lot of reasons and then also I was pregnant and breastfeeding and then all again and being a mom). I have recently had a glass of wine or two and do not react all too well to it (it hits me too hard, too fast, too much). So, now I am leaning towards going back to not drinking. I've always preferred life without it as well. And, I've never felt pressure to drink (sorry to hear that you have). I'm not a fan of drugs. Too much addiction in my family.

    Edit to add: since people are getting upset. I just want to be clear that I don't judge what other people do. And my husband certainly doesn't. It's a complete non-issue. And as I said sometimes I drink, sometimes I don't. And my husband doesn't judge me either. I only posted because she asked if other people don't drink and the answer is yes, other people don't drink as well.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    I heart drinking. I love beer mostly. I love it like wine snobs love their wines.
    I'm fine with poising myself.

    Alternately, I didn't drink at all for a period of time and I was bugged about it A LOT when I'd go out. It was really upsetting.
    I'd go out dancing and just have peeps trying to get me to sip vodka all night. Mind yer own beezwax, I am dancing here!!!

    However I do not like when people make a big deal about the fact that they do not drink or are not drinking. Shut up.
    Unless they're being hasseled to drink in which case, I'll punch someone for you.

    I have a girlfriend that will go out with us and not drink and make commesnt about it all night. lame. I have other friends who simply don't imbibe and we know it and that's that!

    The main goal to work towards is to not make it a big deal and accept everyone for who they are.

    That goes for the drunks and the non drunks.

    Peace and love people!
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Lots of people think they are "too good" and like to look down on people for drinking or using drugs or whatever. (Yes, saying we "poison" our bodies is insulting.)

    I don't care what they do ... it'd be nice if they stopped judging but whatever, not my problem!
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    What frustrates me is the younger generation thinking you have to drink and get high to have fun, and this is often perpetuated by the media. So many songs on the radio are about partying, getting wasted, being loose. You CAN have fun without being inebriated or being a total skank. Adults can do whatever they want, but I wish there were more positive role models for kids these days , you know?

    I personally have been drunk once and that was enough, lol. I may drink from time to time, but it's really just once in a blue moon. I don't do any drugs on principle though. I've always been a "goody-goody" in that way and I encourage it for kids because I think they should preserve their innocence as long as possible. Hearing about all these preteens having sex, drinking and doing drugs, being totally belligerent, *sigh*, it's just sad.

    I also have too many people in my family who don't know the meaning of drinking responsibly. It's gotten to the point where I refuse to engage in social functions/holidays with them because hell always manages to break loose. They seriously think that you HAVE to drink to have fun, and then it turns into the exact opposite. I also hate when people use being drunk as an excuse for their crappy/violent behavior.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Lots of people think they are "too good" and like to look down on people for drinking or using drugs or whatever. (Yes, saying we "poison" our bodies is insulting.)

    I don't care what they do ... it'd be nice if they stopped judging but whatever, not my problem!

    Well I learned in a forensic science class that 75% of crimes are related to drugs and alcohol. Drugs are illegal so it should be looked down on by other people at least in the United States. It is wrong. Alcohol can cause a lot of harm as well, but it really is your decision whether or not you will use it or not.

    My husband and I are big teetotaler's ( sp?) and never drink. I am very sensitive to alcohol it makes me sick very easily. I drank once and it made me so sick that I puked all night. After that I have never wanted to drink. The smell and taste is a major turn off.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Lots of people think they are "too good" and like to look down on people for drinking or using drugs or whatever. (Yes, saying we "poison" our bodies is insulting.)

    I don't care what they do ... it'd be nice if they stopped judging but whatever, not my problem!

    Well I learned in a forensic science class that 75% of crimes are related to drugs and alcohol. Drugs are illegal so it should be looked down on by other people at least in the United States. It is wrong. Alcohol can cause a lot of harm as well, but it really is your decision whether or not you will use it or not.

    My husband and I are big teetotaler's ( sp?) and never drink. I am very sensitive to alcohol it makes me sick very easily. I drank once and it made me so sick that I puked all night. After that I have never wanted to drink. The smell and taste is a major turn off.
    That statistic reflects how many folks get caught dealing or buying misdemeanor amounts, and drunk driving citations, primarily. The number of actual felonies directly related to (I'm not saying "committed while using") drugs or alcohol is pretty low, unless the numbers have radically spiked since the last time I checked.
  • JustCallMe_Tanya_Eh
    JustCallMe_Tanya_Eh Posts: 954 Member
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    No, you aren't. I don't like to drink and "party", can't see any fun in it. Give me a sunny day, a wooded sandy trail, and a responsive Arabian horse.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I have a friend who doesn't drink but still goes out with us. She's the best DD ever and always seems to be having just as much fun as the rest of us. When she's not around, the rest of us take turns being DD since none of us "need" to drink to have fun. It's just something we enjoy doing.