new member became very obese have to get bariatric surgery

:frown: I have always been at an appropriate weight all my life. 2 yrs ago I took over the role of caring for my Dad dying of cancer.
was in Hospice for about 4-5 months and always had a family member by his side. Never left alone. Me and my other sister took shifts she took the day shift and I would spend the nite in his room with him. I was very stressed out, anxious, eating at different times when ate didn't eat very healthy. He passed away 1 yr ago and during that time and after his passing I was gaining weight very quickly (sometimes I didn't even eat anything all day) I gained about 100lbs in 7 months. The extra weight made my knees lose the cartilage so I when I walked it was bone on bone and chronic pain. then pain went into my back. so exercise became impossible I could barely stand up after sitting I am so heavy. Went to ortho dr and first we decided to replace both my knees but I would still be overweight. the only other option was bariatric surgery.I am now on disability and have to have the surgery in Peoria. I started the process around January I have to go thru a lot of processes before the surgery so I won't get the surgery for another 6 months. so it takes about a year for me to get the surgery because of my insurance. I'm so embarrassed of myself I hate to go anywhere and my self esteem is at a all time low. does any one have any advice, have had this surgery or any other info.
Thank You


  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member

    1. Eating more food with fiber. Veggies are best for this.

    2. There are videos that can show you how to exercise even if you are sitting in a chair. Do those.

    3. Get more sleep

    4. I know two people that had the surgery. They lost a lot of weight. Then they put it all back on and then some. But, they still had to deal with all the complications of the surgery.
  • mandabee
    mandabee Posts: 1 Member
    First of all, I'm very sorry to hear about the passing of your dad.
    Please stop beating yourself up. You're here, and have began taking the steps towards a new, healthier you! The first steps are always the hardest to make.
    What type of bariatric surgery are you having? Bypass, Sleeve, Band?
    I've been through the process, so feel free to send me a private message, and I'd be happy to help answer any questions.
  • hollygparr
    hollygparr Posts: 243 Member
    Hey, dont beat yourself up! You're taking huge steps to get your life back! I've got mobility issues too so know how hard exercise can be, but, for me some of it was excuses. Now I do what I can when I feel able to, even if its sitting down exercises. This week I progressed to walking unaided for up to 40 mins. You CAN do this! Feel free to friend me!
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    You have made a fantastic first step coming on here. Don't be too hard on yourself, you have been through a lot.
    You have 6 months to wait for surgery? In six months you could actually get yourself to a point where you don't need it. Set yourself the challenge and see what happens. You will get lots of support on mfp :)
    Add some friends on here. Look at the 'success stories' page on the forum and you will be AMAZED at what people have overcome and the differences they have made to their health, weight, appearance and life! Take it easy. Slow and steady wins the race. It's not a 'diet', it's adopting subtle lifestyle changes which will turn into bigger changes which give you motivation to continue.
    You CAN do it, and you don't necessarily need to put yourself through surgery. Whatever you do, good luck :flowerforyou:
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I'm very sorry about your Dad passing away and all the pain and stress you've gone through.

    You might look at the macrobiotic diet if you can't exercise. This is a diet some people go on as a lifestyle, but a lot of very seriously ill people go on it for their health, too. My late husband's oncologist (cancer doctor) put him on it. My husband's cancer completely stopped while he was on the diet (and he was on no other treatment), but he hated the food and refused to stay on the diet long term. The point here is that he was also very overweight and dropped about 80 pounds over a year just from the diet -- your weight goes down to about whatever you weighed in high school. I also went on it with him for support and lost weight.

    On this diet, you eat no junk food, no processed food, no coffee, no alcohol. no meat (except you can have fish 1 or 2x a week), no dairy, and no acidic foods, which rules out citrus fruit (but you can eat berries, melon, and cooked apples and pears). The base of the diet is brown rice and beans, with steamed/sauteed/blanched vegetables and some homemade miso soups -- a lot of the recipes have Japanese roots. There is a lot more to it than that, but if you can't exercise you might look into this diet. Best of luck with improving your health.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Please don't feel embarrassed! It must have been very stressful and emotional dealing with your father's illness, yet you made sure he wasn't alone during his last months. You should be proud of yourself.

    You haven't been overweight for very long at all, and I've heard that that may make things easier. It's great that you're sorting it out now. Best of luck!
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Also, if you haven't seen this, it's well worth a watch.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Sorry for everything you have been going through. I would highly recommend you talk to a counselor or some other similar professional to get you the emotional support you need right now. Taking care of the body means taking care of the mind too. Best wishes.