
DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
Okay. so I went into my doc because I've been having issues with depression. I mentioned that I was exhausted all the time.
She prescribed me this stuff...Qysmia.

1. My insurance doesn't cover it.
2. My pharmacy doesn't carry it.
3. Surprise, it has phentermine in it :///

Has anyone taken this crap? How did you feel?
I don't like the idea of taking phentermine again...but I'm -not- a doctor...so what do I know?

Not taking it for weight loss, taking it for mood swings. :I


  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    If you aren't happy with that rx, why don't you speak with your pcp and see if they can change it? I have never heard of it, so don't have much to add other than that.

    ETA: just googled it...it's phentermine and topiramate...if that is the direction your doc wants to go, can you ask why they don't just prescribe Topamax? It is just the topiramate without phentermine, it should theoretically have the same effect without the additive of another substance.
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    Seems like an odd choice to treat mood swings. It's only indicated for weight loss. I think I'd get a second opinion.
  • sweetzoejane
    sweetzoejane Posts: 153 Member
    If you have an ear infection, do you go to the dentist?

    If you are depressed, see a psychologist, not a pcp. Tell your doc you would like a referral, not a pill.
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    I tried, she's not in the office until Wednesday...and I'm not going to pay another 60 dollar copay :/ I just don't have the money.
    I'm going to see what she can do over the phone until then.

    Yeah, really- BigBrunette, that's what I said. Well, to myself...after I looked it up.

  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    If you have an ear infection, do you go to the dentist?

    If you are depressed, see a psychologist, not a pcp. Tell your doc you would like a referral, not a pill.

    Thank you for your reply. I wanted information from people who have taken the pill, however.
    Thank you for taking the time to type this out, but it's not at all helpful to me at this time <3

    Also, seeing a therapist is great but not all the help I need. Thanks for your concern!
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Also, seeing a therapist is great but not all the help I need.

    I get that. I saw a therapist along with taking my meds, and they both helped, together. Sometimes people do need the medication, not everyone is going to get better by seeing a psychologist, and certainly not quickly.

    Also, I don't know anyone who has taken that specific drug, but I do know a few who take Topamax for both migraines and mood swings, and they love it. None of them have had any problems with it and the only side effect any of them had was weight loss.
  • sweetzoejane
    sweetzoejane Posts: 153 Member
    If you have an ear infection, do you go to the dentist?

    If you are depressed, see a psychologist, not a pcp. Tell your doc you would like a referral, not a pill.

    Thank you for your reply. I wanted information from people who have taken the pill, however.
    Thank you for taking the time to type this out, but it's not at all helpful to me at this time <3

    Also, seeing a therapist is great but not all the help I need. Thanks for your concern!

    I think you should seek another medical opinion is what I meant, by someone who is trained to assess psychological issues. That person is a psychologist, not a PCP. I didn't say you needed therapy. This drug lists depression and mood swings as a possible side effect and is indicated for weight loss, so I'm sorry, but either your PCP is crazy or you actually asked for a drug to help you lose weight and you only thought it was prescribed because maybe you mentioned you were feeling sad or tired lately.

    There could be multiple reasons for mood changes and exhaustion, and a PCP is not equipped to assess any of the likely reasons. They are there to refer you to people who are better equipped to help.
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    Also, seeing a therapist is great but not all the help I need.
    Same here. I've struggled my whole life with depression but finally have it under control with a combination of meds and therapy. I hope you get some relief soon. Good luck to you!
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    Also, seeing a therapist is great but not all the help I need.

    I get that. I saw a therapist along with taking my meds, and they both helped, together. Sometimes people do need the medication, not everyone is going to get better by seeing a psychologist, and certainly not quickly.

    Also, I don't know anyone who has taken that specific drug, but I do know a few who take Topamax for both migraines and mood swings, and they love it. None of them have had any problems with it and the only side effect any of them had was weight loss.

    I hope I didn't come across as rude towards you at all <3
    I've been in therapy for 10 years :] We've recently decided it's time for me to get on something that helps stabilize my mood.
    Ooh, that'd be amazing because I get horrid migraines. I'll talk to her about it. Thank you!
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    If you have an ear infection, do you go to the dentist?

    If you are depressed, see a psychologist, not a pcp. Tell your doc you would like a referral, not a pill.

    Thank you for your reply. I wanted information from people who have taken the pill, however.
    Thank you for taking the time to type this out, but it's not at all helpful to me at this time <3

    Also, seeing a therapist is great but not all the help I need. Thanks for your concern!

    I think you should seek another medical opinion is what I meant. This drug lists depression and mood swings as a possible side effect and is indicated for weight loss, so I'm sorry, but either your PCP is crazy or you actually asked for a drug to help you lose weight and you only thought it was prescribed because maybe you mentioned you were feeling sad lately.

    I think I might do that, thanks. We did chat about weight loss a lot because I've lost a lot of weight and mentioned that because I'm exhausted ALL the time (due to depression, I think) that working out has become really less enjoyable. But really, it was more of a chat, not the reason I was there. I was there for depression and to get a refill on my inhaler, because I'm wheezy :P I thought I did a really good job making sure she understoood why I was there but maybe I didn't :/
  • sem41278
    sem41278 Posts: 89 Member
    Ive never heard of that but ive been on good ole prozac for over 10 years for depression/ anxiety/ mood swings. Its a God send.
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    My husband told me about it when he first heard about it because I have seizures and already take an anti-convulsant but because of the phentermine, surprise, I cant take it. However, I can take the Topamax so I switched my meds. My neuro had wanted me to switch anyway for a few different health reasons, the number one reason being my old med was keeping me fat.

    Anyway, I have been on Topamax solely since Jan 30 and have been doing so much better with my weight loss. It hasnt been super dramatic but it has made it a little bit easier, I think. When I first started and also again when I did a dosage increase, I experienced a slight loss of appetite and I do find I am some times not able to finish my meals. I did also experience a few weeks where I felt a little "dumb" or not myself but it did go away and I am fine now. I have only had one week where I had a gain but that was due to my not eating enough while I had been sick.

    When I started the Topamax I was at 160lbs... I weigh in on Sunday but I expect I am around 142.5 right now.

    ETA: I also suffer from depression & migraines... have not had issues with either since starting this med. It has helped with all 4 of my issues.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    My husband told me about it when he first heard about it because I have seizures and already take an anti-convulsant but because of the phentermine, surprise, I cant take it. However, I can take the Topamax so I switched my meds. My neuro had wanted me to switch anyway for a few different health reasons, the number one reason being my old med was keeping me fat.

    Anyway, I have been on Topamax solely since Jan 30 and have been doing so much better with my weight loss. It hasnt been super dramatic but it has made it a little bit easier, I think. When I first started and also again when I did a dosage increase, I experienced a slight loss of appetite and I do find I am some times not able to finish my meals. I did also experience a few weeks where I felt a little "dumb" or not myself but it did go away and I am fine now. I have only had one week where I had a gain but that was due to my not eating enough while I had been sick.

    When I started the Topamax I was at 160lbs... I weigh in on Sunday but I expect I am around 142.5 right now.

    ETA: I also suffer from depression & migraines... have not had issues with either since starting this med. It has helped with all 4 of my issues.

    Do you take the Topamax as a preventative or when you feel an oncoming migraine? Is it a high dose? I am interested in going on Topamax because I have heard so many great testimonials as far as migraine help goes. I have always gotten migraines, but I recently went through a bout with one that lasted for an entire week and was so bad my doctor originally thought it was meningitis. He has done nothing about it, just gave me pain meds and when it was gone he went "great, keep the tramadol for next time." I love him, but he can be dense sometimes :L
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Get a second opinion if you don't want to be on something like that - or tell your doctor you're not comfortable with it. Most are reasonable and will work to find something you are okay with taking.
  • Pat6655
    Pat6655 Posts: 1
    I just seen that pill on the channel 3 news in Philadelphia. They said its the new weught loss pill of the future. they didnt mention anything about it being prescribed for depression. They said there is little side effects and works really well. I plan on doing some research on this pill.
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    My husband told me about it when he first heard about it because I have seizures and already take an anti-convulsant but because of the phentermine, surprise, I cant take it. However, I can take the Topamax so I switched my meds. My neuro had wanted me to switch anyway for a few different health reasons, the number one reason being my old med was keeping me fat.

    Anyway, I have been on Topamax solely since Jan 30 and have been doing so much better with my weight loss. It hasnt been super dramatic but it has made it a little bit easier, I think. When I first started and also again when I did a dosage increase, I experienced a slight loss of appetite and I do find I am some times not able to finish my meals. I did also experience a few weeks where I felt a little "dumb" or not myself but it did go away and I am fine now. I have only had one week where I had a gain but that was due to my not eating enough while I had been sick.

    When I started the Topamax I was at 160lbs... I weigh in on Sunday but I expect I am around 142.5 right now.

    ETA: I also suffer from depression & migraines... have not had issues with either since starting this med. It has helped with all 4 of my issues.

    Do you take the Topamax as a preventative or when you feel an oncoming migraine? Is it a high dose? I am interested in going on Topamax because I have heard so many great testimonials as far as migraine help goes. I have always gotten migraines, but I recently went through a bout with one that lasted for an entire week and was so bad my doctor originally thought it was meningitis. He has done nothing about it, just gave me pain meds and when it was gone he went "great, keep the tramadol for next time." I love him, but he can be dense sometimes :L

    I actually take Topamax as a preventative for Epilepsy. It is just an added bonus that it has prevented my migraines, helped with my depression and my weight loss as well. I take 200 mg per day, the max my Dr said I could take was 400mg.
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    My husband told me about it when he first heard about it because I have seizures and already take an anti-convulsant but because of the phentermine, surprise, I cant take it. However, I can take the Topamax so I switched my meds. My neuro had wanted me to switch anyway for a few different health reasons, the number one reason being my old med was keeping me fat.

    Anyway, I have been on Topamax solely since Jan 30 and have been doing so much better with my weight loss. It hasnt been super dramatic but it has made it a little bit easier, I think. When I first started and also again when I did a dosage increase, I experienced a slight loss of appetite and I do find I am some times not able to finish my meals. I did also experience a few weeks where I felt a little "dumb" or not myself but it did go away and I am fine now. I have only had one week where I had a gain but that was due to my not eating enough while I had been sick.

    When I started the Topamax I was at 160lbs... I weigh in on Sunday but I expect I am around 142.5 right now.

    ETA: I also suffer from depression & migraines... have not had issues with either since starting this med. It has helped with all 4 of my issues.

    Do you take the Topamax as a preventative or when you feel an oncoming migraine? Is it a high dose? I am interested in going on Topamax because I have heard so many great testimonials as far as migraine help goes. I have always gotten migraines, but I recently went through a bout with one that lasted for an entire week and was so bad my doctor originally thought it was meningitis. He has done nothing about it, just gave me pain meds and when it was gone he went "great, keep the tramadol for next time." I love him, but he can be dense sometimes :L

    I have taken Topomax for my migraines. You take it everyday as a preventive. It didn't work for me as well as I hoped but I did notice a difference in my migraines and headaches.