Nice to meet you all.

My name is Brandon and I am ready to lose some unhealthy fat. Unfortunately for me when I gain fat it all goes strait to my belly, which I understand to be really bad for men. I am at about 200lbs and would really like to be back around 140-150lbs, the only weight in my life that i actually felt like I had energy.

I don't know where to start. I have so many bad things going on for myself. I normally eat one meal a day as I work 6am-3pm and I don't like to take lunches because I have a lot of work to do. I do take 10minute breaks once to twice most days, so I guess I could try to bring something healthy to eat. I also go to college while I work full time. Often College takes up most if not my whole evenings 3-4 nights in class, not to mention homework/study.

I also don't drink much water. I did drink water only for a while (well, half a glass of fatfree milk at bedtime xD ). The problem was, I felt more dehydrated than usual for some reason. Or rather I felt like every time I drank I was still thirsty. Is that usual? Anyhow, my biggest hurdle here other than that is my love for milk. . .gosh, my mouth actually waters thinking about milk xD

I hate most vegetables. Partially because of taste and mostly because of texture. Brocolli has litterally made me sick multiple times because of it's texture, I'm just odd like that I guess. I like greenbeans okay with a little butter and I can stand carrots but I'm not sure how many meals I can make with just two veggies.

So lets get a summation, I have no energy. I'm overweight. I have very little time due to work/school. I have a hard time drinking just water. I hate vegetables. Ugh! Where do I start? I guess the hardest thing to figure out for me is the whole meal planning thing. How do I know how much to make, how do I know what I should make, how do I know what I should buy. It all seems overwhelming. I'm sorry I"m just a bit stressed out right now. I want to take a step in the right direction but I just don't know where to start.


  • sss1966
    sss1966 Posts: 110 Member
    You can do this, just do one small thing at a time, u don't want to be overwhelmed with it all. And your first step is, joining this site,
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    Hi there,
    ok, not to be negative, but you pretty much summed up all your issues in your post.
    You don't eat anywhere near enough over the day, but I suspect make up for it in one huge meal, you don't exercise, you don't drink water, you hate vegetables.
    You are an adult, find some recipes you can live with and cook your whole weeks food on the weekends.
    I make casseroles and grate heaps of veggies into it (my kids cant find or taste the veggies, so I'd be amazed if you could),
    freeze in individual portions.
    Have a protein shake and a yoghurt for breakfast if you don't eat then, have SOMETHING! Drink a big glass of water as soon as you wake up, take some boiled eggs to work with you, heat your lunch and eat it at your desk (I do it all the time)
    I am a mum to 4 kids, I get up at 5am, I go to the gym and smash it out for an hour, and I go some nights, I shovel a small bowl of oats or a protein shake into my face before I've got a chance to think about it, and I've got my lunch out of the freezer the night before, I grab it and run out the door by 7.15am in order to be at work at 8am.
    There are always ways of making this easier if you really want to be successful... its not about what you DONT like, its not about how much time you DONT have, its not about any of that.
    Its about YOU and how you can make this work for yourself.,
    Put a splash of diet cordial in your water, just to take the edge of it, and try and drink 2 litres a day, scour the internet for easy recipes, keep cup of soups in your desk drawer or in a tub (what I do) and set yourself up for SUCCESS.
    Good luck!