5'1 and 102llb/How to get skinny legs when you at a plateu?

Hi everyone. Since Sept- so for the past 8 months i have been working out every week.Which i have never done in my life.lol.
I went from being 115 to 105, and then i stopped losing weight.
But, in all that time, there hasnt been any major changes to my thighs/legs area. So frustrating i wanna cry.
I am what they call "Skinny Fat" i guess. I know I know I am not overweight, but i want to have skinny and toned thighs/legs.
I started doing The 17 Day Diet in beginning of September and that got me into cooking and eating healthy and at 80% of the time after the diet was over in like November i have been following it.
Combined with that diet i ate healthy and exercised.
Over the holidays i ate badly for the month, but didn't gain extra weight.
Now, even though my diet has be somewhat between 1,200-1500 some days i haven't lost or really toned up greatly.

I just started the butt bible in the hopes it helps my thighs. Any sugesstions how i can up my weight loss or at least fat loss.????
In my mine my goal is to get down to 95 pounds. But, i doubt that will help my THIGHS.oyyy i have been eating good and doing the right stuff for soooo long to no avail..... I thought its easy to get in shape when your young. should i focus on FAT LOSS VS. WEIGHT LOSS??? I don't like my flabby thighs.

my stats:23yr/ 102/ Waist:26/ Hips:34/Wrist 5'/ Forearm:10'/ Thighs-19'

ALSO i have been trying to exercise 2 hrs every day. when i can rather than just an hr... Pilates DVD's/ Jillian Michaels Buns and Thighs/ Blogilates Videos-from Youtube/ and an hour of Butt Bible....... I don't have the strengh to do one straight hour of pure cardio/ but i try some days to get at least 20 mins.



  • AGreen54
    AGreen54 Posts: 100 Member
    Bump. I'm also very short and am more focused more on fat loss more than weight loss so I want to know what other people have to say.
  • bhbarros
    bhbarros Posts: 101
    Wow, you're tiny! But I can understand wanting to get toned.

    Have you considered lifting? If you're only doing cardio, you won't get that hard, lean body you're looking for.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Lifting's after burn lasts 36 hours... cardio lasts 3. I prefer lifting.
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Wow, you're tiny! But I can understand wanting to get toned.

    Have you considered lifting? If you're only doing cardio, you won't get that hard, lean body you're looking for.

    Agreed. Squats, lunges etc will help your legs and thighs get stronger. I don't understand the "skinny legs" thing but lifting will help tone your body. I'm starting to throw a little strength training every now and then because cardio isn't going to give me that lean muscular body I want.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Lift weights. The added muscle will burn more fat. You'll look the way you want.
  • Anime_
    Anime_ Posts: 23 Member

    my stats:23yr/ 102/ Waist:26/ Hips:34/Wrist 5'/ Forearm:10'/ Thighs-19'

    I haven't had 19" thighs since the age of 8 probably, so I can't really relate at all to this thread lol
  • skinnymeep
    skinnymeep Posts: 6

    my stats:23yr/ 102/ Waist:26/ Hips:34/Wrist 5'/ Forearm:10'/ Thighs-19'

    I haven't had 19" thighs since the age of 8 probably, so I can't really relate at all to this thread lol

    a nice bit of backhanded body shaming there. bravo. :noway:
  • justrun52
    justrun52 Posts: 74 Member
    First, I just want to reassure you that you are not skinny fat- I feel that people misuse that term when describing themselves waaaaayy too often. You are active and you eat healthy- just because you have body fat (as do we all), doesn't make you "skinny fat" by any means. In fact- I despise that term as I feel it's just another unnecessary pressure to put on us all. You should be very proud of how you're living your life health-wise.

    Now that that first part is out of my system, can I just say that I can completely relate to you as far as the toning thighs thing goes! It's the last place on me to lose weight- I can look very thin and bony up top, but my legs don't quite want to follow the same path, part of that is just how I'm built, and to some extent- you have to accept it.

    I'm very close to your height, weight and stats, and my goal weight is similar- but I definitely want my body toned.

    I've found that running long distances outside tones my legs up. I try to pick routes that have hills so that I get that extra burn in my legs. That's my little bit of advice! Run, run, run and run some more! And follow everyone else's advice and do lunges and squats and strength train :)
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I am certain that you should focus on building muscle and losing fat. Body composition means everything when you're skinny fat.

    Lift heavy weights for your lower body.

    Eat a clean diet.

    Get sufficient protein.