Weight loss buddy

I'm looking for someone to keep me motivated to lose weight! Need someone to talk to and would like some helpful tips on dieting and exercise.
Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • Nataliesiemers
    Nataliesiemers Posts: 3 Member
    Congrats on losing 56 pounds!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Hey! Just want to say congratulations on losing over 50lbs. That's amazing and such a great accomplishment. Would love to help keep you motivated.
  • krysten780
    krysten780 Posts: 4
    Thanks everyone! It's been a rough road and I've had a lot of obstacles. I'm almost to my goal weight.. about 11 more pounds. I am at a plateau right now and haven't been losing very fast. Any advice would be helpful.
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Don't rush the process. Don't be scale dependent. It doesn't know what's going on in the body so you can't depend on that to tell you. Also, when it gets down to the nitty gritty it always seems harder to lose. Keep going, maybe switch up your workouts.

    Where are you weight wise anyways? Where did you start?
  • k_saenz
    k_saenz Posts: 126
    Awesome job so far! I've been looking for one of those too
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi, A friend request has been sent.
    I am Yvette. I am 24 yrs old. I have battled being obese all my life. Losing weight and gaining it right back. I started at 227lbs and my current weight is 166 lbs. I am striving to meet my goal but know that I have to continue this lifestyle forever if I don't want to ever return to the old me. A friend request has been sent. I am on here a lot to keep myself motivated and give support and encourgement. Lets encourage and help one another on this weightloss and fitness journey to a healthier us. A